Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 31, 2017


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Thesetwo young males both are eighteen years old one of them is white and blond andthe other is brunette and black haired, are hungry and thirsty; since they wereincluded into the experiment their capability to think and reason has droppedso low, that now they live by their instincts and not by logic

Althoughfor the scientist that are studying their behavior, is evident that these twomales are satisfying their sexual desires considering that they have beendeprived to fuck a female for so long, because every time that they smell andfollow a female other males stronger than them also are following her and thefights for the right to fuck and pregnant her are terrifying.

Butalso their instincts warning them if they louse they would be fucked by thedominant male and they will become his slaves and helpless to protectthemselves about he wanted to do with them, and in some cases they have seenhow the defeated male has been castrated by the dominant.

Butin this occasion the scientist are wrong because the blond male is licking thebrunet's abs not because he wants him horny, but because he's thirsty and he'slicking the sweat that is giving him the vital liquid that he needs to live onemore day, while the brunet is sucking the blond cock to making him cum and canswallow the precious semen that is very nutritive and can be alive for otherday as well.

Butthis two young males have something against them, they are under the mercilesssun and if they don ´t find food, water and shadow soon they will die.

Eventhough the radiations has changed their bodies and now they're adapted to livein the wild world as the animals that they are, as the other animals they havecertain needs that if they don`t get satisfy they might die.

Buteven though that they are perfectly adapted to this new kind of live, havingbecome in The Experiment one more animal doesn't make that they have guaranteetheir survival not only for the risk that they have to face to be hunted by theHermas, but also because for the constants struggles between the males, andwhen they don`t feel strong enough to fight they go away from the zone wherethe food and the water are, and is where the more Hermas and the dominant malesare, and is where the feared Hermas hunt their victims and also the females areand the males fights for the supremacy take place more often.

Thebehavior of these two teenage males has surprised the scientists that areobserving them because instead to being fighting in their erroneousinterpretation they are giving each other pleasure, but in reality what ishappening is that they are so weak, that their survival instinct has guidedthem not to fight but stay alive even if it is one more day.

Howeverthe brunet teenage boy was the more intelligent if that could be said becauseis laying on his back on the sand sucking the blond boys cock, and is protectedby the shadow of the other teenager, although that he's very hot his body isnot consumed as fast by the sun rays, however for the wretched blond boy thesun is merciless overheating his body and is making that he's feeling much morehot and weaker.

Butonce that each one of these naked young males have obtained from the other bodywhat he needed are going into the fresh water of the sea to cool off, and thenthey are going to the jungle to look for a place where they can drink water andrest, while they recover their strength that they need to keep going on, and theyare going to feed from the cum that each other can produce.

Oncethey feel enough strong to look for food they are going to separate, but thedestiny is going to make that find each other again and fight for the supremacyto determinate who of them is the stronger and enslaved the loser, however thisconduct has disoriented the scientists, because in their erroneous concept bothmales had been giving each other pleasure, and they didn`t understand that thewild males survival instinct that were in The Experiment is over the need todominate other male, and they are going to do all that is in their hands tostay alive and after fight for the right to breed and dominate.

Butonce that these two males were separated their lives in the forest weren`t easyuntil they encounter, because both of them had to run a ways from the fearedHermas that almost hunt the blond boy, while the brunette had to flee fromseveral wild males that were stronger than him above all from the blacks,because when they sniffed him began to persecute him to make him to fight andturn him into their slaves defeating and fucking him.

Butthe threes on those occasions were his best allies and the lianas as wellhelped him to flee from the danger by the air, because being lighter than the blackhe could use the lianas, and to make fun of his persecutors when he was overthem he urinated to wet them and leave impregnated on them his smell in theirskin until they could go into the water and wash off the smell.

Howeverthey couldn`t avoid to fight other naked males of his same age or even older,and the blond is going to arrive to that decisive encounter to determinate whois going to be still the dominant male with three slaves of his same age andeven with one older, or if he ends up being part of the harem of the brunet boythat is going to arrive with three slaves older than him and with five moreyounger, so the winner will have thirteen slaves which only could be free ifthe dominant male dies or he's hunted by a Herma.

Soapparently the naked boy that has more probabilities to win is the wildbrunette because he has defeated more boys stronger than him than the blond,but when they have to fight for the right to impregnate the females and spreadhis genes around the island where The Experiment is taking place, all canhappens and only until the fight ends will be know who of both males in realityis the stronger, and he deserves the right to control of those defeated nakedslaves that now depend on him to can survive, because although they are capableof feed themselves and could survive, in their minds is already recorded thepainful moment when the cock of the stronger male took away their virginity andtherefore they became his slaves.

Next: Chapter 214: Born Wild 18

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