Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 21, 2017


"As those who publish their storiesin nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in yourpossibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The members of this sport clubare enjoying the slaves that the administration has just bought. All the slaveslost in The Millionaire Contest but not all of them were bought at the sametime, but they were put into service the same day even five of them weremembers of the club, but when they were chosen to represent their schools andlose they were enslaved. The place where the young members are enjoying theslaves ´ services was built in a sport club isolate area to avoid any complaintsfrom the parents about their under age children could see this kind of sexualactivity. All those that had been enslaved by The Millionaire Contest for theirambition to be rich in an easy way or because they were forced to representtheir schools, curse the day that The Millionaire Contest was created, but onthe other side of the coin are those that have enjoyed the benefits of have newslaves and they agree with that kind of contests. In this exclusive sport clubonly whites are accepted as a members, and although that they have slaves bothblacks and whites only the white slaves that are prime flesh class are used togive pleasure to the members. The white slaves had been chosen to give pleasureto the members because their cocks and balls was the same sizes than the whitemembers, and although that once the blacks also gave sexual pleasure they wereretired from that service, because their cocks and balls were much bigger thanthe whites and that did that the members only wanted be serviced by the whiteslaves, but if a member wants to be serviced by a black slave he only has torequest his services. Also the female slaves were sexually servicing to themembers, but that brought many problems because one of the club's rules to usethe slaves in a sexual way was that was forbidden wear condom and the membershad to cum into the slaves' bodies, but that made that the female slaves werepregnant and as the club wanted to have its own slaves, the animalsreproductions had brought many problems because it wasnt known if the pupsthat who were born were the members or the slaves children because the maleslaves also fucked the female slaves with breed purposes, so only the females givesexual pleasure to the members when they request that a female salve servesthem and they have to sign a document in which they accept that if the pup whois born seems to be the child of one of the members it must remember as slaveand the member wont cause problems. However the club decide take advantage tohaving breed farm, since all the members that wanted go to see the pups betrained and disciplined or even play and touch them they can do that paying andadditional fee, even they had opened a department where the female slavesovules and the male salves semen can be bought by the member that areinterested to acquire that product to have slaves that look alike to thoseslave that are servicing in the club. But all the slaves that give sexual pleasuredon`t last long in that service, since the club has to be offering fresh meatconstantly and those slaves once had finished their service life as pleasureslaves, they are sent to serve in the restaurant or even in other areas such asthe sadomasochist, and once they no longer have utility they are sold to secondclass brothels. These teenage white slave boys some of them dark brown hairedand others black haired are servicing for the first time to the young clubmembers, they lost in The Scholar Millionaire Contest in the sport events, theycompeted in different disciplines such as swimming, gymnastic, fencing betweenothers sports, and when they were stripped and put on sale in the TV livetransmission the purchase order were awesome, so each slave cost to the club alittle fortune and as to be expected themember will end up paying. When the students knew that they were going tocompete in The Scholar Millionaire Contest, they prepared themselvesconsciously in order to win, and being the best of their schools and in theirown disciplines they thought they would win, and despite that they knew thatthey were going to compete with the best boys of their specialty they knew thatthey had great chances to win, although when they realized that they had lostand they began to strip in front of the TV cameras and the public that was there, thedesperation and sadness invaded them and many of them even began to cry, butthe worst was yet to come because they were forced to jerk off, show theiranuses putting apart their buttocks so the viewers could see them, but theworst was when they were forced to suck the cocks of the other slaves and evenrimming and every time that they refused to do so they were severely punished,so for them was a great relieve when they were bought by the sport club,because they thought that they were going to train the club members and theywere going to be allowed to cover their nakedness, without knowing that theywere going to be used as sex slaves andas studs, and may be if they are lucky enough instead to be sold to a secondclass brothel, they stay as instructorsin the sport club although all the time they have to be naked.

Next: Chapter 127: El Concurso Millonario 11

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