Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 4, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This participant in The ScholarMillionaire Contest is giving all the last strengths that he has in his body tokeep him hanged with his hands grasped to the pole.

His feet are five meters high fromthe floor, although all the participants are wearing leather wrists, because onthem are attached chains that are hooked to the pole due that in case that theparticipant can't keep his hands on the pole and let them go, he falls downtwenty centimeters and avoid that he crashes into the floor or he could hurthis shoulders.

This is the final event thereforeall those that louse will be enslaved and the winner will receive the house andthe money.

On this event all theparticipants are almost naked they are only wearing a loin cloth, so the TVaudience and the spectators can have a good look of their bodies so they canmake their bidding on the auction time.

This participant is one of thelast that left and he has a real possibilities to win, but however he'ssuffering a lot and he ´s using the last strengths that he has to keep himhanging and win and avoid be enslaved as well, right now the TV audience andthe spectators have increased their bets for their favorite because only threeare on the contest yet, what now left is wait to see if this participant winsor is enslaved.

This twenty years old blackhaired white contender with an impressive physic knows that he has no optionbut endure, if he doesn`t want end up his day as a naked animal sexuallyservicing to other man immersed in a word of humiliation and pain, beside to beexhibited in public and end up working as a mere burden beast without anyright.

What is not clear for him yet ishow he ended up participating in "The Scholar Millionaire Contest", since hewas a member of the swimming and wrestling teams and he was the best in the twospecialties, and his two coaches had told him that he had nothing to worryabout participating in the millionaire contest because he never was going to bechosen.

What was true was that he wasn`tthe best student but his grades were pretty good, beside that he had impressedhis teachers in Slavery 1 and 2 due in the brutal way that he treated theslaves, and as event the must rebellious slaves had ended up bending before himdue to the pain that he caused them and the brutal methods that he used tobreak their spirits and turn them obedient and docile animals, even he wascertain upon finishing his studies he would become an entrepreneuradministrating his own slaves breed farm and a slave training school, andaccording his calculations that would convert him in a rich and respectedbusinessman.

One of his main virtues was havebrutally dominated the inferior beings, exhibited them naked and fuck themcausing them as much pain and humiliation as possible, although nobody knew aperfectly guarded secret that he had been several times raped by his schoolbest wrestler before he graduated and went to live somewhere else, and he wastrusting that the wrestler had kept the secret since always he had boasted tobe a dominant boy, that since he could defend himself had dominated all thosethat were stronger than him.

But now that he was in that excruciatingsuffering trying to keep hold on without let it go to avoid be enslaved, he wasliving in his mind all those moments of anguish and pain while he waspenetrated by that wrestler that had abused physical and sexually of him, butat least on that time he knew that when that student leave the school he wouldnot be bothered anymore, but if he loses in The Scholar Millionaire Contest alwayshe would be a slave and he would have to serve his betters and he hated befucked due to his past traumatic experience, and what he wanted was dominateand fuck the others in special the slaves and those that were weaker than him.

In his desperately attempt tostop feeling pain in his arms although it was for some seconds he had beenshaking his body, and that had made that his circumcised cock and balls arevisible to others and that had increased the number of spectators interested tobuy him, but of course he is not willing to lose the most important battle ofhis life, because if he wins then he wouldn`t longer be worried about anythingand he could put the business of his dreams and those moment of pain andanguish would be forgotten.

But what he doesn`t know is thatthe wrestler that was constantly raping him in his school is the responsibleone that he's in "The Scholar Millionaire Contest", because he let the fatherof this unfortunate contestant know what he had done with him, and the fatherwhen he saw that the family name had been dishonored decided to register his soninto The Millionaire Contest".

So now the wrestler that enjoyedby the force the body of the wretched student is hoping that he loses to makethe final bid and have again in his hands the boy that he raped as his slave,and with that revive again those so pleasant moments when he reaped the weakerstudent and could see the face of anguish, pain and supplication of themisfortunate boy that was helpless before his strength.

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But even so for both thecontenders and for the wrestler that is hopping have back in his hands the boythat he sexually enslaved although he was a free boy, those last minutes wherethe fate will decide who is the winnerand whose will ended up being enslaved are going to be eternal, and only theshort time left will decide if the unfortunate student becomes a millionaireand makes his dreams come true, or he returns to the clutches of his torturerand rapist as his slave, so that thenightmare that he already thought forgotten he would have to live it again.

Next: Chapter 188: Victims 16

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