Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 1, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you ·.

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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Other winner of the "MillionaireContest" that now is enjoying his wealthy and his new luxury home that thestate gave him.

But on this time is not a slavewho is giving him pleasure but one of his friends that wants money, howeverthis new millionaire is not foolish and is taking maximum advantage of thesituation or at least is what he thinks because he has just done a hugemistake.

The friend that is eating the newmillionaire ass doesn't want some of his money but all, and as soon as hefinished his sexual encounter he's going to the court so the rich boy faces atrial under the charge of power abuse, and he knows that the rich boy will befind guilty and is going to be enslaved for life, and like he was the offendedpart the judge will give him the new slaves as his property, and all the newslave's belongings and the money that once were of the "Millionaire Contest"winner now will be his, and after that he's going to put on sale the new slaveto buy a better one.

But what this ingenuous new richboy doesn ´t know is that all that is happening is being recorded and later willbe edited so he can be declared guilty.

As always happened in thecountries where the slavery was stablished, at the beginning the laws were veryrestrictive about enslaving someone, and only in matters that were considered aserious and clear violation of the laws the offender was enslaved, but with thepassage of the time when the society saw that the slaves were beneficial forboth the economy and give status to the family who possessed them, the lawswere relaxing and be changed and for insignificant reasons a free citizen couldbe enslaved.

And that was precisely what thosesocieties wanted, have more slaves for the benefit of all the free citizensthat were decreasing in a dramatic way, and the worst of all was that theydidnt release about that and they kept supporting the law changes and now evenhave sex with a friend if you werent careful enough could end up enslavingsomeone, and being sued for sexual and power abuse as in this case.

The dark brown haired twentyyears old boy that is laying on his back on the sofa of his luxury residencehas his legs open and raised up, beside that he has his eyes closed and hismouth open enjoying the moment while his supposed friend is rimming him.

And the boy that soon will becomethe master of the wretched rich boy that won The Millionaire Contest has thesame age of his victim, is dark brown haired and both boys are naked in theprivacy of the new rich boy's house.

The boy that in few hours morewill become a slave and is going to see with desperation that all that once washim will be given to the boy who was supposed to be his best friend, ishandsome and if he were put in auction he would reach a high sale price,although his sexual tackle is not big but his perineum is fleshy and bulky andthis is an area where many slaves buyers look very carefully, because for manyfetishists is very important that the enslaved male animals have that part of the human body that is veryprivate prominent, because they are kept naked all the time and are exhibitedin both in public and private.

The boy that soon will be the newrich to only think about what is going to happen to his victim, has made thathe enjoys that moment, and his face reflecting the pleasure that hes feelinghas cheating the unsuspecting millionaire boy that is going to be taken outfrom his home completely naked, to be taken to the Slave Processing Center(SPC) exhibited as an animal, and hes going to be taken walking instead thanin a transport, and the gag that is going to be punt in his mouth is going tobe a giant dildo that is going to touch the back part of his mouth and will bereleasing urine with cum mixed, and the slave will not have more option butswallow it, because his hands will be cuffed on his back.

At the SPC the slave body will bepermanently depilated and hes going to be allowed to keep his head hair, andhe's going to be circumcised without anesthetic, while his cries of pain anddesperation are going to be music to the ears of the new master, and when thecircumcision is over the glans is going to be put into a gel to make that thehealing process hurried, and after hes going to be put into a cage where hewont be able to move and he will be taken out the day that he's going to besold, but in that same auction hes going to see how his former friend and whobetrayed him will buy several slaves, and with malevolent smile he`s is goingto say the animal that is his property fuck you, and without thinking twice hewill leave the slave dealer auction house with his new animals, waiting that bedeposited on his bank account the amount of money for the sale of the animalthat made him millionaire.

And the slave that for few dayswas millionaire will end up pulling a rickshaw naked through the city streetswith a seat for two passengers, and many of his former friends a family aregoing to see him exhibited and humiliated.

Even his new master will forcehim to have anal sex in public places, since hes considered as an animal hehasnt to be dressed and public sex is not forbidden for him because as ananimal he doesn`t have consciousness for what he does, and only is followinghis animal instincts, and his master will take as justification that his animalis having sex in public because he needs keep the animal calm down.

Even the one that was his bestfriend and betrayed him is going to use his services very often to be takenfrom one place to other, with the purpose to be always remembering him what oneday he had lost and what he became and with pleasure hes going to use theriding crop to lash his naked buttocks, back and thighs, to make him scream inpain and force him to go faster as well, although he was going to be verycareful about not damaging the animals skin to avoid be enslaved.

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Next: Chapter 315: El Concurso Millonario 25

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