Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 28, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The freedom for this wild youngwhitey is over, he had a bad day and in few seconds more the black superiorthat is behind him is going to shot him a dart with anesthetic. His day began having a fight withone of his brothers, after that the things worsened when he sucked the breastmilk from his mother's nipples and nothing was left for the pup that was underhis care, after that he went to town to get food but like he was angry with hisfather and his brother, instead to follow them he walked by a different path, but he walked over a black boy's toy andmade a noise, so he was responsible that his father and brother were captured, hecould escape with other herd's members but like they were chastising him forthe mistake he had done, he walked away from them, but his bad luck hadcontinued because a superior black hunter saw him and now is seconds a way to shot him a dart. However he's not going to betaken to a Tame Center like his father and brother, instead he'll be taken to aScientific Investigation Center where he ´ll be caged and they will experimenton him with different kind of substances to see the reactions that his bodymight have, and when the black superiors consider that he's useless for theirpurposes they are going to get rid of him. This eighteen years old darkbrown haired boy, with dark brown small nipples, slim but athletic and longlegs was exceptional between the herd's males, because he had a big cockcompared with the other males, but he never could please his father doesntmatter how hard he tried, since his brother always made the things better thanhim, but this doesnt mean that he didnt follow the group rules and he was responsible tofeed the pup that has put under his responsibility, beside that also he madeall the jobs that the herd and his father told him to do. As any other teenage boy he likedgo away from the herd with his naked male friends to have a tie of peace andtranquility, since many of the puppies that werent allowed yet to go away fromthe herd because they were considered as not ready to be alone with otherinexperienced young boys, they wanted to be all the time with them and thosepups were considered to be a nuisance, and they used to go to swim to a nearleak where the herd got the water to drink, and even with some luck they couldcatch some fish although in reality this was very rare because they didnt havethe necessary tools to get them, since their savagery state was so big thattheir minds werent used to think about create tools to get something, and manytimes the teenage boys even make bonfires to warm up when was dark and theywere still far away from the herd, because they didnt want go back to bebothered by the pups. As any wild animal always theywere following their instincts however sometimes they used their intelligenceabove all to get food and hide from the feared black hunters, and constantly hehad sex with his friends although this wasnt an easy task, because the adultmales always were watching the young males to not waste their precious semenfucking other males since beside that the production was limited, also was verynecessary for the order to remain strong and had enough energy to be able tocarry out their daily activities, whichrequired to use it to be able to run and run away from the hunters.But his days of freedom andhappiness are just few seconds to end, and the worst of all is that this nakedwild teenage boy has not released about that, he's alone in the forest absorbedin his thoughts and pain that he's felling, because for his fault his fatherand brother were captured by the feared black hunters, even he's crying for theanger he's felling because he was scolded when they were going back to theplace where the herd lives for his carelessness, and even hes thinking to runaway and look for other herd, since he has seen that his herd has receivedother wild whiteys like the ones that had arrived to live with them after theirherds had been captured by the hunters, and he knows the he could say the sameto the new herd and he would be accepted. But what he doesnt know is thatis true that he is not going to go back to his herd and hes going to be sentto a scientific experiment center, where he's going to scream for the pain andhes going to beg to leave him alone and stop to torture him, and for his goodluck he will like the daughter of the investigation center director and she'sgoing to protect him, although in his animal mind he's not going to understandthat and each time that he sees a black man or woman hes going to sit in acorner and he would tried to protect himself with his legs and arms begging todont be hurt any more. But unfortunately this is thedestiny of the white animals that are hunted by the blacks, or they are trainedas slaves and they live servicing their black masters and working for them, orthey are used in scientific experiments for the benefit of the black race, buteven with the director`s daughter protection when he is no longer useful theyare going to dispose of him as they are done with the other whiteys that havebeen used in their scientific experiments.

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Next: Chapter 227: Salvajes 19

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