Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 26, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thisnaked blond eighteen years old whitey with small nipples that now are erect becausehe's cold due to the air conditioning in the swimming pool area, is waiting forhis master's grandsons to keep an eye on them while they're swimming and evenserve them as a sex toy if they want use him like that.

Likemany other whiteys when the superior blacks issued the order to enslave all thewhites he tried to cross the border illegally and be safe, but he failed andwas captured and sent like a naked animal in a cattle wagon as many other boysthat faced the same fate that him, and were stripped naked in public in ahumiliating way and sent one over the other to a Reunion Center and then soldas slaves.

He waswith his parents and brothers when the black guards discovered them and thehunt began and there he was separated from them and then he didn't know whathad happened with his family, since when his brother was going to hold him byhis hand so they could flee together, other terrified whitey that was followedby a black hit them causing them to separate and this slave fell to the ground,but wasn`t there where he was captured since fortunately for him at that timehe was able to get up quickly and keep running to go away from the danger to becaptured by the feared guards that belonged to the Slave Police (SP), and thatnow they chased the whites since inthose moments they were already considered as slaves.

Thisblond white teenage slave boy never had gone out of his city and the travelthat had done with his parents and brothers to the border was something veryexciting, however the fear could be felt in the clandestine transports thatwhere taken them to their destiny, and there were some blacks that although hadbeen treated in a very harsh way by the once white masters were taking them tothe border instead to take them to the SP, but of course the whites had to payand exorbitant amount of money to be taken to the border, and as was expectedthey weren't taken by the main roads, if not by dirt roads that went by themountains and forest.

Howevermany blacks that were white flesh transporters betrayed the inferiors whitesand in the middle of the forest the whites were captured by the SP agent thatalready knew that they were going to go by through there, and not only theykept the exorbitant amount of money that the whiteys had paid them but alsothey received a reward by the black authorities because they had betrayed thewhiteys.

Butthis slave's family had had a very good luck because not only they werentbetrayed but they could arrived to the border, but also paid a modest moneyquantity to be transported, because they were taken in a transport that wascarrying pigs, although they had to travel with the pigs naked and piss andshit as they were animals, although the mother was hidden inside the driver'scabin and she hadnt to travel as her husband and sons naked.

Butwhen they were close to the border the mother was separated from his sons andhusband because the driver was warned that a SP agents patrol was on the dirtroad where they were going, so the naked family males where taken off thetransport in the middle of the forest, and the black driver gave theminstructions about how arrive to the border, and also told them that the familyfemale member was going to be taken to the city, and he gave them instructionsabout how to meet with her on the other side of the bored, however the nakedfamily males would have to keep going naked until the border or cover theirnakedness in the forest.

Thenaked males began to walk through the forest without knowing the danger thatwas awaiting them, because the SP black guards had discovered other whiteysgroup that had gone through that same dirty road hours before and were chasingthose whites that could escape, and in his despair one of the whiteys that hasbeen chasing by the guard went where the cautious family was walking, and whenthey heard the noises they turned their heads to find out what was happeningand one of the brothers took the slave boy by his hands to avoid that they wereput apart, but the persecuted whitey in his despair hit the naked boy and hisbrother and separated them, and when they saw several SP guard the terrifyfamily began to run to avoid be captured.

Theyoung blond male ran without releasing that he was separating from his lovedones by going on the opposite direction where they had gone, and until he feltsaved he turned to speak with his brother, but terrified he released that wasalone, so scared and sobbing kept walking without knowing where he was going,and picked up from the ground small leaves to cover his buttocks, cock andballs, and one of the leaves only covered his ass crack leaving completeduncovered the rest of his buttocks and the area where the legs joined hisbuttocks and if he bending down and opened a little bit his legs then his anuswas leaved exposed, and by the front barely the leave covered his balls andcock but if he was seen by the sides they could see them without restriction.

Butthe stench of his body after had been with the pigs was nauseating, beside thathe needed to clean his butt because he had to shit in the full fours and theturds dirtied his anus and skin while he was in the transport beside theanimals because que couldnt change position to avoid be seen by the guards,beside that they had to go naked first for hygienic reason and because theirwhite skin could camouflaged with that of the pigs that was pinky white aswell, and the male members of his family were distributed around cage wherepigs were and they werent together.

Afterwash his body in a river and only be wearing the leaves that didnt leaveanything to the imagination and having hurt his feet soles, he began see sweatyboys that were walking very scared and cautiously where he was going althoughthey were dressed, and several of them when they saw his nakedness look at himin a weird way but they didnt say a word, and even some of them were speakingin whispers when he approached to one of them that was very scared because hewas on the transport that went before for the same dirty road where they hadgone and that had been discovered by the SP black guard, and he knew that theywere very close from the borders, and that they were only few hours away toarrive to the border, and when the scared boys asked him why he was naked, thenow slave explained him how his family had been transported but the other boydidn`t say anything, and as it was getting dark they looked for a place whereto sleep but in that part of the forests there were no cave and they decidedhide behind the trees and be covered with the leaves to try to avoid that theblack SP guards saw them if they passed by.

Thenext morning hungry they got up to continue their way and try to arrive as soonas possible to the border, but this slave feet were hurting him and was walkingvery slow, but all changed when the SP guards discovered them and the wretchedboys stared to run like crazy in all directions, and the slave and the otherboy that was with him arrived to border that was protected by a wire and beganto climb it up, but the SP black guardswere behind them, and while the other boy climbed up fast, the enslaved blondboy as he had hurt his feet did it more slowly, the SP black guard arrived tothe wire and when he saw the wretched boy`s exposed anus because he had to openone of his leg to climb up he stuck his rowlock into the virginal anus, causingthat the white boy screamed by the unbearable pain that he felt and made thathe felt down, and then already being on the ground he kicked his balls andcaptured him.

Now likeall the white slaves he always must be naked and wearing a collar, but in hiscase he was a light one because he has to swim, and his astonishment wasdue that instead the grandsons hadarrived were his parents and his two older brothers who went in, but not as slaves if not astourists .

Hisparents after see his naked body and the collar they didn't greet him and wentaway whit his host to eat some snacks where other white slave served them, buthis brothers smiling friendly walked to greet their now enslaved baby brotherand they hugged him although the slave felt how they also caressed his buttockswhile they friendly were talking with him, and they explained him that they hadto caressed his buttocks open them and inspect his anus, his cock and balls topretend that they weren`t interested in him as a brother but as slave, althoughthat comment left the young slave confused.

Whileboth the parents and their son's master were talking about they were interestedto buy the slave to serve them, since in the country where they now were livingthe slavery had been established and they wanted be the first to have a familymember serving them as slave inside the exclusive group of people that werepart of their social class, the black master refused to sale the boy even heordered the younger enslaved son to come and told both the slave that wasoffering the snacks and they enslaved son to lay down on the floor and in asixty nine they began to suck each other cocks and cum in their mouths, andafter kiss each other and interchange their cum swallowed it in front of his stupefied parents and brothersthan even felt disgusted, and few minutes later arrived the black master's sonswith the grand children that holding the young white slave by his cock took himto the pool spanking and even they kicked the slave in his naked and tenderbuttocks before his parents and brothers look of impotence and sadness, becausethey had failed in their try to buy the boy and take him back to the countrywhere they were living and give him back his freedom, and the boy withdesperation saw how he was taken away from his family that had tried to buy himbecause he had heard his parents desperate try to buy and take him with them,but for his bad luck the payback time had arrived and the blacks were not goingto waist it

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Next: Chapter 348: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 27

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