Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 16, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This young wild whitey isdesperately trying to move further a way the black master from the pup that ishis charge.

Both of them were eating in theforest after he came back from town with the food that he had gotten inside thetrash containers for him and the pup when a black guard saw them.

The two wild whiteys began to runbut the pup was following the naked teenage boy, so when they were running along side the river shore he pushed the pup into the water to save him.

The black guard when saw that his white preyshad been separated, he diced to follow the teenage whitey because would be easiercapture the wild whitey that was running than try to swim because all the wildwhiteys were very good swimmers.

The young whitey to save his herddecided to go into the forest to get the black guard away from the herd but hewent into unknown zone for him, and had arrived to the top of the cliff where hewas trapped, and the only thing that hecould do was jump and die or go back and be captured by his persecutor,although the black master had just shut a dart with a sedative that was going tonail into his right buttock, and then he would be taken to a Tame Center where hewas going to be trained as slave and then be sold to the black masters.

But the reason why this whiteytook a part his puppy to feed him, was because the herd's rules dictated thateach teenage boy that was considered as an adult and already had a puppy totake care of him, was the first to receive the proteins that the body of theteenage boy considered as adult produced, and in case that the puppy wascapable of produce semen, then the pup had to offer the proteins that his bodyproduced to his benefactor, and then they had to go back to the herd and lookfor a female that allowed them to suck the milk breast from her nipples to fortifytheir immunological system.

The act of providing the proteinsthat a male produced to other herd's member was very pleasurable and especiallywhen he ejaculated and deposited the copious amount of cum that he produced inother naked animal's mouth, and live naked make easier that situation becausethey didnt have any kind of inhibitions that the society of their ancestorshad, such as be considered abnormal that a male sucked the cock of other maleand swallow his cum, or both males and females be naked all the time, theherds members told that stories to the pups so they couldnt forget what theirancestor once did, but the pups couldnt understand the fact that theirancestors werent naked, that they didnt use to live in the wilderness andsleep in caves as they did, that the anal penetration between males and the sexbetween females was forbidden , also they didnt understand the reason why amale or female that wasnt a baby couldnt suck the breast milk from thefemales nipples or even that after certain age they didnt drink the breast milk, or even that the herd`s members asthey called the old society had forbidden have sex in front of the other herd'smembers, since that was the most common and normal thing to do for them.

Neither they could understandthat their ancestors where who dominated the feared black masters who capturedthem and keep them as animals, forcing to serve them and punish them causingthem a lot of pain, as the herd`s leaders said when they were telling the pupswhat happened to the whiteys that like them were captured.

Also they didn`t understand thatonce the whiteys had had weapons and forced to work for them to the blackmasters, in the conditions that the black masters kept them or that the blackmasters were sold as happened to them, even they knew that the whiteys were theanimals and not the black masters.

But now the young black masterthat is hunting this naked eighteen years old white teenager dark brown hiredmale, is evaluating the young animal while is climbing the rocks and is waitingthat the sedative put to sleep the naked beast.

The young beast has a beautifulbutt that many blacks are going to appreciate, and as the wild animal hasseparated the legs to climb, he has seen his balls and cock hanging which arenot impressive even the black master consider them small, but for the momentthe black hunter is going to have the pleasure to see the face of terror andpain when he circumcised the whitey animal without anesthetic before he put himon sale, and despite that he has small genitals he could sale him in a verygood price.

And he has decided than insteadto send him to a Maturity or Tame Center, he is going to train the young wildwhite boy, and he's going to enjoy the training above all when he causes to theanimal pain for the punishment that hes going to apply on him either deservedor undeservedly, and the only thing thatis left for be seen is the animals anus since his buttocks despite that isclimbing still keeps it hidden, but as soon as the white beast falls to theground unconscious he is going to put the gloves in his hands and is going toopen the buttocks and he'll see how used his hole is, and the young blackhunter is thinking that effectively life is good when youre the master andyour enemies are the animals and the things had changed making that now theblacks dominated the whites, since he didnt like hear the stories when thewhites ruled over the blacks and they were treated as now they treated thewhiteys.

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Next: Chapter 273: Salvajes 22

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