Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 9, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This slaves have been justinspected and now they are taking a shower because in one hour more the willput on sale in one of the many auction centers that are part of the slaves'black market.

These slaves are a very speciallot because in their former lives they wre executives, but some human fleshbuyers are very interested to buy mature slaves that have experience ondifferent professional areas such as finance, law, engineering, computersystems, etc., because as slaves they won't have to pay them, they just willfee and give them a place where to sleep in a slave barn, they even don't needto give them clothes because as slaves they can be naked all the time, becausethey're not considered as persons anymore if not as animals, and although their families are looking for themthey never will find they and soon they will be lost in the slaves' world without any possibility to be rescue andtheir families will never know what had happened to them.

These white slaves were carefullychosen since like now they are very demanded by the buyers that pay hugeamounts of money for these bodies that have exceptional brains, although alsothey are looking for attractive naked bodies for the masters that want to buythem because is an extra incentive to keep them naked all the time beside thattheir sale price increases.

These bodies generally are seenin the exclusive sport centers that the members of the slaves' black markethave built in the different financial cities around the world, and only areadmitted as a members those executives that have very important positions inthe big corporations or business, and their knowledge are evaluated by theslaves' black marked scouts that are the ones that administer the sport centers,because as they also impersonate senior executives and when talking with thepossible candidates they realize if they really got to the position they havefor their knowledge and personal skills or simply because they wererecommended, and if they are recommended and without any intellectual value buttheir bodies are attractive anyway they are kidnaped and sold in the blackmarket as a sexual merchandise.

These sport center have videocameras everywhere even in the toiles so the possible slaves' black marketdealers can see the naked bodies of the possible candidates in any situation, eventhe slaves that serve in those center have camera hidden in their collars sowhen they are sexually servicing the possible candidates they can be seen inaction, but the way that they're kidnaped is very subtle because only few ofthem in each city are kidnaped to avoid arousing suspicious, generally to thecandidates that are going to be kidnaped are offered a huge amount of money assalary to go to work to other country and when they accept the job offerthey're summoned in a luxury offices building, and when they arrive the nakedteenage boys slaves of different races and nationalities offer them snacks, acup of coffee or even a drink and all of them have a sedative and when theylose consciousness they are stripped and they are caged together with the otherexecutives that already have been drugged, and they are kept inside the cage in the building basement where thereis not any luxury caged without allowed them go out until the transport that isgoing take them to the slaves' black market is available to take them there, and if they have to urinate ordefecate they have to do it being inside the cage by a hole that the cage hasand under any circumstances they are allowed to go out to avoid that they can escape,beside that they are feed inside the cage and each slave has to wait for histurn to eat, and only they can be seated, knelt, on their hands and knees orlaying since the cage high doesn`t allow them be on their feet.

And to keep the cage and the slaves'bodies clean, hoses with powerful water jets are directed toward the cage whichsweep away any dirt that might have been there, even the slaves have to openwith their hands their buttocks so the water can clean their anuses from any excrement residue that they mighthave, and when they are going to be transported a sedative is put into thewater and in the food to fall sleep, and the time that they spend in thebasement are watching videos about how the slaves have to serve their masterand they are repeating them constantly day and night that they are now salvesand they have to serve their masters.

In the transport the conditionsare the same than in the basement but here the cage are not cleaned if theslaves have to urinate or defecate and also they are not fed, and when theyarrive to the slaves' black market private airport, one by one are taken outfrom the cage and are being distributedto the different dealers establishments by lottery and after a thorough inspections they are allowed to take a shower with cold water thing that theyare used, and they put on their necks the collar that identify them as slaves and they are put on sale, andis the decision of the new master if his slaves stays in the dealersestablishment to be trained as slaves of if he takes his new purchase to hisbusiness, although many of the buyers end up being kidnaped and sold in the same place where thy bought their slaves.

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Next: Chapter 270: Foolish Boys 22

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