Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 7, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These two boys were chosen by alot to be contenders into the must viewed tournament "The MillionaireContest", but this was a very specialone because the rules were changed andwasn't on the open TV channels to be seen by the general audience because itwas pay per view since the contenders were going to be naked all the time, but also the awardwas three times more because the winner would receive three more times theamount of money than normally was given and also he would have three house inthe places that he had chosen inside the country, as compensation to haven beenhumiliated to be forced to be naked in front of the nationwide audience, andfor the losers like always happened slavery was awaiting them but for themdidn ´t matter if they had been exhibited naked since being slaves they would belike that all their lives.

Other change that was done wasthat all the boys that were chosen by the lot weren ´t informed that they weregoing to participate, simply one day before the event took place the SlavePolice (SP) went to their schools to take them to the place where they shouldcompete to avoid the panic and the chosen boys' parents protest.

When the SP went to the schoolfor the boys they show to the principal an order signed by a judge where theywere authorized to take the boy with them, then the school couldn't refuse togive them the boy, so the boy was brought into the Principal's office withoutknowing what was going on, and when the SP agents show him the judge order theboy was told to get naked if he didn't want to be punished.

The SP agents didn't have powerover the free citizens so they have to respect them and the boys were freecitizen, however the order issued by the judge included a enslavement orderthat clearly indicated that the chosen boy had been enslaved and only he wouldbe free again if he won the contest, therefore the SP could punished the boysthat dared to disobey them, once the boy was naked he was forced to go into adog cage and after it was closed was taken to the transport where was putbeside the other dog cages without mattering if they were empty or occupied.

If by the lot two or morestudents were chosen to participate from one specific school, the SP guardswaited until all the chosen boys were into the office to show them the orderthat the judge was issued and they had to get naked at the same time.

When they were in the transport,the students traveled locked in the dog cages until the last student of theircity was on the transport caged and the truck arrived to the place where theevent would take place, and if they needed shit, pee or throw up they had to doit into the cage or wait until they arrived to their final destination, also theycouldn ´t be watered or fed.

Once they arrived to theirdestination, the dog cages were opened so they went out, and they were taken tothe showers to take a shower and urinate or defecated if needed, and after thatthey had to make a line so a chip could be implanted in their bodies so thesatellites could be following them and the cameras could make a livetransmission about what was happening with them, and the chip was implantedinto their bodies by their anuses, once this procedure was over, they weretaken to an inner yard where on the floor were dog bowls with food, so the participantsunder the SP guards' watchful eye they had to eat on full fours with theirmouths, and they had to keep their legswide open so their balls and cocks were hanging freely and as their anuses theywere exposed.

Since the first moment when thecontenders where put into the transport the TV transmission began, even insidethe cages were cameras, so the TV spectators could see without any restrictionthe new enslaved contenders' naked bodies, however the best moment to see thenaked bodies in all their glory was when the chips were implanted in to their bodiesand when they were fed, and since that moment the bids began to arrive.

Once the participants finished eatingthey had to lift up their heads and wait until a naked slave wearing a collarcleaned their faces licking them, and after that on full fours they had to makea line to drink water directly from water faucet with their mouths and thenthey went to sleep.

All the participant slept on thefloor inside a cell and a camera was transmitting live so the TV audience thathad pay to see the event didn't lose anything that was happening, so they couldsee that some boys were jerking off, other were kissing and caressing eachother because they didn ´t think that they were going to win, furthermore beingslaves and haven't been forbidden to do that they could do it without breakinga law, or even the audience could hear when someone frat during the night.

The next morning they were takenout the cell very early and a door that was on the wall in the inner yard wasopened and they were taken into the forest, then they were told that thecontest consisted that the participant that was fucked by other participantlost, and this was the reason why this event was pay per view, because thesalves were going to have anal sex in a live broadcast, and at the end the lastparticipant that was left without be fucked would be the winner.

All the participants wereterrified when they heard that, but the bets and bids to buy the contendersnever had been as high as on that day, and the TV spectators were incredulousbut at the same time very excited by the contest rules.

The white eighteen years oldblack haired boy that now is being fucked by other boy one or two years olderthan him that also is white and is black haired, had chose the strategy to hidein the forest and don ´t fight until the other participants were tired, since heknew if he began to fight or persecute them since the beginning he wouldn ´thave any chance to win, and for a long time his plan worked, but what he wasn ´texpecting was that the boy that is anally fucking him now also had chosen thatstrategy, and he never was aware that he had been seen, so when he decided tochange the place where he was hidden, the other boy only had to jump on him anddespite that he fought like never he had done in his young life he lost, andnow the TV cameras were transmitting live his degrading moment when he waspenetrated by other boy while his parents, siblings, family and friends, arewatching with incredulity the fall down and humiliation that their love one isbeing subjected.

The winner after hitting hisyoung adversary on the head and leaving him stunned, holding him by his hairforced the boy to be in full fours and still holding his hair to avoid that hetried to flee he squatted and fucked the boy, the puzzled and dazed teenageralready without strength didn`t have more option but assume the position thathis brutal aggressor forced him to be and without any warning simply he rammedhis cock by the small, virginal and tight anus brutally opening it and for theaudience rejoice while the loser wretched teenage boy is screaming in pain, thewinner is smiling and enjoying the sensation to have his cock buried into thesmall anus expanding the tight rectum to painful levels, but at the end the rapist is not going to be capable of control his animal instinct and is goingto cum into his young victim rectum and this is going to leave him in a veryvulnerable situation, because he is going to be resting on his prey's back anda young eighteen years old blond boy is going to take advantage of thatsituation to fuck the boy that had raped the young black haired boy, making himscream in pain for the brutal invasion of his body, and instead to have win thecontest this slave allowed that his cock controlled him when he discovered thepleasure to fuck other male paying dearly because he lost his freedom, andallowing that the blond teenage boy that he not even fought with othercontenders fucked him and will continue in the contest while his victim and theother victim their own destiny were sealed.

While many TV spectators aremaking very high biddings for the boys that just had been brutally raped andhumiliated in front of the audience, while the "Millionaire Contest" now hasmore sponsors than ever.

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Next: Chapter 373: El Concurso Millonario 29

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