Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 11, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The black haired twenty two yearsold slave boy has just finished thehouse cores ordered by his master and he's nervous because he knows that he hasan explosive temper and anything makes him explode, and he's mentally checkingif all that he did was done as he likes. The boy that until few days ago used tobe his lover now is his master and his former house now belongs to him, and hismaster put cameras everywhere to overseer him and if he does something thatmight displeased him, then when he's back home will punish him harshly. Theslave is recriminating himself to have been so stupid to follow his formerlover ´s advice to be a participant in The Millionaire Contest, because insteadto be rich and give orders is he who receives them and he doesn ´t have anypossession and his master always keeps him naked, and to make the things worstfor him, he's not used yet to wear the collar and he has to wait for his masterarrival knelt and looking at widow, and he knows that in that moment his masteris exhibiting him to his workmates. But what hurts him more is that he knowsthat his master will take home his new lover to have dinner, the boy that nowhas taken his place and he'll have to serve. Until that moment he has not beenexhibited in public and only his master's friends and those that once were hisown friends that have gone to his former hose has seen him naked and humiliatedserving his master and them, even his parents and siblings already saw himnaked and wearing the collar but what hurt him more was the contempt which theytreated him and the merciless way they humiliated him. His now master had askedhim to register in The Millionaire Contest in the event in which would bedecided the man that had the most beautiful buttocks of the city, and his loverand other friend always had told him that he had a beautiful butt and despitethat he didnt want register he ended up doing it thinking that he had a goodchance to win, but his big mistake was not have asked someone else about whatthey thought about his butt and he followed his friends and lover advice. Whathe didnt knew was that in reality his lover didnt love him and he only waswith him because his family was wealthy and his father had given him a smallbut beautiful house in a very exclusive suburb, and that his lover was fuckingother boy that also was rich and once he had enslaved him he was going to dothe same with his new lover than he did with him. Now every time that he thinksin The Millionaire Contest he sees with horror how stupid he was, because eachimagen of his degradation and fall down moment is perfectly recorded in hismemory, and still he clearly can see how the event host show them the ordersigned by a judge where all the participants had been enslaved to be naked infront of the public, and how also he told them that only the winner wouldreceive back his freedom but he wouldnt receive the monetary compensationbecause he had been exhibited naked in public despite that he was a free manbecause the contest consisted to be naked. He still remembers the shame andhumiliation that he felt when he had to strip in front of the TV cameras andthe audience that was on the auditorium, and he still is recriminating tohimself too have been so foolish to believe what his former lover and nowmaster had told him about that only his bare buttocks would be exhibited inpublic and never would be seen other part of his naked body, and only thepeople would know that had been his buttocks when dressed he went to receivehis prize. However the event not only was about who had the most beautiful butt,if not also decide who has the biggest cock, the biggest glans, and thesmallest and thigh anus, and for his horror and humiliation he had to show toall the spectators the most intimate parts of his body while hislover was making fun of him. For his good luck if you can say so his familydidnt see that Millionaire Contest because they considered it a vulgarity, soat least they didnt see his degradation, but he still remembers how he wasbrutally pushed by one of the Slave Police (SP) officers when he waseliminated, falling to the ground and making that his balls were crushed by hisbody on the floor, and by the paralyzing pain he felt his anus was exposed tothe audience and the taunts and mocks were heard in the place while they madefun of him. But may be the most humiliating moment in his slavery was when his youngerbrother asked his master permission to fuck him and how his master agreed, andhave to suck his former brother's cock, rimming him, kiss him, lick his ballsand allow him to put his dick into his body by his anus and had to lick fromhis hand the cum that was going out from his hole, is something that has notbeen able to recover, but he still has one more surprise in his wretched life andthat's when he sees that his master new lover is his former brother, and willbe his own brother who is going to take him out to walk naked in theneighborhood so all the neighbors can see him naked, humiliated and being takenby the lash that is attached to his collar as if he were an animal, and his ownbrother will treated him even more brutally than even his own masters until hejoins him as his fellow slave both servicing the man that once was their lover.Beside the two brothers are going to be exhibited naked in public as exoticanimals and forced to have sex between them in front of their master's friendsand new lover, and also they'll have sex in public places since the slaves wereallowed to have sex in public if their masters wanted because they weren`tconsidered humans been but animals without consciousness.

Next: Chapter 140: Victimas 12

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