Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 20, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thistropical country was the last one to establish the slavery in their penalsystem due that it was forced to do it since the others countries already hadslaves, and their production cost were much lower and their products cheaperand they didn ´t have any chance to compete with them.

Despitethat the president was black, the congress was controlled by the whites and thejudicial power was divided between blacks and whites, but when the decision wastaken that the slavery was a way to punish all those that weren ´t good citizensthey had a lot of doubts that the law was applied impartially, since theybelieve if a black citizen was in front a black judge then the black judgewasn ´t going to enforce the law with all his power over that accused, but ifthe accused was a white citizen then he would do it and vice versa.

Theyhad several discussions over that since what everybody wanted to have was ajudicial system that was fair and efficient.

Theblacks and whites in that country lived in equal conditions therefore therewasn ´t complains about one race was more favored than the other, but what wastrue was the whites preferred help the whites, and the blacks to their peopleand this was the fear that everybody had, that the judicial system might havefavoritism in a given moment.

Sofor several months before the slavery was established, they were consultingwith expert such as sociologies, psychologist, lawyers and judges to see howthat problem could be solved but nobody gave a real solution, until a foreignstudent proposed something that solved the problem and the slavery wasestablished ensuring that all was going to work as it should be.

Soeach time that a white or black citizen that had committed from andadministrative fault until a serious felony, he had to face a trial with ajudge that didn ´t belong to his race, furthermore was approved that all thosecitizens that for any reason were enslaved, they had to be sent to the TrainingCenters (TC) that were administrated by people that didn ´t belong to theirrace, so if the blacks were sent to one TC it should be to a center that wasadminister by whites, and if the whites were sent to a TC it should be administerby the blacks, furthermore that without exception all the citizens that wereenslaved lost their human rights and their owners can treat them as theywanted, and like they weren ´t citizen anymore they couldn ´t go to theauthorities to complain, so if a slave wanted to be heard by any authority hehad to be represented by a free citizen.

TheSlaves TC were closed places where the new enslaved were sent to be trainedmental and physically as well to can face their new lives, even many slavesmasters sent their slaves there when they considered that their attitude weren'tthe correct ones, and were centers with a very cruel discipline, where allthose that were taken there had reasons to shiver by fear, but those that weretrembling by the fear when they were taken there were the slaves that alreadyhad been in that place, because the new enslaved that for the first time wentinto one of the TC didn ´t have any idea about what was waiting them there,because those places were closed to the common citizens and they hadn ´t access,they only speculated about how theytrained the slave in the TCs and how they looked like inside.

Soone Sunday one TC administered by blacks and where the white slaves weretrained, opened its doors so all the free citizen could see part of the slavestraining and specially the families all those that had been enslaved.

On that day the TC had ten white slaves, fourof them where in the final part of their training and soon they would be sent tothe auction centers to be sold, other three were in the middle part of theirtraining, and two more had been admitted in the TC the day before and one morehad been bought by the center and he was serving there.

Theslaves had been taken to the area where the free citizens were received andwhere they were attended by the TC employees and that area was forbidden forthe slaves only they could be there if they had a special authorization, andthey were in a yard full of trees, flowers and plants, although also was aconcrete construction with a roof with a concrete floor that was beautiful andon the sides and back ground was the exuberant yard.

Whenthe free people went into the place, they were taken to the concreteconstruction and the slaves already were there, so the visitors could sit onchairs that had been put there so they could be comfortable, and the familiesof the slaves that were there were taken to special places where they couldlook at at those that once had been their relatives closely and how was theirnew behavior, meanwhile the slave that was servicing in the TC was allowed towear a green mankini, that wasn ´tanything else that a g-string underwear that leaved exposed the buttocks but itcovered the cock and balls, but the difference with the g -- string was thatinstead to adjust to the body by the slave ´s waist, it had a strip that went upby his back and when it arrived to the neck the strip divided to go around theneck by both sides, and when it arrived to the front again it was joined in onestrip until it arrived where the loin cloth was covering his cock and ballsthat clearly were delineated on the material, leaving uncovered the torso,nipples and the shaved groins, after the strip went into the ass crack to go out on the back bythe buttocks and go up.

Theslave wasn ´t completely naked as was expected because he was offering snacksand beverages, the slave was a twenty two years old light brown haired malethat in those moments was in the garden that was in front of the visitors, andhe was beyond the area where the slaves were being exhibited, since he wasgoing for more beverage and snacks, but he felt very humiliated because betweenthe visitors was his former family, and what must had hurt him was saw hislittle brother disdain face when he saw him almost naked and servicing and evenhad to endure that all the visitors touched his buttocks, ball and cock in alewd way without he could do anything to stop them, due that before he wasenslaved he was his little brother hero.

Thefour slaves that just had finished their training and were ready to be sent tothe auction center to be put on sale were on the audience left side, the four slaves were twenty years old butthey were muscled due that they had been sport boys, they were seated on theirlegs in a semicircle with their torsos bend forwards, in front of them stoodbetween the now considered white animals with his hands extended to his sideswas their black trainer that only was wearing a loin cloth and everybody could seehis impressive muscles, even many of the visitors were astonished to see a freecitizen exhibiting himself in such impudence way, but they were told that hehad to be almost naked due to the training and discipline program that theslaves had to go through, although wasn ´t explained what consisted the program.

Thelight brown haired slaves' buttocks were pointing out to the audience, but whatthe visitors kept surprised was that the slaves all the time were motionless,even the visitors and the slaves' formerrelatives included had been invited to touch any part of the slaves bodies, andif they detected any movement for insignificant that this might be they had totell their trainer so they can be punished in front of them, and as wasexpected all the visitor took advantageof the invitation to touch the four naked helpless bodies, even those that oncewere their relatives dared to do what the other visitors didn ´t do, and it wasput their gloved fingers into the slaves bodies by their anuses searching for their prostratesto stimulate them, however any of the slaves dared to move or even to have asmall movement when their bodies were assaulted by the visitors and thestimulation, because they knew if they didn ´t do as they were told, they wouldbe harshly punished, and even many of their former relatives said that theywere ashamed to once had been relatives of the slaves, because now they evendidn ´t have enough courage to defend their dignity although they had to bepunished, while the black trainer with a smile on his face although he didn ´t movesaw how his white trained animals did what they were told despite thehumiliation they were going through.

Onthe audience right side were three slaves that were in training yet and stillthey had to go through hours of discipline and obedience to can be sent to oneof the auction centers and be sold, when the visitors arrived several teenagefree boys were asked if they wanted to be part of the slaves' demonstration,but despite that they were curios any of them accepted the invitation due thatthey were frightened about their parents be mad at them because they had beenpart of the slaves events. Then the TC chose the slave that had the trainers'best comments to take the free boy's place.

Thethree white slaves were eighteen years old and two of them were wearing a redhandkerchief on their necks indicating that they had the lower rank, and thedark brown haired white naked slave that was wearing the red handkerchief onhis neck was seated on the floor with his back leaned on other of the concretecolumns, the other naked slave that also was wearing on his neck the redhandkerchief had assumed the full fours position and was facing his fellow slave that wasseated, and the third naked red haired slave that was replacing the free boyand that was stood with one of his hand leaned on the column, he was stood withhis legs opened and between his legs wasthe body of the slave that was seated, and behind him was the slaves that wason full fours, he was looking at the slave that was seated and who was suckinghis cock, while the slave that was behind him was sucking the cock of the slavethat was seated.

Thevisitors couldn ´t believe what they were looking at, even the three slaves'relatives wanted to leave for the shamethat they were feeling when they were looking at those that once had been theirsons, brothers, cousins and even best friends do something so repugnant inpublic, many of the free boys regret didn ´t have accepted the offer toparticipate in the event, but they knew that their parents never would hadaccepted that they did something like that in public, since everyone acceptedthat a boy had sex whit a male slave since the slave wasn't considered as ahuman been, but if someone wanted to use a slave in such intimate way it had tobe done in private.

Theslave that was on his feet had been allowed to cum all the times that hewanted, but although that after the first ejaculation his cock head was verysensitive he couldn ´t take it out, and he would have to endure that the slavethat was seated sucked his cock until they were told to stop.

Theslave that was seated and who also the slave that was in full fours was suckinghis cock , was ordered that each time that the slave who he was sucking hiscock ejaculated he had to turn his face to the visitors and opened his mouth soeveryone could see the cum that was in his mouth , and after that he had toswallow it in front of the visitors and then he had to keep sucking his fellowslave's cock, however he had prohibited cum and if he did that he'd be severelypunished, and that was his punishment because that morning before they were cleanedand fed, he didn ´t released that a black overseer had went into the place theywere and he looked at him to his eyes for one instant, thing that they had forbidden, so now he had a very hardsituation to be able to control his body.

Andfor the slave that was on full fours, the only thing that he had to do was suckhis fellow slave's cock, knowing that he couldn ´t touch his own cock or anyother part of his body, and it was an order that didn't imply any control ofhis body, only the humiliation to be seen by his relatives to do a degradingthing in public, but now as the others he was a slave and he had to obey allthe orders that his betters gave him without questioning anything.

Thelast two naked slaves that had been taken to the center the day before were inthe middle and under three advertisement, the first one with letters said " SERVE,OBEY, WORSHIP", the second one said "TRAINING" and it had the drawing of awhite stood with his torso bending forwards, being fucked by a black overseer,while other naked black overseer had in his hand the leash that was attached tohis collar and was waiting his turn to fuck the white slave, the thirdadvertisement said "NO CLOTHING ALLOWED FOR THE WHITE ANIMALS OF ANY AGE ANDGENDER", and it has a draw with a naked man and woman holding hands.

Asthe other slaves they were naked, but inthis time despite that this two slave had just arrived to the TC they wanted toshow to the visitor the strict discipline that ruled the slaves` lives on thatplace, and the first twenty years old black haired male slave was tied by hisfeet and hands to a St. Andrew cross, and he was giving his back to thevisitors including their relatives and friends, and his naked body could be seenas the other slaves without any restriction by the visitors, and a black trainer was whipping his back while the otherslaves were doing what they have been told, and the visitor were touching thefour slaves bodies that were ready to be sold.

Atthe beginning the slave when he felt the first slash on his back he justtighten his teeth and he didn ´t made any noise, even he did the same with thesecond, but when he felt the third he screamed in pain and when they were inthe fifth he was crying openly like a baby and he moved his body violently andhe was begging to the trainer to stop and don ´t hurt him anymore, however theblack trainer kept lashing him without put attention to the slave's begs.

Thelast eighteen years old light brown haired white slave male, was laying on thefloor on his left side, he was wearing leather anklets and wristbands, and the collar that identify him asslave, the anklets and the wrist bands as well were hooked and he couldn ´t put apart his feet and hands,and the wrist band were hooked to the back side of his collar therefore his hairless armpits wereexposed, and like his legs were foldedbecause the trainer had told him to keep them on that position his anus, ballsand cock were exposed and everyone there could see them since the trainer hadput his genitals behind his legs, and the slave was sobbing quietly because heknew that after the trainer finished to whip the other slaves would be his turnto be whipped , and his was lying on the right side nearby of the slaves thatwere sucking their cocks but the column put them apart.

TheTC administrator and owner was behind the trainer that was wearing only theloin cloth and he was wearing a blue suit, and he was explaining to the peoplethat the slaves that had been delivered the day before were being whipped, duethat was necessary that they understood that their lives had changed foreverand now all depended on what their masters or betters wanted and wished, andonly with physical pain that instruction would be permanently present in theslaves' minds, and even at the end of the session the teenage boys that hadgone to the TE were allowed to fuck the slaves in a private place.

Next: Chapter 177: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 15

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