Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 18, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Oneby one all the slave that were in his cage, were auctioned in one of the manyslave sale centers in the black market.

Whenhe arrived to that place after being kidnapped he had the hope to escape andtell somebody what was happening on that place, but now he doesn't have anyhope, so sadness and desperation are on his face because he knows that soonhe'll be taken out the cage and put on auction as an animal and sold to thebest bidder.

Butto make this moment sadder he's remembering happy moments of his life that heknows that never will come back.

Hehas being trained to give pleasure with his mouth but the first days he refusedto do that but the lashes on his body were so brutal that he didn't have moreoption but surrender and do as he was told, however he never was fucked becausethey wanted sale him as a virgin slave, but he knows that when he's sold thatnew degradation is awaiting him be used as a woman to give pleasure to hismasters, and mentally he's saying good bye to his family, because he knows ifsome day he could see them something that never is going to happen, he nevercould see them on the face again knowing that other cocks has been in hisrectum.

Butnow his main worry is what is going to be his destiny and who is going to buyhim, because he knows what is awaiting him but now as slave he has not power tocontrol his destiny and he's wondering with apprehension how his new mastersare going to treat him, and for what he has heard he knows that he's a goodlooking nineteen years old black haired male slave and he can reach a very highprice when he's auctioned, but also he know that who buys him was not going tobe interested in him if not in his body and his physical appearance, and assoon as he's tired of him he's going to put him on sale or may be somethingworst, and he knew that when he heard other slaves talk about their worriesthat also they had about who might buy them for the second time, due that theyweren`t virginals anymore and their sale price now was going to be very low assecond class meat and how many others had been sent to the butchers to get ridof them.

Thistanned nineteen years old black haired white slave with his black hair shortcut and his nipple between the dark and light brown color has been allowed tokeep his pubes and his arm pits hair to make him look as a wild animal, and bemore attractive for those potential buyers that are looking for animals to workin their fields pulling the carts with the products that they produce in theirfarms or in the city streets beside to breed them, this slave has an impressivephysic because he was an athlete and the hard training to become to be a goodslave has helped him to keep the impressive body, and have the perfect physicand that was fundamental to make his body attractive to be sold, howeverdespite that he has beautiful and impressive buttocks and acceptable balls thatare well outlined in his scrotum, his cock is very small and probably he is notgoing to be used for breeding purposes, although the experts in slaves breedinghave discovered considering what they have written in the specialized humansanimals reproduction magazine, if a male has a small or tinny cock and if thefemale has big tits, then the male pup has big chances to have a big cock or atleast with an acceptable size for the masters, so this slaves has someprobability to be breed.

Thisslave most feared hour had arrived when a black guard opened the cage and toldhim that his time to be sold had arrived, the naked slave first instinct wastry to fight for his freedom but already he had seen that other slaves hadtried that, and the only thing that they had gotten was that they were brutallypunished and they ended up unconscious and dragged only who knows where, and hehad heard other slaves said that they would be sent to entertain some kind ofguest that were very rich in a very special show, but the slave didn ´t getunderstand what they were talking about but he knew that it wasn ´t somethinggood, beside that he wanted avoid an unnecessary punishment knowing that hecouldn ´t win.

Whenhe was walking towards the place that was supposed to be sold like any otheranimal, he could see several of the slaves that had been in his caged and evenin other cages locked inside a cages much more smaller and all of them wereheaped up and standing with numbers written in their pectorals, also he couldsee their fear, uncertainty and in other resignations faces and he felt muchmore fear because he knew that they were already sold, and they only werewaiting to be picked up by their masters and be taken to begin their new livesof degradation, pain and desperation, but this was the slaves' lives and theywere powerless to change it.

Whenthey passed the delivery area they went into a zone were several salves wherenaked and knelt looking at the wall with their hands on the back of theirheads, while other very young white naked slave boy was putting the collars ontheir necks, and as soon as the collar was in the slave ´s neck a guard orderedthe slave that stood and go through the door that was behind them, also hecould see the faces of fear that the slaves had when they stood up and walkedto that door, and he knew that there should be the stage where they wereauctioned and he was expecting that he also was forced to knelt with his handson the back of his head so the young slave could put the collar on his neck,but to his astonishment that didn ´t happen and he was taken to other placewhere a well-dressed man that was giving his back to him was talking with oneof that place overseers.

Thenaked slave was forced to knelt facing the wall where the well-dressed men wasgiving his back and was told to put his hands on the back of his head and wait,he could hear the overseer telling the man how the slaves might be used andthat was better keep him naked all the time, and only he had to be cleaned withcold water from a hose and with that his body would be clean and prevent tohave animals on his head, and he recommended that the slave was permanentlydepilated and only for protection was allowed to keep his head hair cut asthose moment the slave had it.

Thenew master agreed about the overseer was telling him and then he walked wherethe slaves was knelt, and then the same naked white young slave that had beenputting the collars on the slaves' necks went into the room and put the collarto the slave that was knelt, then the master attached a chain to the collar ofthe slave that was knelt and made the same with the boy that had put the collaron the knelt slave's neck that now also was wearing a collar, and smiling saidthat he had made an excellent acquisitions, and when the slave that had beenknelt stood for the first time he look at the man that would be his master, andwith incredulity he saw that was one of his brothers which smiling to the slavetold to his former brother that now he was going to serve them in both thefamily business, pulling the cart in which he would distribute naked themerchandise that they produce through the city street beside that he wouldsexually serve all those that once had been his brother, and the younger slave alsowould be all the time naked and he would be responsible to check that themerchandise was delivery in the correct place, and he would have to go into theoffices to have the invoice sealed so he could prove that the merchandise hadbeen received, but the poor slave couldn`t believe what was happening sincewhat he most wanted was that his family find and rescue him, and at the end hewas found by them but instead to free him they had made him the family slavewithout any provability of being freed.

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Next: Chapter 240: El Experimento 7

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