Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 12, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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They are lost and worry, they arepart of the exclusive slaves group that could escape from their captors andavoided to be sold in the Slaves Black Market, and what in the beginningappeared to be a good idea now they ´re wondering if they made a huge mistake.

The security guard put theminside a special cell the last night because the next day they would beinspected by a potential buyer, but he forgot padlocked the door so they couldescape, but like they were naked they decided don ´t go into the city and don`task for help to their embassy because they were afraid to be captured and sentback to the merchant of white meat that was going to sale them and instead wentout, however now they are in serious troubles because they are in the desertand without water, the heat is very strong and the sun is hitting themmerciless.

The two naked boys despite theheat, the thirst and the hunger with hope are looking at the sand because iswet, so they feel very lucky because they know that they have found water, butlittle they know that this is a trap and very soon they'll be captured againand that same day are going to be sold in the Slaves Black Market.

The young white male meatmerchants like these two boys know perfectly where to find the fugitivesbecause all of them do the same when they can run away, don't go through thecity where paradoxically would be more safe be walking naked because is full ofnaked slaves that are in the streets because they are doing errands for theirmasters, and the free citizen don`t put attention to the slaves, and althoughthat the guard that let them escape is who is going to capture them anyway he'sgoing to be sold as slave that same day together with this two white animals.

These two eighteen years old boysthe dark brown haired that still has on his body the tan lines from his waistto the middle of his thighs including his buttocks, and the other black hiredboy that is fully tanned, are watching the sand carefully and had decided towalk a little more following the wet sand walking away from the city, to drinkthe water on the safest place and don`t be easily seen If they were looking forthem, without knowing that other wretched white slaves that like them theymanaged to escape thought the same with a very different result from theirplans.

The dark brown haired boy has ahard on but what in the beginning was a cause of shame for him now is somethingnatural and he doesn`t worry for that, after several days to be caged withother boys and be forced to defecate and urinate on them and the other boys dothe same on his body, have a hard on now wasn't a symbol of shame because formseveral days he has been kept naked.

For the black haired boynakedness was something natural if he wasnt naked among dressed people bothmen and women, because he never was used to be naked in front of them but benaked in front of other boys that as him were slaves didnt matter to him,however never he liked have to defecate or urinate in holes in front of otherslaves or free citizens because he wasn`t allowed to go into a bathroom as whenhe was free.

Also he knows that he's valuableand he was going to be sold at a very good price because he was handsome besidethat many of the potential buyers loved his buttocks, and also he knew that thedark brown haired boy also was very coveted by the potential slave buyersbecause all the slaves that were punt into his cage were considered handsomeand expensive.

These two boys also were loversbecause many times had been forced to have oral and anal sex with each other infront of the possible buyers, many of them were very rich boys of their sameage, who wanted to see how their buttocks moved while they were pumping theirenslaved cocks into their anuses, and also they wanted to see the cocks hardand how much cum they could produce, so now both boys not only estimated eachother but also they love each other as boyfriends and had had decided livetogether as a couple, and when they went back home they were going to telltheir parents that they were lovers, without knowing that this never wouldhappen.

In his naivete the black hairedboy in his flight found a kerchief of different colors and he put on his neckto cover the collar that identifies him as slave, while his fellow slave theyhad not put the collar yet, but never the boy stop to think what he was doingwas a foolishness because any free boy would dare to go out to the street nakedand be in public showing up his family jewels and his buttocks.

The end of these slaves is goingto be sexually serving their masters while they were useful and then they aregoing to be sold to merchants that they are going to take them to the desertwhere the bedouins are going to use them as beast of burden, and their sons aregoing to use them as sexual toys during the night, until they are burned up andthey were sent to the gold or rubies mines where their days will end.

But the good news for these twoslaves is that they will be able to keep fucking each other when they mastersallow them, although their betters are going to make fun of them, because onlythey will be able to do it after their masters and their friends had put theircum in their rectums and both slaves have to clean their betters' cum that isdripping from their anuses mixed with their guts juices and their own cumlicking from each other holes, and although these two slaves are not going tobe lovers being free boys as they would have liked, at less always they aregoing to be together and they can have sex between them as they had dreamedthat it would happen when they reached their freedom

In this moment their relativesare looking for them like many others relatives are doing now, but is a uselesstask because as soon as they are sold like the others boys they will be lostinto the slaves' world that were sold in the black market and they never willbe found, this is the sad end of those boys who become victims of the humangreed and who are the merchandise that make that the human meat merchants aremillionaires, and in special the merchants of white meat.

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Next: Chapter 340: Born Wild 27

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