Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 26, 2017


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Alexwas naked inside the swim coach's office due that while he was training he hada fight with two boys younger than him but they were the best swimmers in theircategory.

Alexwas a very good swimmer but he wasn't considered between the best, so only hecould participate in the competition in his category when one of the stars forany reason couldn't go.

Alexwasn't happy when the coach told him to wait for him in his office naked, but heknew that was better obey him because he was a very strict man and anydefiance it was punished in a very hardway, and was well know that he was part of the Slave Police (SP) force and oneof their duties was keep the slaves under control, and was well known that theyused brutal methods against them, he had heard from his friend but never he hadseen that the coach had applied some of the methods that were used on the slaveto control some of the school students, so against his will he took off hisspeedo and sat on the sofa to wait for the coach but it took long time beforehe arrived to his office.

Alexwas very upset because since his exclusive school for white students had begunto allow that black students were studying there as a program of coexistingbetween the blacks and the whites, the white students couldnt talk with derogatorywords to the black students as they used to do in his school when still theblack boys hadnt be accepted, however the black students were facing the samesituation because they couldn`t use depictive words when they were talkingabout the white boys as they used to do when they were in their black studentsschool.

Butlike the black students had arrived to a whites school they were much morecareful in the way that they referred to the whites, however always had been confrontationsbut generally they were more provoked by the white students than by the blacks.

WhileAlex was naked seated waiting for the coach, every minute that passed by wasmore upset because he couldn't understand the reason why a black professor hadto give him orders if he was in a school for white students, and above all thathe would ordered him to wait for him naked and even he thought about put on hisspeedos and go to the locker room to get dressed and come back, but he didn`tdare to do it remembering the comments that his white schoolmates had made inthe way that the coach treated the unruly students, considering that he was aSP member and those students that dared to disobeyed him without mattering ifthey were whites or black had to pay the price of their audacity.

So hetook the decision to wait for him naked but he had decided that he wasn`t leavethe things as they were, because as soon as he arrived to his home he was goingto tell his father about what the coach had done, and like his father was amember of the parents director board he knew that as soon as his fatherprotested he was going to put in serious troubles the cocky coach, beside thatAlex was waiting that with the complain the school authorities were going towithdraw the support that until that moment the Scholl authorities had given tothe coach because since his point of view was unjustified and excessive.

Whenthe coach arrived to his office two SP agents were with him, and he asked the eighteenyears old blond boy that his torso and arms were smooth, and his pubes weretrimmed and almost were smooth as well, and his sex organs that wereshamelessly exposed, because he had kept his legs opened leaving to everyonesight his balls and cock and his almost smooth legs and was looking at himdefiantly, the reason why he had had a fight with the two younger students, insteadto answered in a reasonable way, rudely the blond boy told him that thissituation wasn`t his business because he was in his school that was for whitestudents, and they as white students could do what they wanted.

Theblack coach looked at the handsome naked white student body and especially to his cockand balls, and for himself he thought that he had a big cock for a white boy ofhis age, and despite that he wasnt circumcised and the glans was completedcovered by his cock's tip excess skin considering that his virile organ wasflaccid, the prepuce was pleasant to the sight and his balls despite thathadnt an impressive size and compared with his cock's size were small, theyhung nicely in the lower part of his scrotum being perfectly delineated in theskin of the scrotal sack despite that he was seated, the white boy when he sawthe way that the black coach was looking at him he felt very uncomfortable, andimmediately closed his legs in an attempt to cover as best he could hisnakedness.

Thecouch took out some papers wrote something and signed them, and he only said toAlex that he had been enslaved for the fight that he had with the two blackboys that were younger than him, because they had complained with the justiceman that was assigned in their school and had been issued an enslavement order.

Alexwanted to protest and he stood up and tried to go out of the office, but immediatelyhe was brutally submitted by the SP agents and he was dragged naked through theschool so every student boys and girls could see him, but the handsome eighteenyears old blond boy humiliation didn`t stop there, because the coach as an SPagent ordered that the new slave was tied up in a pole inside the schoolcompound, and he allowed that all the boys and girls without mattering theirskin color could touch the newly enslaved student naked body, and they werefree to touch any part of his body, and as was expected most of the boys andgirls touched his balls, cock, buttocks, anus and nipples and even some of themust dared fingered his hole and then Alex was forced to clean their fingerswith his mouth, and that made that the wretched slave had retched and he wantedto throw up, but the coach now as SP representative warned the slave if hethrow up he was going to be punished infront of his former schoolmates and even some of them would be allowed to punishhim, beside he would have to beg eachblack student even those that already had touched his naked body to come closeto him to ask them for forgiveness for his shameful behavior, and he would haveto beg to every one of them that gave him a hard spanking on each buttock , andthe two boys he had the fight with gave him ten spankings, and at the end thewretched Alex ended up crying and begging to his black two young betters to nothurt him anymore, while the white students mockeries where heard and thecontempt for boy that only few minutes ago had been their equal and that manyof them had admired was notorious.

Andthen he was put into the slave transport where still he suffered more humiliations, but for his good luck thosethat had been his schoolmates didn`t see it since when he was secured insidethe transport to avoid that he could move during the transfer, he was so closeto the slave that was in front of him that his cock was buried inside theslave's ass crack, the coach put a stainless bar that kept Alex in touch withthe other slave's body and while the transport was heading to the SlaveProcessing Center the trucks movements were masturbating Alex's cock and he cuminside the ass crack of the slave that was in front of him, and crying Alexapologized with his misfortune companion while the other slave was insulting him and telling him that he wasqueer, and the next weekend he was sold on auction.

NowAlex is the slave of the two boys that he fought with because they werebrothers and their father bought him, and very often he's taken to his formerschool to serve his master's friends on the way that they consider suitable forthem, and in the school almost all day long his two body holes are full withcocks , and his ass hole almost always islicking cum for the delight of his betters and for his humiliation and shame,but for Alex the sad things is that his hole served to unite both black andwhite students, and they were friends since many times even at the same timetwo cocks one white and one black were buried in his hole while Alex isscreaming in pain, and their owners enjoy those moments and from his hole bothwhite and black semen licked mixed.

And Alexfoolishness about didn`t want to be friend of the black boys made that he endedup as slave, while his former white friends now are friends of the black boysand as slave they mistreat Alex.

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Next: Chapter 184: Hora De Cobrarselas 16

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