Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 14, 2017


"As those who publish their storiesin nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in yourpossibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Arich latino saw that this black haired twenty years old white animal was onsale in his hometown and he bought him due that he was cheap, because his bodywas considered useless even to serve his betters as sexual toy. The latinonever asked how he was enslaved and he didn't care, even he didn't need otherslave, but for some reason he was sorry for him because he knew that the boydestiny was the mines or the mines or the organ banks, but the white slave hada good luck because his master put him to work in his vegetable garden insteadother slave that was stronger than him. The job that he has to perform is hard and he has not used to it at all yet,but at least he can keep himself clean and drink water when he wants, but to be naked is something very hardto him and he can't be used to be exposed like an animal. He was an accountantand he was working for a very important corporation and he had an excellent salary,beside that he was supporting slavery despite that his family was against itand that brought conflicts between him and his loves ones, but the situationwas worsening every day until he leaved his family and he decided to go to livealone, and he bought several slaves to serve him, but the slaves that he hadbought were first class meat and he had to paid a little fortune and how he still didnt have the money he had to askto the bank a loan to can pay them, but he thought that he had done anexcellent decision and the only thing that he had to do was work harder to paythe loan. One of his pleasures was enjoy their slaves in a sexual way and hedid where he can, in the garden of the house that he had bought as a symbol ofhis new social status or in any other place inside the house, and always he wasnaked as his slaves but the difference between him and his properties was thathe wasnt wearing the collar. Despite the differences that he had with hisfamily once in a while he met to eat with his family in a restaurant and heused to show his salves to his family, but always he kept them naked onlywearing the collar since the law allowed that the slaves were naked in publicplaces but this always bothered his parents and siblings although they neversaid anything to avoid a discussion. His life as a rich boys every day wasgetting better and he had more money, even he had changed his slaves several timesbecause very fast he was tired to see the same slaves' naked bodies and fuckedthem, and for those moment he could already paid the small fortune that he hadto pay for every slave without the need to ask for a loan. But one day after ahard work day he arrived to his home and as usual he ordered to one of hisyoung slaves to undress him, and once he was naked he began to fuck him in thewindow of the living room that faced the street with the curtains open andseveral neighbors that were walking on the street saw the young account fuckinghis slave. Several days passed after that carelessness and nothing happened,however now the accountant was more careful in what he was doing since hedidn't want that this situation happened again, because he had first beenashamed that his neighbors saw him naked taking up one of his white animals,and because he didn't want to have problems with them. But one afternoon whenhe was in his office working the Slave Police (SP) went into his offices andshouting ordered him to strip naked, as was expected the young accountantdemanded the SP officers that treated him with respect because he was a freecitizen, but one SP white agent pretending that was going to show him adocument approached him and slapped him so hard on the young accountant face that he threw him to the ground, and shoutingat him told to the wretched young man that he had one minute to undress if hedidnt want to be severely punished in public and as slave he didnt have rightsto demand anything to his betters, the shouting and the violence with which theSP was treating the young executive made all the employees who were near hisoffice were to see what was happening. And the accountant didnt have more choicebut to stand up and begin to undress, since it made no sense to discuss withthe SP officers and more when they had told him that he was already a slave butto his shame he had to do it in front of his co-workers, who astonished saw thefall and the humiliation of which until only a few moments ago had been their co-worker,also they saw how he was forced to wear the collar and his hands were cuffed onhis back, and naked the SP officers took him out from his office and led by achain attached to the collar and walking through the corridor where were theoffices of senior executives and took him by the elevator that people used tothe street, and there he was exhibited on the street while the transport thatalready had new enslaved several naked men and women arrived, and even the freepeople who passed by and especially the teenagers boys touched his buttocks, balls,breasts and nipples hurting him, even several teenagers dared to open thebuttocks to see his anus, which wasexposed to the sight of all the free citizens that were passing by. When thetruck that was going to transport the young accountant arrived with horror hesaw that the cages where the slaves were caged could be seen by the freecitizens and in each cage were two males and one female, one male was laying onhis back over the truck's floor with his feet touching the cage's bars, in themiddle was the female that was laying on his stomach and over her was alsolaying on his stomach the other male. The two males were fucking the femalesometimes the two enslaved cocks were fucking the female by her pussy, andother times the slave's cock that was on the bottom was inside the female'spussy and the slave's cock that was on the top was fucking the female by heranus, but the two males were being penetrated by their anuses by a thick dildo andthat made them grunt and the wretched slaves couldn't change position, and infront of the free people the funny look the young accountant was put into anempty cage, but as in that same block two more young teenager males one blondand the other black were enslaved, the new enslaved black boy by the SPcommander that was in charge of that agent groups instructions, put the nakedblack enslaved laying on his back over the cage's floor, then over the blackslave was put laying on his stomach over the black boys the naked accountant,and over the accountant laying on his stomach was put the naked blond teenagerboy, and then one of the SP agents began to jerk off the two teenage boys untiltheir cocks were hard and he put the both cocks inside accountant's small andvirginal hole and the scream of pain was heard by everyone that were there,while the free citizens were witnessing the slaves degradation they weremocking at the accountant that has just been deflowered, but after that the twoteenage boys were penetrated by the twodildos and also their screams of pain were heard making laugh the crowd thatwas around the transport to see that spectacle. The truck was on that placemotionless for a long time and the slaves' grunts of pain an pleasure that wereejaculating or being fucked could be heard very often, while they had to endurethe insults and names that the free citizens were shouting at them for theirshameless behavior about have sex in a public place. When the truck arrived to the Slave ProcessingCenter (SPC), the slaves were taken out from the cages and put apart bycategories, the A category was for those slaves hat were exceptionallyhandsome, the B category was for the good looking slaves with good bodies, thecategory C was for the slaves that wasnt handsome but had good bodies, thecategory D was for those slaves that didnt belong to the three firstcategories but they can be sold although they would be sold in a very cheapprice, and the Category E was those slaves that were considered rubbish andsacrificial, so when the turn of theyoung accountant arrived to be taken out of the cage was considered a D slavewhile with envy he saw that the slaves that had been his slaves were put in Acategory and with fear he saw how some slaves were put in the feared D categoryand then they were carried into the SPC by different doors according to theircategory, and with horror the former account saw how the slaves that were inthe E category received a electroshockin their brains and went to the floor, and they were dragged by naked slavesthat were younger than the slaves that had been with him in the cage. Howeverthe place where they were soon began to stink due to the newly arrived slaveswere filth with their own sweat because they had been exposed to the sun, thesemen that was impregnated in their bodies because they were constantlyejaculating and for the shit that was in some of the slaves' cocks that hadbeen fucking the females by their anuses, and the males for the fluids thatwere going out from their anuses due to the liquid that had been put into theirrectums by the dildos that had been penetrated them. The slaves immediatelywhere taken to the cleaning area and after their body hair was shaved were puton sale. The young accountant was bought by a millionaire latino who put him towork in his gardens, but while the slave is cooling his body little he knowsthat his master that night is going to exhibit hbim in front of his guest whilethey are dining, and he's going to be crucified and he is going to be allowedto sit in a tiny base while he's on the cross, but that tiny wooden base willhave a thick dildo that is going to penetrate him while he's seated, but alsohes is going to be ordered that cum as much as he can and the more semen hetakes out of his body will be better, and the guest are going to bet huge moneyquantities guessing how much semen the slaves will take out from his enslavedcock and balls and the winner will earn a little fortune, and the slave despitethat every time that the dildo goes into his body is going to be feeling a lotof pain he wont have more option but penetrate and fucking himselfconstantly to be able to ejaculate manytimes, and an overseer is going to be encourage him with a whip to force him topenetrate and fuck himself, although the slaves will have some rest periods,and now that hes a slave they young account is cursing the day that he decidedto support slavery, and the reason why he was enslaved is because a teenage boyput in internet a picture where the accountant was fucking his slave beside hisliving room window and despite that nobody complained with the authorities forthat, a judge that saw the picture accused him for indecent public exposure.

Next: Chapter 124: Pay Back Time 11

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