Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 23, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The scientistsare amazed how the Hermas have adapted to the environment where they liveconsidering that they are exposed to radiations, and even though they stilldont know the reason why to be ordinary men when they are exposed to theradiation they are transformed in depredators with a pussy by which they feedby having trapped the head of his prey and then gobble it by the pussy, theyare the more resistant because they have to go through terrible pain while theyare being transformed and barely be able to feed and drink water and when theirtransformation is over they're real killer machines, since they dont followthe same behavioral and physical pattern than their males counterpart that liveas wild animals and are their prey, since while they get tired the Hermas assoon being their persecution they didn`t stop until have captured their preyand even though the victim often manager to escape always they find anotherprey to feed and keep in the experiment the ecosystem equilibrium.

Other thing thatdifferentiates the Hermas from the wild human animals is that while the Hermasdespite that were males if the meet they are sociable, they can stay togetherand in pace, talk and be together for a long time if required, while the malehumans changed in wild animal only they can be together once has beenestablished who is the dominant male or Alfa and who is the enslaved male orBeta and after have fought among them to determinate that situation and thatthe alfa male had fucked the beta male, and even have such a barbaric behavioras the alfa male if whishes can geld the beta male if he considers him a sexualrival despite that already has been established the social level of the nakedmales in that relationship considered as master and slave, and who has thepriority to breed is the alfa male while the beta male function is serve assexual salve and sexually arousing the female that is going to be fucked by thealfa male with breeding purposes, and only allow that the male puppies that areborn of the copula that had had the alpha male with the female stay in thefamily while the alfa male doesn`t consider the little male as a sexualcompetitor who could breed the female, because in the moment that the littlemale begins to produce tadpoles (spermatozoids) and the smell of his bodychanges, in that moment the alfa male or his father will make him stay awayfrom the family and depends on himself to feed and survive avoiding be hunt bythe other Hermas of his same age or older that when they were taken to theexperiment they became predators, while the females are allowed to stay in thefamily all the time without mattering their ages.

But the way thatthe Hermas live has fascinated the scientists but since the experimentbeginning had been more interested in observe the males and females that hadbecome into animals because they were bigger in number of the creatures thatwere living in the experiment, until certain point they hadnt put muchattention to the Hermas that despite that they were much less in reality theywere responsible to make sustainable the naked and wild life in the island, andwhat until that moment had them more surprised was their turds, because despitethat they were smelly they weren't harmful for their health and for those wildhumans unlike what happened with the normal humans body wastes in thecivilization, and the scientist began to find strange that situation becausethe Hermas eat the flesh of those that once had been their peers and of their samespecies, and they were interested to know the reason why and then they began toobserve closely them to have more knowledge about their habits and the reasonwhy of that weird situation, but what the scientists didnt know until thosemoments was that Herma's excrement have a very important role so the Hermascould get their food hunting the naked wild human males, since that smellprevented that the naked male when was sniffing the air could detect the nearpresence of a depredator and even the excrement of the humans that eat the eggsof other animals and plants, flowers and fruits, also to be pestilent helpedthe Hermas to avoid be detected by the males so easily and only they coulddepend on smell, sight and hearing to detect their depredator and the danger,and in many times the wild male detected the Herma when already was very closeand were when the persecution began depending only and exclusively on the nakedwild male abilities to can escape from his depredator.

So one of thescientists began to observe a white eighteen years old tanned dark haired hermawith beautiful buttocks and that were meaty, rounded and small or at least hewas that age when he was sent to the experiment, and despite that he didn`t seehis transformation in Herma while the radiations worked on him he could seeonce the transformation was finished he began to look for his meal and at leasthe witness how he hunted ten wild males including pups, and how he furiouslywanked them while he swallowed and hesaw how with desperation his preys' hands tried to stop the wanking constantlybecause they had irritated both the cock and the glans without success, andthen slowly using his abdominal muscles, anus and his buttocks getting in byhis pussy the body of his prey arrived directly to his stomach until itcompletely disappeared.

Until few daysago the scientist thought that this depredator couldn't reproduce, because hehas the female sexual organs instead the male ones, and their function wasallow the Herman feeds, however no long ago, they saw that the Hermas can takeout their cocks and balls to penetrate other Herman for reproduction purposes,while this young Herma was being observed by the scientist he saw how he waswith other Herma and both began to caress each other and kiss and even theyfingered their holes and were caressing their pussies, beside that they werelicking their nipples, kissing and caress their buttocks, and even though thatat the beginning this conduct left scientist surprised because he never thoughthat the Hermas could have that kind of sexual reactions between them that heconsidered them as homosexuals, his surprise was very big when he saw that bothHermas began to take out slowly their male sexual organs while the sexualstimulation kept going , until the pussy disappeared completely and thereweren`t traces of it.

These depredatorskeep hidden must of the time their male sexual organs because they constantlyneed hunt to feed themselves, but if they need reproduce then they take themout and they look like other normal male inside The Experiment, but when theyhave them outside they can't hunt and feed, and the stronger Herma first fuckshis partner penetrating him by the anus with the intention to pregnant him, andthen he allows that the weaker fucks him with the intention that the strongeralso is pregnant.

But the sexualstimulation before the penetration is very important so the ovule can beproduced and fertilized, and once pregnant the Herma put inside his malessexual organs so he can hunt again, and never the pregnancy is noticed, andwhen the birth time arrives the fetus goes out by the anus.

This Herma is looking for asafe place where his baby can born and he's checking that he has enough breastmilk to feed him, and even though the herma's kid is not in danger to be huntedby a depredator, is necessary that he born in a safe place because he could bekilled by the Hermas or their preys that could pass by there, and the new bornin one week more will be capable to hunt for himself and he'll leave hisparent.

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Next: Chapter 366: Salvajes 29

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