Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 13, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These two spring brakes were on acruise ship and drunken they registered in the Millionaire Contest that was goingto take place on the ship, but now the price was very handsome, because on eachisland where the ship was going to duck the government was going to give to thewinner a house and money, however the punishment for the losers was still thesame a life time slavery.

This time only three contendersregistered in the contest, these two boys lost and when they were enslaved theywere put on sale on board and they were bought by their own friends, while thewinner is enjoying his new house in the island where the ship docked, and onevery island will be the same.

The slave that is on the left wasvery lucky because the overseer gave him an apron so he can cover his balls andcock while he's vacuuming the arcade's carpet, but the slave that is on theright has done a huge mistake because he sat instead to be helping his fellowslave, and according with the crew members have dared to dirty the seat withhis disgusting and pestilent skin.

The security guards have seenwhat he has done, and in few minutes more an overseer will go to punish both ofthem, and doesn't matter that only one slave has broken the rules because thecruise ship policy is very simple, when the slaves are working in groups if onedoes something wrong the others are punished too, with this the curse linepretends avoid that the slaves are lazy, little the slaves know that theirformer friends and other passengers are who will punish them.

The cruise lines for the youngpeople is a place to have fun and has become a very attractive place for TheMillionaire Contest organizers, even when the passengers make their reservationfor the cruise they have to sing a document, where they give up to the rightsto be defended by their countries if they decide to participate in TheMillionaire Contest and they lose, and although in the beginning this broughtto the passengers distrust, now all of them sing the document because insidethe cruise ship they have had the opportunity to buy those boys or girls thathave lost in the different contests, and even many fiends has joined in groupsto buy a slave on board and put him under the orders of the crew member that isin charge of the passenger service, to make the slave be working in the shipwhile his masters are not needing his services.

But one thing that amuses TheMillionaire Contest organizers and the TV spectators, is that all passengerssay that they are not going to participate in The Millionaire Contest whilethey are on board, but many of them do it when they're drunk, but above allwhen they are challenged by their friends to do it otherwise they areconsidered chickens, even many of those who challenge their friends say thatalso they are going to register but never do it, and they made that their friendsend up as a foul when they already haveregistered because they can`t retract once they are registered otherwise theywould be immediately enslaved, andalthough is assumed that they should learn the lesson in reality every timemore and more boys fall into this trap and they end up being enslaved and manytimes being bought by their friends, as has happened to this two slaves thatnow are working cleaning the ship while their masters are having fun, and whatthe slaves will face soon is the punishment for the foolishness of the eighteenyears old dark haired slave that isseated to take a rest for few moments,while the dark brown haired slave boy of the same age wearing the apron is vacuuming.

But like always happens for theslaves the humiliation, despair and hopelessness become their inseparable companions,have to be naked all the time exhibited as animals wearing the collar thatidentify them as the most despicable of the society, knowing that for theothers is not important what they might feel because for them they are not morethan objects that can be used as they please, have anal and oral sex when theothers want and with their masters when they tell them to do it and beingpowerless to stop that, knowing that there Is no way to escape from thatsituation because they are slaves for life, beside don`t have the control of theirlives and have to depend on others about their future, so all those things makethat the slaves hate their situation and the so called free men love it.

But unfortunately what the socalled free men don't release is that each time more of them are enslaved, forthings so stupid such as The Millionaire Contest and other things that beforethat the slavery was reintroduced were known as minor offenses and that now arecauses to be enslaved.

These two slaves before to be punishedby the crew members in public are going to be punished by the passengers that are in the deck, for the terrible sinthat the black haired slave committed about have sat for few instant instead tohave kept working, they are going to be taken by their ears by their masters tothe sun deck where the pools are while they are going to be begging them to nothurt them anymore walking on their tip toes, while the free passengers make funof them and they are going to be forced to have sex between them because theirmasters know that the two animals hate to have sex with other males, while theyare filmed by The Millionaire Contest organizers and the video with the slaveshaving sex between them and their punishment is sold to the public, and theirmaster can earn a handsome profit for that video, and all days are going to bethe same for these slaves while they are in the ship, working restless eighteenhours each day and only resting six with the fear to be punished because theydid something wrong or by the whim of a superior been.

And The Millionaire Contest eventwhere these two slaves lost in the ship was see which one of the contenders hadthe bigger bulge formed in the tinny swimming suit by their cocks and balls.

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Next: Chapter 290: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 23

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