Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 31, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The ghetto not only was the placewhere the whiteys were living after they had been forced to leave their housesand be fired from the most important jobs, and don ´t be paid for the job thatthey were doing instead they were paid with ration cards, for the black was acontrol place where the defenseless whiteys were to serve them in any way thatthey wanted, and if they refused to do it they were severely punished in frontof the other whiteys beside to face as a punishment slavery.

Although for many whiteys beliving in the conditions that they were in the ghetto was as if they alreadywere slaves, but anyway they submitted to the blacks' whims, because they hadthe hope that someday they could go out of the country and go to live to otherif they were good students, because the adults didn ´t have any hope to gosomewhere else but if they behaved as was expected their children had thatchance.

Despites that the whiteys made allthat was in their hands to keep the ghetto as clean as possible, like theydidn ´t have drainage the smell that came from the bathrooms that were locatedon the ghetto's four corners and one more in the middle, as the dirty waterthat was running into the trench that were on the street that didn ´t havepavement and went out from the houses ended up stagnant in the streets, where thepeople were walking and that made that the smell was unbearable, furthermorethat their excrement that was stowed in the bathrooms holes only can be takenout once per week.

The ghetto was administrated by the blacks,and each time that a whitey without mattering the age and gender wanted to goout or in had to go through the customs that it wasn ´t other thing but a revisionprocess that was controlled by the blacks, so anyone that wanted to go out waschecked because they whiteys had forbidden take something out from the ghetto, since all that was there wasn ´t the whiteysproperty but the government that hadallowed them live there, beside that also their papers that allowed them go out were checked because there was wherethe inhabitants received the tickets that allowed them to board the ramblingtransport, that only was used by the whiteys and on that transport they weretaken to their work centers or their schools, and for those that went in, theblacks that were in customs inspected them to be sure that they weren ´t introducing illegally stolenfood or any other objet that was forbidden, since all the goods that thewhiteys might need had to be bought inside the ghetto with their ration cards,and those ration cards weren ´t accepted in any other place but inside the ghettostores, so if a whitey was discovered trying to take into the ghetto somethingwas because it had been stolen.

But the customs checking processcould be humiliating or not depending on the mood of the black boy that waschecking the whiteys, and generally the lines to go through customs either togo in or out were very long, so the whiteys that had to go out had to leavetheir homes with a lot of anticipation if they didn ´t want be late in theirjobs, however to go into the ghetto alsowas a problem because the line was very large, and they had to wait in theheat, cold and even in the rain until their turn to beinspected arrived.

But the blacks that were checking the whiteysenjoyed making the things very hard to the teenagers known as "The GhettoBoys", because like they had total authority over them knowing that they weredefenseless and they had to do all what they told them due the power that theyhad over them.

"A ghetto Boy" has been arrestedby one of the black administrator under the charge to try to introduce illegallya gold chain, the boy was so scared that he wet his pants making that all theblacks that were in customs mocked at him, and he was forced to strip in frontof all the whiteys including the women that were waiting their turn be checkedand can go into the ghetto.

The boy was coming from hisschool when the black put his hand intohis trouser pocket and he found the chain and immediately he was put underarrest, but like the boy wet his pants, he was forced to strip and wait untilthe whitey that was in charge to keep the order inside the ghetto was called,because he had to sign the document as a witness about the boy's crime tryingto introduce something illegal into the ghetto, but while he was waiting he hadto be on his feet naked in the entrance facing the wall, while the other whiteys that were waiting their turn to go in saw his bare back and his fleshybuttocks.

The boy was sobbing for the fearof the punishment that he would have to face, beside the shame to be naked andbeing seen by both men and women that were there, and even his father, motherand siblings saw him naked since he had arrived first than them.

The sentence for this youngeighteen years old dark brown haired thief boy was slavery for life, his fatherwanted to protest because he knew that his son never would do something likethat but he knew if he said a word he would be enslaved too, so withdesperation and sadness he saw how the guards in public and the boy still beingnaked was collared so the family hadlost a very intelligent boy that had bigprobabilities to go to live to other country and now for the rest of his lifehe was going to be a slave.

The blacks have taken the newslave into a room where "the Ghetto boys" are sexually abused by them, and now the boy is knelt with his legs separated and his hands are onhis back waiting to suck the four blacks' cocks that are there, even one ofthem has put his trousers down while other two are watching and one more isbare chest showing his impressive torso,and before this whitey is sent to the Slave Processing Center he's going to be fucked by the black that isbare chest, since now is his turn to fuck the whitey and the boy is confusedbecause despite that he's frightened hiscock is hard, however what the new enslaved boy doesn't know is that the blackthat found the chain in his trouser pocket had it on his hands and he was theone that put It into his pocket, butlike he ´s a white without any right the blacks can do with him as they want.

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Next: Chapter 204: El Experimento 1

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