Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 28, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This eighteen years old blond slave boy is livingall the time in desperation, he'd like to wake up of the nightmare that he'sliving but to his misfortune is not a nightmare if not his new reality.

Just two weeks ago he was a free boy and was incollege, and now he's lower than an animal and he was sold to his master which hascomplete control over him, he doesn ´t know where he ´s the only thing he knowsis that he was kidnaped and he was illegally sold as slave in the slave blackmarket.

The first days he fought against be a slave andobey, but the brutality of the punishment made him change his mind, so hedidn ´t have more option to adapt to his new reality or he'd have a worst lifethan he has now.

Since he was kidnaped he never has been clothed,and this is the first time that his master takes him out in public, and nowsome tourist are taken pictures of him, he ´d like tell them that he wasillegally enslaved and tell his embassy what had happened to him, but the onlything that he can do is smile to avoid be punished , but the most humiliatingis not be naked or the people see that he has been just enslaved, what reallyis that he has to wear the collar on his neck with a lash attached to it as ifhe was a domestic animal, and the tan line that he has on his pubic area andback where his balls, cock and buttocks stound out from the rest of his body.

But his misfortune began when he decided to be amember of a newly formed brotherhood in his college, he had options to bemember of several of the more famous and coveted brotherhoods by the students forthe prestige to be member of one of them gave to the students was somethinginvaluable, but the prestige for him wasnt important since he was an excellentstudent and he knew that he didnt need the prestige that one of thosebrotherhood could give him to excel, but his ambitions was be considered as oneof the brotherhood cofounder members and to be able to take decision instead tohave to go through the humiliating process to be accepted by which the membersof other brotherhood had to face and succeed.

Other thing that caught his attention of this brotherhoodwas that not only it has presence in his college, but also it was in several collegesaround the world and the students interchange, and even some entrepreneurs thathad belonged to that brotherhood helped to those students that had belonged tothe brotherhood to get executives jobs in their companies around the world, butthe only requirement was that they were students that had exceled in everythingthat they had done, so once that he made his request to be a member of thatbrotherhood the only thing that was left was wait to be called.

But the waiting time was very long and even hethought that he wasnt going to belong to that brotherhood because he hadntbeen called, and he was going to be out of the brotherhoods since the otherones long time ago had closed the time to receive the students' requests, but one day he received a letter from thebrotherhood telling him that one of the most important entrepreneurs that wasin the city of Dres was interested that he worked for him in his company, andbeing there while he was working also he'll keep studying and was necessarythat he went to the brotherhood's house to receive more information about thisbusiness.

The young blond boy was intrigued because he neverhad been member of hat brotherhood and he didnt understand how someone thathad been a member of it wanted hire him, and although in the beginning hedidnt want to go because he thought that it was a joke, at the end he went tosee about what that letter was about.

When he arrived to the brotherhood place he showedthe letter and he was allowed to go in and the first thing that he saw wasseveral naked boys of his same age caged, and that scared him and then he wantedto leave that place because he thought that they were creasy, beside that henever had heard nothing related about men having other men naked and caged, sowhen he was about to leave the brotherhood's president told him that he wastheir guest and he had nothing to fear, that he hadnt nothing to lose if hehear what he had to tell him and after that if he wasnt interested in the joboffer then he had the freedom to leave.

He was explained that the company which he had beenselected to work its business was the slaves trade, and the caged naked maleanimals that he had seen were slaves that that night would be sent to thedifferent slave markets to be sold, and the blond boy as was expected hecouldnt believe what the president was telling him, since he knew that theslavery was forbidden in the western countries, although he knew that slaverystill existed in other countries such as those that were in the middle and fareast and Africa, but definitely he wasnt ready to work for a company that tradedwith naked boys as slaves and simply he stood and told to the brotherhood'spresident that he wasn`t interested to work in that kind of company even thoughthey paid him a high salary, but in those moments he felt a sharp pain in hisright buttock and when he turned around very confused to find out what wasgoing on, he saw a very well dressed man that had a syringe in his handssmiling at him, and suddenly the wretched boy released what was going on butfew seconds later he lost consciousness.

When he woke up the blond boy was caged with theother naked boys, and their bodies were into a such small place that theycouldn`t walk on their feet and only they could move in full fours through thecage to go from one side to the other, because in one of the cage corners werethe bottle with water and they had suck it from a plastic nipple with theirmouths, and in the other side of the cage was the food, but to get the foodthey were allowed to take out the head and take the food with their mouths, andto shit and pee they had to go to the middle of the cage and sat on the smallhole where their anuses were put in the hole and their turds could be depositedout from the cage, or their cocks had to be put in the hole to pee.

He knew that he was being transported inside thecargo ship's hold for the rolling of the ship, beside that the endless timethat he was caged with the boys that were caged in the brotherhood house and heknew there that they also were deceived as he had been, beside that the wholeship's hold was full of cages that were transported naked boys like them thatwere on top of each other as they were, and to move they had to go over thenaked bodies of the boys that were laying on the cages floor although the shithole always was free of bodies so when someone wanted to shit could do it, andalso they saw naked boys that were wearing collars were cleaning the floorwhere both the urine and the shit felt from the cages.

But for the wretched young white male slaves was ablessing when their cages were taken out from the ship's hold and with theystill inside them were taken into a slaves auction center, where after thatthey were cleaned they were put on sale, and this blond slaves was bought bythe owner of the business where the brotherhood's president told him that wasgoing to work if he accepted the job offering, and for his misfortune he knewthat if he had accepted the job instead to be a slave being exhibited naked inpublic, and had to endure and suffer pain for his rebellious behavior, now hewould be a millionaire and would continue studying as any other free boy, butthat life is not possible anymore for him to live it again because now hebecame a victim of the human avarice and instead to have a brilliant future,now hes a mere naked slave and he hasnt way to escape from his hard destiny, and soon he will be sexually servicing the members of the brotherhood that oncehe wanted to belong.

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Next: Chapter 230: El Concurso Millonario 19

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