Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 4, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to findgrammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have triedto write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding


WhenTommy's family went back to the farm that once had been their property byTommy's master invitation, they discovered more aspects of the boy's life thatonce had been their son.

Theycould see the videos where the slave was sexually used by the other slaves andeven by his master's sons' friends, sons and his own master, even his mothercould see them because she insisted to see the videos.

Theyoung slave screams of pain and begs after had been brutally submitted by thosewhite slaves stronger than him, by the blows that he had received and to knowthat he was going to be brutally raped no for one if not for several slaves,only made that his brothers and father were sexually excited witnessing theformer family member degradation, while the mother's contempt towards his former son for theinability to defend himself was bigger every time that he heard his son`s begsabout they leave him alone, and the mocks and the malevolent smiles of thosethat were going to rape him, and the lamentable state in which the slaveremained after had been raped for all those white slaves that had used him.

Thenthe slave's brothers and father asked his master if they could use the slave'sbody in a sexual way.

Tommy'smaster was surprised when he heard the family request since he never imaginedthat they wanted used in such humiliating way one of their family members, butsmiling accepted to their request because he knew that this would be other wayto humiliated the hated white race and above all the man that once had been hismaster and his hated family, but what the family didn`t know is that the manthat once had been their salves had thought in take advantage of that situationto humiliated the family that once had humiliated him having them enslaved.

Tommybest known as Dumb could not believe that his own family had turned their backsto him and they had abused him on the way they had done that day.

Hisday had begun very early that day when his master sent him to check that thecattle where already grazing, he put his back on the fence and he closed hiseyes and silently he began to cry because he couldn't believe that his familynot only had not wanted to help him tobe free, but have turned their backs to him and had said that he was an animalthat deserved to be where he was because he had allowed to be treated like that,without they knowing which was the slave hard reality.

Theycouldnt understand that a slave didnt have the freedom to take any decisionabout his life and that all was decided by his master, and if he dared tochallenge what his master wanted then he was brutally punished and the pain was so unbearable that wasbetter be humiliated that had to endure again that intense pain, even hecouldn`t understand why his mother had been so cruel with him when she madethose hurting comments about his servitude and nakedness, but he knew that ifhe wanted to have another chance to be free again, he would have to challengehis master and talk with his father and beg him to help him, even he had thoughto talk with his brothers but after hear what the brother that had born afterhim had said about his nakedness and that he was an animal, he knew that wasbetter talk with his father and he only hoped that he had other opportunity todo that.

Buthis crying and thoughts were interrupted when he heard voices and he saw comingwhere he was his father and brothers and with them one of the must slavesfeared overseer, since he was on charge to give to each coffle the work thatthey had to perform as well as the punishment that each slave and coffle had toface, if they had displeased the black overseer that was on charge of thewretched naked white slaves.

Dumbdidnt know what to do if be happy because he was going to have the opportunityto talk with his father or be afraid because with them came that black beastthat without mercy punished the helpless white slaves, who when they saw himthey turned pale only to think that they might be punished in the must crueland painful way only for the black overseers whim, since without matter how hardthe white slaves had worked never was enough for the black overseer because ifhe said that a slave didnt work as he wanted, then all the coffle where theslave belonged was punished and after the slave that had committed the offencewas punished again.

Butthe overseer that was with his family was the one that decided the punishment,and even he had seen how he had dragged by the hair the wretched naked whiteslave that had dared to beg him not to punish him because he had doneeverything possible to work as the overseer wanted, but said that brought tothe slave a worst punishment because when he said that, the slave was sayingthat the black overseer was a liar and that wasn`t tolerated by the blackmasters.

Whenthe black overseer arrived together with his family Dumb didn`t have moreoption but prostate on the floor and perform the "SALAM", this was the way thatwas called the salute to the master and betters, and it consisted that theslave had to be in full fours and first he had to kiss to the black superioreach feet and then kiss the cock and balls that were inside the trousers, andafter if the black master took out his cock the slaves had to suck it and lickand put into his mouth the balls until his better cum or ordered the slave tostop, and this also had to be done with his other white betters.

Thebrothers and father couldnt believe the level of degradation where theirformer family member had fallen, and they enjoyed the slave humiliation when heleaved exposed to the sight of everyone that was there in a shameless way, hishole as well as his hanging balls and cock that were swaying freely between hislegs, so the black master took out his cock in a shameless way in front of thefree white family members, considering that for him all whites were animals andhe didnt have a reason to feel ashamed to be naked in front of them, becausedoesn`t matter that they were free for him they were inferiors.

WhileTommy was performing the "SALAM" to each member of that once had been hisfamily, the other family members that hadn`t been greeted, were touching hismust intimate parts and even he was masturbated and fucked, without knowingthat they were being recorded by Tommy's master sons friends whom were mockingabout the shameless whites that were fucking a white animal that used to be amember of their family.

WhileTommy was fucked and was giving pleasure to his family both anally and orallywith tears in his face for the humiliation and anger, he again was living thenightmare that he had to go through all nights on that morning.

Tommydidn`t know how long he had to serve his family but he had to give them oralsex and endure be fucked several times until they were tired to humiliate himand enjoy his body.

Whenall was over Tommy already knew that he was alone in the world and he wasn'tgoing to be rescue, but he had a little hope yet considering that he had beenwrong thinking that his father never was going to come back to rescue him sonow he was hopping that he changed his mind.

Thenhe heard his brother that had born after him voice reproaching him about hisshameless and submissive behavior about had allowed that the other members ofhis former family saw him naked, kissing feet, balls and cocks beside that hehad allowed to be fucked, so Tommy closed his eyes again and he tried to forgetall that had happened until that moment but he knew that this was going to beimpossible, so watching at his brother in a defiant way he told him that ifthey had had the decency about dont touch him that unchaste way, and they werent so morbid to see him nakedand have fucked him considering that as slave he didn`t have more option but dowhat his master order him that never would happen, and if he was naked in frontof them was because he had not option.

Thenhis brother told him that his father was very impressed with his cock size and he was evaluating the possibility to buyhis cum to breed the females slaves that they had and sale the pups and makemoney, then Tommy was wondering what else could be wrong and why his familyhated him so much that even his parents wanted to sale their grandchildren asslaves.

Next: Chapter 186: El Concurso Millonario 16

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