Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 17, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These two wild males are enjoyinga moment of peace and tranquility after they have done their responsibilitiesto feed the pups that are under their care, and now the little savages aresleeping hidden in a place where they couldn ´t be easily seen by the blackguards that always are trying to capture the wild whiteys.

These two young wild whiteys areanxious to drink the breast milk that the herd's females produce directly fromtheir nipples so they can fortify their immunological system, but they ´ll haveto wait that they can produce more because the pups drank all, so what they'redoing is giving each other much of the proteins that their bodies need and thatonly the males can produce.

The herd is organized on such waythat some males that were selected proportionate the proteins to the females,others to the pups, and others to the other males.

Proportionate the proteins issomething very pleasurable for the males because their semen is the fountain ofthe proteins, although the problem is that the production is very limited.

However for the "hunters" that isthe way that the wild whiteys call the black guards that always are looking forcapture to enslave them, the best moment to capture the white animals isprecisely when they are giving each other the proteins that they need, becausethe pleasure to be sucked by other male and even by a female makes that theyput they guard down and not being attentive about what is going on around them.

Also another good time is whenthe males are fucking each other or when they are breeding a female.

However despite that each day agreat amount of naked wild whiteys are captured the birth of these wild animalsis so numerous, that the slaves supply that serve the black masters never ends.

The naked white wild young maleanimals are conscious about the danger to be captured by the hunters, and eventhese two young males that now are far from the herd are having a moment ofpeace and tranquility, where one is sucking the cock of his partner to get theprecious semen that he produces hot and directly from his body, and for themoment they're attentive about what is going on around them and ready to run incase to be necessary and hide among the weeds if they feel that they're indanger to be caught by the hunters.

The young light brown haired malethat is standing and his cock is being sucked is looking around and listeningintently, in case that he hears something runs out and with that tells hispartner to do the same, but the time will come when the two wild young nakedmale animals will be in a very vulnerable situation, and is when the younganimal that is being sucked reaches the orgasm and he begins to cum, and theyoung white naked animal that is sucking is very busy sucking all the hot cumthat is coming out from his partner body and for the moans of pleasure that hisfriends is making and he can't hear what is going on around him.

But despite that these two whiteanimals by their savage conditions are helpless before the black hunters'weapons, their survival instinct and the little intelligence they still have andthe capacity to use it, have made that they are in a relative safe place sincebehind them very close are weeds and tress in which they can be hidden in caseof danger and be still without moving with the hope to be not discovered by thehunters.

However now that they move bytheir instincts and their almost atrophied intelligence didn`t allow them seethat also they are in a very vulnerable situation, since they are not be hiddenby the weed and the trees and if they are seen by the hunters, then their nakedbodies due that their skin color are not going to hide them from the hunterspassing near them looking for capture them.

But for these two naked whiteyoung wild male beast despite of their hard lives they're going to survive onemore day in the wild world that they are used to live, but not only the blackhunters are feared by the naked wild white animals but also they fear the wildanimals, and being defenseless make them be also easy prey for other animalsthat also feed on meat, and like this two wild whitey males just like theothers have no way to defend themselves against the other animals, and if theyare sniffed and persecuted they will be end up hunted and they are going to turn into the food ofother animals such as the bears, wolfs, bobcats or any other carnivore animals.

Although they have discoveredthat the fire is a good defense as long as they are not surprised being aloneby a wild animal or by a hunter with a dart rifle, but their main source offood is the garbage dumps in the towns where the blacks live and is where theyare most at risk to be captured, to be sent to a Tame or Maturity Centers to betrained and be sold as slaves to the black masters

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Next: Chapter 195: Salvajes 17

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