Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 21, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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There is nothing as be a Titanmember and live in The Forbidden City luxury and comfort, be a muscle andintelligent male brought many benefits, but nothing could be compare to treatas trash the Titans ´ sons that had been taken to The Forbidden City ascandidates to be one of them and they had failed, and the terrible consequencethat they had faced was be enslaved.

Most of the boys that wereenslaved was because they couldn ´t get the muscles development required insidethe time that the Titans society had established to each candidate, and theymight be allowed to continue with their education and physical training.

Lately all those Titans that had teenage sonshad gone into some kind of competition and all of them at least brought to TheForbidden City one of their boys, to show that their kids were better that theothers and they were worth to be members of the Titans, but that competitionthe only thing that had done was that each day more and more candidates wereenslaved and only few of them could reach the target to be a member of thatvery exclusive and secret society.

The enslaved candidates was sobig that many of them were sent to the scientific laboratories to be exposed tothe radiations or other kind of medical or scientific researches, consideringthat many slaves as a result to beexposed to the radiations had hydrocephaly and the water was drained from theirbrains to their pectorals, and gothrough a fermentation process and the liquid could be taken out by theirnipples, and the liquid had become avery important way to feed the males that were living in The Forbidden City,and drink that liquid made that their immunological system was stronger andthat made that they didn ´t get any illness.

However the boys that producedthe liquid that had been named "Milk", needed much more energy than any of thenormal boys that had been enslaved and were servicing the Titans in their homes,or servicing the impressive boys that they were going to be Titans soon or eventhose that already were, and "The Milk Boys" as were known those that producedthe Milk only they could get the energy that their bodies needed in two ways,from a normal boy's mouth or by his anus fucking him.

However "The Milk Boys" were verypowerful without mattering if they have impressive bodies or they looked likenormal boys or men and in a very easy way they subdued the Titans, the candidatesor even the slaves to get the energy that they needed from them.

"The Milk Boys" stimulated theirvictims' bodies caressing them in a sexual way to get the energy from them, andonce the boys were horny their victims were kissed and then "The Milk Boys"sucked the air that their victims had intheir lounges, and when it went into "The Milk Boys'" mouths and arrived to theirlounges the air was changed in energy, that made that his victim debilitatedand he felt weak and then "The Milk boy" took advantage of that situation tofuck him, and when his cock was in his victim ´s rectum by his piss slit heabsorbed the rest of the energy that was left in the wretched male that was fuckedby him, and when "The Milk Boy" took out his cock from his victim's anus theboy was so weak that even he couldn ´t move, and "The Milk boy" left his victimlaying on that place and he went to look for other victim.

However "The Milk boy" ejaculatedinside his victim so his nutritious semen was absorbed by the boy's body and hecould regain some of the lost energy, and after that "The Milk Boy" took hisvictim's mouth to his nipples so he could drink his nutritious milk as well,and he was capable of arrive to a place where he could be fed and recuperate, howeverall the Titans and the candidates feared have an encounter with "The Milk Boys"because lose their body strength was a terrifying experience.

When the Forbidden Cityauthorities saw what was happening, they decided send "The Milk Boys" to anisland that had been bought by one of the Titans members who had donated it tothe society, and all Titan that wanted to get "The Milk Boys" nutritious "Milk" had to go to that island and go throughthe terrifying experience of louse his body's strength, however to can keepthat food source that was very important and that had benefited their society,they needed to send a huge quantity of slaves to the island what for the hugequantity of "The Milk Boys" insatiable energy need was satisfied consideringthat it was the most important way to feed their bodies, so the Titans not onlybegan to send the slaves and candidates that they knew that never were going tosucceed to be one of them to the island, but they began to enslave boys fromother countries while the Scientifics could find other way to proportionate to"The Milk Boys" the energy that they needed.

Three slaves and two candidatesare naked in the subway station waiting for the train to arrive that is goingto take them to the pier where they are going to be shipped to the island andthey will become on "The Milk Boys" new energy fountain.

Two Black Titans are wearingblack jeans and one of them is wearing a transparent gray T-shirt and sunglasses, he has a mustache and on his hands has a bottle with water, the otherTitan is bare chest and is wearing sun glasses, a black cap and he has beardand mustache and also on his hands has a bottle with water, and they are withtheir three slaves that are laying on their backs over the station floor waiting for the train, andtheir legs are wide opened and their masters have told them that their ankleshad to be on both sides of their headsand with their hands holding them until they told them to change the position ,the white slaves are twenty years old, one of them is blond, other is darkbrown haired and the other is light brown haired.

The three slaves are forming asemicircle in front of their masters, their anuses, perineum, balls and cocksare completely exposed due to the position that their masters told them toassume, and the three slaves were happy because that was one of the rareoccasions that their masters took them out from the place they are servicing them,and for the slaves is a fun adventure without knowing the unpleasant andterrifying experience that is awaiting them.

A white blond Titan that iswearing sport clothes also is in the platform waiting for the train, he ´schecking one of the two white candidates, the nineteen years old dark brown hairedwhite candidate meekly is allowing that the Titan check his head, he ´s worrybecause the Titan has put him in chastity and he thinks that he ´s going to besold because he knows that soon he ´s going to be enslaved despite that nobodyhas told him that because he failed the body strength test, without knowingthat in reality he ´s going to be exposed to the radiations to see what changeshis body is going to experiment, both the Titan and the candidate are stood onthe platform edge and behind the Titan also naked is other eighteen years oldblack haired white candidate, he is in full fours and as the Titan told him to keep his legsopened, his anus, his fleshy perineum, balls and cock are completely exposedand he's looking behind him, this candidate is the Titan's son that is checkingthe other candidate and the boy is disconcerted because he doesn ´t understandwhy his father keeps him naked in a public place when he is allowed to wear aloin cloth, but what they boy doesn ´t know is that he already has beenenslaved and that he's is going to besent to the island so he can provide to "The Milk boys" the energy that theyneed together with the other three slaves that are the two black Titans'property, and constantly be living the terrifying experience to lose their bodystrength.

However not all is going to bebad for them since regardless the desperation to feel that thy might die but inreality is not that, also they are going to enjoy the pleasure of being seducedby "The Milk Boys" being their bodies caressed, although the bad thing for themis that being naked in the island they are powerless to protect themselves andrun away from "The Milk Boys", because considering that "The Milk Boys" arestronger and faster than they then always they are going to be captured and "The Milk Boys" are going to get theenergy that they need from their bodies, and in exchange the weaker and fuckedboys will have in their rectums "The Milk Boys'" semen and they will have the chance to drink their"Milk". and they are going to be fed by the Scientist that are observing allwhat is happening in the island so they can regain their strength, and they cangive to "The Milk Boys" the energy that they need over and over again.

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Next: Chapter 226: Born Wild 19

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