Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 11, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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This twenty years old dark brownhaired whitey boy know as a "Ghetto Boy," was summoned by his school Principalthat was a black man to be informed that he had been selected to go to live toother country because he had excellent school marks.

He was told that he has to goback immediately to the ghetto to pick up his belongings and after he had to goto the train station to board the train that will take him to the border, and hegave to the boy his ticket and passport with the visa so he could live in theother country.

The boy couldn ´t believe his goodluck because really you needed to be an excellent student to get theauthorization to leave the filthy and miserable ghetto where the whiteys livedand have the opportunity to have a better life, be free and don ´t have theworry to be tormented by the blacks thatwere controlling practically all his life aspects, although he was sad becausehe knew that he wasn ´t going to have the opportunity to say good bye to hisparents and siblings and probably he never was going to see them again, becausewas well known that when a whitey went to live to other country didn't matterhow many times he tried to send money to his love ones, they never received itbecause it was confiscated by the blacks.

So "the ghetto boy" immediatelywent back to the ghetto to pick up the few belongings that he had, but he hadto wait a long time to can go into the ghetto since the customs inspection linewas very long, and when his turn arrived the black guards were very hard withhim because he was a despicable whitey and he was going back to the ghettobefore the time that he used to do it.

The ghetto boy put into a paperbag some clothes took his documents and again he was on the customs long lineto be inspected, once it was his turn he showed to the black guards hisdocuments and they asked him for his ration card also they confiscated thepaper bag with his clothes, and they gave him a ticket so he could board therambling truck that would take him to the train station.

As was expected the truck wascrowed full of whiteys that were going to their jobs or looking for them andthey were very thigh and uncomfortable, but at the end the ghetto boy wasrelieved to know that this was going to be the last time that he would sufferthat kind of humiliation, since soon he was going to be living in other countryhaving a much better life but he felt sadness for the love ones that had tostay in that place, and he wanted to help them but he knew that that wasimpossible because the black government never would allow it and what hurts himmore was that that morning when they had breakfast together was the last timethat they were going to be together.

A naked white blond haired slaveboy two years younger than him that was wearing the collar was responsible tocheck the tickets that the whites that were in the transport had, and despitethat was very complicated move between the thigh bodies the slave knew that hehad to give those tickets to his white overseer, and in exchange of the ticketshe had to give to the whiteys that were in the transport a paper that allowedthem get out of the truck , and if the whitey that wanted get off didn ´t havethat paper was punished and the slave as well, but the difference was that theslaves was punished at the end of the day while the free whitey was when he getoff of the transport.

The ghetto boy recognized the slave that waspicking up the tickets since in his former life had been his best friend'sbrother, who had been very fortunate to have the opportunity to go outside thecountry and live in other country, but sadly he thought that had been betterfor his friend haven ´t seen what his little brother fate had been, who his bodyhad been permanently depilated, and his black masters had allowed him kept hishead hair and over his cock some hair that formed the letter "S" indicating that he was a slave, beside thatwith sadness he saw how other whites both men and women touched his body's mostintimate parts despite that the slave was ashamed to be touched on such way, buthe couldn ´t do anything to avoid it since the free citizens could do that onhis body, and without saying a word he had to endure that they touched hisbuttocks, balls, cock and even kiss him on the mouth and they put their fingersin his body by his anus and after he had to clean them with his mouth or withhis hair if he was lucky, although he had forbidden give pleasure to the freewhiteys.

The rambling truck was gettingempty until only ten ghetto boys were on board and they were going to the trainstation, and when the truck made his last stop the slave politely told the boysthat they were in the train station, the ghetto boys were disconcerted becausethey were in an abandoned station where only were cargo wagons, then the slavepolitely told them without daring to look at them on the eyes that there theyhad to wait the black master who would tell them which wagon they had toboard depending on which was their finaldestination.

When the ghetto boys get offother naked slave asked them for their papers that the slave that was on boardhad given them, but before the ghetto boy that had recognized the slave got off the truck he hugged the slave andcaressing with his palm hand the slave's bare back he told the slave that hewished the best for him, and the slave couldn ´t hide his emotions and sobbingtold to his former brother's best friend if he saw him say hello to him on hisbehalf but he begged never told him that he was a slave, and when the ghettoboy got off of the transport the rambling truck began his way back with thenaked slave on board.

The ten ghetto boys had to waitlong time stood under the merciless sun rays while the other white slave thatwas in the station that had the same age that the slave that was on therambling truck and that also was a blond boy, cleaned the cargo wagons and thesmell that was emanating from them was nauseating beside that there were manyflies, and they saw how in a box was put the human excrement and they thoughtthat those wagons were used to transport the white slaves from one place toother.

When the black master arrived the white slavewas finishing to clean the wagons and immediately he cleaned his body with coldwater whit a hose and he went to greet the black master, kissing his two feet,and after his cock and balls that yet were covered inside his trousers and oncethe white slave was knelt with his hands on the back of his head, the blackmaster ordered him to put down his zipper and took out his cock and balls andsuck them without showing any shame that the ghetto boys saw his tackle sincefor him they weren ´t humans been, and with the slave pleasuring him he began toask for the ghetto boys' papers to seewhere they were heading and as soon as he read the papers he told them whichcargo wagon they had to board, and with incredulity the ghetto boys releasedthat they were going to be transported on the cargo wagons and that probablythe excrement that they slave had taken out from them belonged to the freewhite boys like them instead to the slaves.

The ghetto boys hesitated to go intothe wagons because they couldn ´t believe that they were going to be transportedas animals, so the black master told them that was better that they were onboard because was unknown the time when the wagons were going to be hooked tothe train that was coming from other cities brining more whiteys, and if they weren ´ton board they would be taken back to the ghetto and never again they would havethe opportunity to go out from the country, and in those moment the blackmaster grunted and he began to cum in the wretched slave's mouth who as fast ashe could swallowed the superior black master semen, and then the black master told the slave toshit in front of the ghetto boys and before he cleaned his hole with the hosehe had to picked up his own shit with his hands and took it to the box, so thedisconcerted ghetto boys boarded the wagons and waited but later began toarrive more trucks with more ghetto boys, and they went through the sameprocedure, but an abandoned station's office had been opened and the black masterwas comfortably checking the ghetto boys documents there inside of a luxuryoffice, while the slave was telling to each ghetto boys which wagon they had toboard.

At sunset the black master toldthe slave to close the crowded wagons' doors and padlocked them leaving theghetto boys locked in them and once the black was sure that the ghetto boyscouldn't open the doors also told the slave to close the station and he went tohis home.

Inside the wagon were the boysthat had come from different towns that were close from to the station and thatwere chosen the last 6 months to leave the country, and that train took all thewagons that were in the country's different stations, and it was stopping overall the border stations unhooking the wagons that had to be on a specificplace.

The naked slave did all what wasin his hands to help his betters that were locked in the wagons, he put the hoseinto the wagons by a little hole that each door had so the ghetto boys coulddrink water, but the ghetto boys couldn ´t eat anything since the slave didn ´thave anything to offer them.

At midnight the train arrived andother of the slave's duties was hook the wagons to the train and he did it asfast as he could, but the train was stopped in the station for several hourssince the black employees wanted that the slave sexually serve them and he wasfucked in front of the ghetto boys that were locked inside the wagons.

The next morning the trainstopped in one of the stations where the black guards told the ghetto boys toundress, and they opened one wagon and close it before open another one andgave to the boys soaps and several naked white slaves that had over their cocksthe "S" that have been delineated with their own pubic hair, with hoses andcold water began to wet the ghetto boys' bodies under the watchful eyes off theblack guards and the ghetto boys could clean their bodies, and still wet andnaked they had breakfast and were forced to wash their teeth with on teethbrush that they had to share between them and then they were told to go backinto the wagon, many of them complained because they were naked and othersbecause they needed go to the bathroom, but the black guards brutally forcedthem to go into the wagons again, and they were told that the wagons were theirbathroom and keep them naked was the most hygienic way to transport them, andfrom that moment the train stopped in the morning and at night to clean andfeed the slaves although the wagons never were cleaned unless the ghetto boyswanted to take out with their hands their body wastes.

When the ghetto boy that couldn ´tsay good bye to his family arrived to the border station where the wagon he wason board had to be unhooked, the overseer gave to the boarder agent the ghettoboys' documents that were on that wagon, but what the ghetto boys didn ´t knowwas that departure tax had to be paid, so it was decided that from each tenboys one of them would be chosen to pay the tax and if he didn ´t have how topay it then he would be enslaved, so the fear and anguish took control of theboys that were on that wagon, and the name of each boy was mentioned and everytime that the tenth name was said the wretched boy was enslaved, and that wasthe way that this boy not only he couldn ´t say good bye to his family butneither he could reach his freedom because for his bad luck he was the tenthboy in his group, while the others although they were naked they could crossthe border with any problem towards their freedom.

In the same border while he wasput on sale in a public auction together with his other wagon mates that hadthe bad luck to be the number ten and like they didn ´t have how to pay the tax theywere enslaved, saw with desperation how his other wagon mates crossed theborder and they were given clothes to cover their nakedness.

He was bought by a black thatwhen he received the papers he crossed the border with the ghetto boy to thecountry where he was going to be free, but as his new master instead to give tothe immigration agent his passport he gave him the property certificate he wentinto the other country as slave and not as free boy, and while he went out fromimmigration and customs naked with desperation he saw how the other ghetto boysreceived money and white people took them to live into a protection centers sothey could begin their new lives as a free citizens, even the same white menthat were helping the other ghetto boys that were with him in the wagon askedto his master permission to touch his body in a lewd way and his master wascongratulated because he had bought an excellent piece of white flesh.

The ghetto boy while he was takennaked by his master to his new home with his hand cuffed on his back, his feetshackled with a short chain that didn ´t allow him give long steps and be leadedby a chain that was put on his neck, saw with astonishment how in that placenot only the whites were slaves but also they had black slaves.

The ghetto boy immediately wastaken to a mine and he's in the mine's deeps with five black overseers, he's hangingby his hands and ankles on a metallic frame and his legs are wide opened, whilethe five overseers are bared chest and they are ready to welcome the new slavewho is frantically fighting to be free.

His anus is exposed and he ishanging with his back pointing towards the floor and soon the five overseersare going to fuck him, and the first overseer to fuck him is going to decide ifthe slave is castrated or not depending on how thigh his hole is when hepenetrate him for the first time, so that might be the last time that his ballscan be seen perfectly delineated in his scrotum such as his penis in his body,and if he's castrated the overseers are going to decide by a draw who's goingto keep his amputated genitals so the winner keeps them as a trophy, but whatis a fact is if the slave is castrated he ´s going to be sent to work with aslave that still has his cock and balls so he can fuck him as much as he wants,and if he is not castrated he's going to be sent to work with a slave thatalready has been so he can fuck him as much as he want too, what also is factis that this slave never again is going to see the sun light, and the sad thingis that at the end he arrived to the country where once he thought that he wasgoing to be free but not in the way thathe wanted.

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Next: Chapter 238: Victimas 19

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