Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 1, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



He could escaped of the secretservice vigilance, as the president's son he was tired about couldn't doanything without being watched, so one day told his friends that he was goingto go to the disco without his bodyguards to be with them but he never make it,because he was kidnaped and sent to a far country where he was undressed andsold in the black market as slave.

He was bought by a bar owner andhe is servicing as a waiter, he still has the hope to be rescued consideringthat he's the president's son, but while that happens he's forced to serve thecostumers of his same age that live inthat city naked.

Each time that he bringssomething to the tables where the costumers are seated they caress his buttocksand even his cock and balls and his hole is fingered, but he is helpless to dosomething to stop that because then he would be brutally punished and this isprecisely what he wants to avoid.

The first time that this happenedhe was very angry and started to scream to the costumers, but he never did thatagain and now he tamely allow them to touch any par of his body that theywanted, because his master that first time punished him with a whip for severalminutes in presences of the offended customers without damage his skin, andsince that day to show how despicable he is and now is wearing a metalliccollar,

Now he's jerking off by thecountries president's son orders where he was enslaved, and despite that theslave hasn't said who is him everybody in that country knows who is him and theyare enjoying his humiliation, the young slave despite his nakedness andhumiliation always have the hope that that day will be the last day of hisslavery because he's going to be found and be rescued.

The presidential enslaved cock asthe enslaved president's son was known that is an eighteen years old dark brownhaired white boy, light brown and almost pinkish big nipples, has even to servenaked to several of those that had been his acquaintances in the country wherehis father was president, because that bar had become very famous and now was avery luxury and exclusive one, and each time that the boy saw one of hisacquaintances that made that his hopes to be rescued be renewed because he hadthe hope that they were going to tell his father that they had found him, butfor an estrange reason never they arrived to rescue him and he still wasservicing the diners naked, jerking off for them and offering his pathetic andrecently produced cum at a prohibited price as seasoning to the salad, meat oreven as milk for the coffee.

But his humiliations didn`t stopthere, because he was taken to special and exclusive events where only thecountry high society could go and also the country's president went there, andalways that the slave was going to be taken to those events the people knewthat the enslave boy was going to be there because the people was informed thatthe enslaved presidential cock was going to be serving in that event, showingimpudently his family jewels beside than other secret parts of his body and thatmade that that kind of people paid exorbitant money amounts only to be there,and can humiliate the boy and show the president and his collaborators as wellhow rich they were to afford to pay those prohibited prices and have the chanceto humiliate the boy.

But other thing that the slavecouldnt understand was how the president of that country didnt tell hisfather that he was enslaved there, or simply he was sent back to his father andhe was kept as a naked animal or burden beast and exhibited, because when hewasn`t occupied servicing the bar's customers or in parties amusing the hatedrich, he was put to work cleaning bathroom, washing the dishes, swiping thestreets or even if was necessary cocking or preparing the slaves food portionsthat belonged to the bar or even in the farms when has taken there to do homechores.

While the enslaved presidentialcock father wasnt very worried about that his son had been kidnaped, and muchless that he was kept as slave in other country servicing sexually as a whoreto the diners of an exclusive bar or even he was taken to parties to sexuallyserve to the guest, since what the enslaves presidential cock didnt know wasthat his father had suspicions that he wasn't his son and even though he already knew where he was and what had beenhis destiny, he didnt have any intention to rescue him even though that hiswife was begging him to do it although she didnt know that he already hadfound the son and the president had decided not to rescue the boy.

Even the president of the countrywhere the enslaved presidential cock was servicing as slave has offered to thepresident rescue the boy and take him back to his country and pay acompensation for what had been done to the boy, however the boy's fatherthanked to his counterpart his intentions to compensate the damage and told himthat wasn`t necessary and explained him the situation so he could understandthe reason why he wanted that the brat was still a slave.

Even the enslaved presidentialcock was taken to the embassy of his own country to serve together with otherslaves in a very important event that was the visit of his own father thepresident to that country, since he was offering a gala dinner to the hostpresident and even the enslavedpresidential cock had to dance naked for the guest including his fathertogether with the other slaves only wearing the slave collar, while the guestlooked with lewd intention the slaves and even when they could touched theirmost intimate body parts in a lewd way, and at the end the boy despite thatwith desperation wanted to tell his father the president to help him hecouldnt do that because his former father didnt want to hear him and he endedup being a slave servicing in the embassy of his own country.

What the president never knew wasthat the enslaved presidential cock was his son and that other of the boys thathe loved wasnt his son, and the enslaved presidential cock was the victim ofan unfounded doubt even though that he was the president legitimate son, whilethe bastard enjoyed all the benefits of be the presidents son and a life offreedom and luxury, and if only the enslaved presidential cock would not havedecided go with his friends to the disco he wouldn`t have been the victim ofthe suspicion.

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Next: Chapter 370: Chicos Tontos 29

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