Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 14, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These white teenage boys are nervous because sinceseveral months ago their luxury and exclusive school for white boys has startedto accept black boys and since then the things began to be bad for them.

The first change was that special places for blackboys were established and if any white boy wanted to be in there was brutallypunished, then their money was confiscated and instead they had used rationingcards and with them they could buy theirlunch but they could buy small quantities, meanwhile the black students wereallowed to use money and they could buy all the food that they wanted, inaddition the white boys couldn't seat on the tables that were for the exclusiveuse of the black boys, but if a black boy wanted to seat on the tablewhere the white boys were then thewhites had to stand up and leave the table unless the black boy wanted to sharethe table with them, also the withe boyswere expelled from their luxury looker room and sent to an improvised one inthe dungeon.

That morning the government that was under thecontrol of the black people sent an order where twenty white students of theschool had to be sent to the Slave Processing Center (SPC), so now thesestudents are locked in their rambling locker room waiting for the transport,but they don't know what is happening and they're very nervous because they'renaked and nobody has given them an explanation.

But the most humiliating for these eighteen yearsold white students was that a black student younger than them went into theirclassroom which had the zone division between whites and blacks, the black boyswere seated on very comfortable desks beside the teachers and the school gavethem copies of all their notes, whilethe white students had to be seated in the back of the classroom on the floorand although they had notebooks, they had to share the pens so they could writethose note and only the were allowed tohave one pen for each five white students, and the black boy talking to thewhiteys with contempt mentioned the name of ten white students who would have to go through the schoolhygienic inspection and they had to undress and take their clothes with them.

The protests of the white boys didnt wait becausethey werent going to allow that the blacks continued violating their basicrights and they did very angry, then the black boy told them to go to the frontof the class dressed and they make a line beside him, and when the whites didas the black boy had requested he took out from his pocket a modified cattleprod and he gave an electric discharge to a black haired white boy that wasbeside him, which fell to the floor and he began to move without control hislegs and arms and he lost the control of his sphincter and he pissed while hewas screaming in pain, and shouting to the terrify white boys that were on theline while they were watching with disbelief how without mercy a younger blackboy had dared to treat one of them with so much cruelty, the black boy toldthem if they didnt want to face the same fate they had to strip immediatelyand although that the white boys were willing to disobey that order, theydidnt have more option but obey because the black students stood andmenacingly having each boy in their hands the modify cattle prod show them thatthey would do the same with each one of them if they didnt obey, but also thewhite boys that were seated on the floor in the back of the classroom wherethreatened to prevent that they tried to help the white students that had toundress, and to reinforce that the black students were being serious abouttheir threaten they walked toward the white students that had to get nakedshowing them that they were ready to give them an electric discharge, so thewretched white students didnt have more option but get naked in front of them,and when they were naked they helped to get up the unfortunate boy that hadreceived the electric discharge and he had to get naked alone since nobodywanted to touch his clothes because it was wet with his urine.

Once the students were helpless and naked they weretold to get out of the classroom and went to the doctor's office where theywould have to go through a medical inspection to determinate if they could keepstudying in the school, and that the doctor once he had finished the medicalinspections would tell them what they had to do, but as soon as they were outof the classroom their clothes were confiscated, and as was expected theirtransfer to the school medical service was very humiliating, because they weretaken through the school's aisle with their hand on the back of their heads soboth the black and white students could see them naked without any possibilityto cover their private parts, and while they were walking the black studentslaughs and mocks could be heard since they considered the white boys that werewalking naked on the aisles as shameless animals, although that they werewalking under the watchful eyes of the black students that had theresponsibility to keep the order in the school, but the white studentsterrified and with incredulity saw how other white peers were taken nakedthrough the school's aisles without knowing where they were taken and what wasawaiting them.

The doctor carefully auscultated the white boys andwhile he was busy with one of them, the other boys had to wait in the waitingroom with their hands on the back of their heads and looking at the wall, andeach time that one of them dared to move because was tired to keep their hands on the back of his head trying toput the arms down, or moving his feet because they had to be together, with awhip they were lashed on their buttocks or backs making them scream in pain andto avoid to be punished again they assumed back the position that they were toldto keep, although that made that all the students that were passing by theaisle where the doctor's office was, looked at them and while the blackstudents laugh at them and encouraged the black students that were keeping aneye on the wretched white students to punish them to keep that position, thewhite students looked at that situation very worried.

Once the twenty student were approved by the blackdoctor indicating that they were physically and healthy apt to be sold asslaves, they were taken to their ramshackle locker room where they have beenkept naked for several hours, but in the area where they are there are notbenches where to sit since they are in a shower area but also the water doesntcome out from them, and due that they have several hours waiting and that placedoesnt have air conditioning , they have been sweating and although they wantto take a shower they can`t do that,

Also they have lost the time notion because theplace is windowless and they dont know the reason why they are there, and whatthey want is go back to their classes and feel safe, and they think that theyare going to be sent to other schools and they are not going to be allowed tokeep studying there, and they dont like that idea since they have heard that theschool where only white boys go the education is very low, not knowing thatthey are going to go to a school where only white boys go but is a school toteach them to be obedient and docile slaves.

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Next: Chapter 220: The Millionaire Contest 18

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