Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 31, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thisexecutive is in one of many slaves black markets inner yard, like many othermales some much younger, he was kidnaped but he wasn't sent to the slaves blackmarket to be auctioned, he was kidnaped by his business partner and given as agift to a very important businessman.

Thisslave due his exceptional physic is going to be trained as a pony and he'llpull naked his master's rickshaw through the city streets as the animal thatnow he's.

Althoughthat he's confused and he didn't know what had happened to him and how he gotthere, he knows that his life has changed forever and also knows what isawaiting him, because once he was the guest of a rich man that lived in thatcity and he saw many males that were kept like he's now, and they were calledand treated as slaves.

Hehas tried to free himself of his bonds but is impossible, the chains of hiswrists and ankles even those that are on his back are attached to the mainchain that is attached to his collar and that going backwards of his body betweenhis legs and somewhere are attached to the floor, but what prevents him to moveis the way that his balls are secured, they are fully exposed by a transversalbar that prevents his legs move and also are tied up by a rope to the floor,and to add to his misery every time that he tries to move a young guard hitshim on his ball.

Nowhis only hope to be rescued is that his business partner finds him, but littlehe knows that he was who gave him as a gift to a businessman and all his lifehe will be a slave.

Heknew that slavery existed because when he visited that rich man and was hisguest he was taken to the slaves black mark and he could see who they kept theslaves, but that situation didnt matter him because he knew that this wasnthis business and he knew too that it never was going to happen to him, withoutknowing that he was wrong and very soon he was going to be living thatnightmare and getting into that predicament.

Inhis desperation he had tried to talk with the guards or with any other personthat is walking near where he's immobilized doesnt matter if he is dressed ornaked, to let them know that he isnt an salve and he's in that situation bymistake, without knowing that the great majority of the slaves arrived there asthe same way as he did and none there cares what he might said and much lessfeel, because now he`s an animal that is waiting to be sent to his finaldestination where he will have to serve his mater and his friends in the way that he wanted, and thathumiliation and pain for now on will be his inseparable companions.

Thisunfortunate dark brown haired thirty five years old white muscled formerbusinessman, knows where he`s because is the same place that he was taken bythat man that he had visited so he could see what the slaves black market was,and then he was surprised and marveled to see how the naked human flesh wastreated as mere merchandise without mattering what they might say or feel and thatnow was the same situation he was facing in those moments, and he let that thepower that gives to have the control over the life of other similar took thecontrol over him.

Andlike many others he thought that those mature men, young men, boys and femalesthat were in that vulnerable situation to be naked and caged, was because theydeserved and he approved the clandestine slavery.

Buttrying to tell others that he had been kidnaped and he wasnt a slave has madethat an overseer is tired to listen him speak and has put in his mouth a gag sohe cant speak anymore, and to his stupor he just seen the business man that hadtaken him to know that place, and in his desperation he`s doing all that is inhis hands to caught the man's attention and help him to go out of such desperatesituation where he's now.

Butthe man was looking where two twins are caged and hes interested in buyingthem, and in his desperation he has moved forwards hurting his balls and hehasn't had more option but wait with anguish that the man turns to see wherehes and sees him and his longed for release can come.

Butthat moment took what seemed an eternity until finally the man walked where hewas and squatting the man began to caress his naked back and he said that theslave became known to him, and he also caressed his buttocks, balls and cock,and he said another comment about he had an excellent body and who was going tobe his master could take great profit.

Thenaked former businessman in hisdesperation made noises that couldn`t be understood to let the man know that hehad been his guest, but when the man was going to lift up his head to look athim in the eyes, a naked teenage male boy slave arrived with the documents thathe had to sing to close the twins sale and he became their new master, and heforgot the wretched mature slave who with frustration and desperation and tears,saw how his only opportunity to be released at least on those moments was gone.

Andhe never again is going to be a free a man and in few days he'll have to servesexually the man that used to be hisformer business partner but he never will know that he was who enslave him.

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Next: Chapter 202: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 17

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