Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 14, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



The slaves' delivery into anauction center was something worth to see for the free citizens, consideringthat was the real way to see which was the truly character of the slaves andhow much they would have to be trained once they were sold either in thedifferent auctions centers facilities, in the different slaves training schoolsor by the masters, and many times the possible buyers were present on thosedeliveries or they sent their scouts although they had to pay to have the rightto be there.

The teenagers and young adultsmales were the most desired to be bought for their versatility on what theycould be used, that goes from sexual slaves until a hard labor either infactories, quarries, in different kind of business or even the mines and they hadthe advantage that they werent in risk to get pregnant, but was something thatthe male slaves had to face once they had lost their freedom either legal orillegally, and it was their penises infibulation or circumcision either partialor totally, since keeping the foreskin untouched was the free citizens rightand the slaves being considered less than animals didnt have the right to keepthe skin on that part of their bodies, beside that was considered that theenslaved human animal glans had to be all the time exposed since the slavedidn`t have to have any part of his body hide for his masters or his bettersand of course be naked all the time was his natural state in life .

But the slaves disembarking forthe free citizens always were fun and very traumatic for the poor and wretchedslaves that had lost their freedom, many of them even didn`t know why they werethere and only they said that all had been a mistake and they were freecitizens, although in reality and despite that they knew that they had becomein victims of the man necessity to have subjugated another similar for the pure addictivepleasure to can order him do degrading things and keep him naked, despite thatthemselves knew that the teenager and young males illegally kidnaped and slaveryfor their sale in other countries or in their same country but different citieswhen they have to face that terrible reality they preferred denied, and many ofthem despite that had fiercely fought to avoid be enslaves had succumbed to theenslavers' expertise to get the human males flesh and be sold and keep feedingthe insatiable appetite of the slaves markets above all of the potentialbuyers.

Once the slaves were disembarkedwere dived in groups first considering their skin color, then by the haircolor, then by the eyes color, the sizes of their cocks and balls, then bytheir buttocks appearance or the butt size and at last if they were circumcisedor not, this last criteria was used to differentiate those that already wereslaves and that were sent there by their masters in consignation to be sold andthose that were recently enslaved by their own countries authorities forcommitting a crime or for antisocial behavior, and finally there was the lastgroup that was put apart from the others and were those that were alreadycircumcised for religious or medical reasons, and the circumcised slaves werethe firsts to be sold, and in all cases they took pictures of every slaves atthe moment that they arrived into the Slaves Black Masters and their pictureswere up loaded into the human flesh merchants websites where only theyexclusive and very wealthy customers had access to see flesh that was beingoffered, and all the slaves were sold in their natural state in which theyarrived with the exception of the body hair that was permanently depilated, andany modification that the master wanted to do paying an extra amount of moneywas done either inside the black market with the vets that they had there, or the same master did it on his own.

But for the Slaves Black Marketsurprise a powerful and unexpected customer joined their exclusive group ofcustomers, and these were the armies of several countries which were needingmale slaves' flesh to can satisfy their soldiers sexual needs without the needthat they had to have sexual intercourse with the inhabitants of the countrieswhere they had been send since many of their soldiers had disappeared, and wasvery probably that they were sold in the Slaves Black Market and they wereservicing their enemies as their slaves and very probably they were providedthem information about things that their armies did, so for national securityreasons both the governments and their armies had decided to try to buy all theenslaved soldiers and keep them as slaves as a punishment because they weren`tenough careful and with this action avoid that the slaves could tell something divulging military secrets, andgenerally each army tried to buy their own enslaved soldiers and then soldiersof other countries so they could know which were the other armies tacticsintentions.

But this search to finding theenslaved military men wasnt an easy one and was very expensive and theconsequences to be found by their own army many times were worsen than bebought by other master or even by foreign army, and a Naltza enslaved soldierwas located by his own army in a branch of the Slaves Black Market deep in thedesert named Dry, these twenty years old dark brown haired white soldier withfleshy buttocks , is being inspected naked by their former superior and hisduty in the army was send very important codify messages to the other Naltzaunits that were in the same zone where his unit was however he hadnt beenkidnaped because he was having sex with that place girl or boy where they were,but because for the oversight of the guards and several enslavers with weaponswent into the facilities and they could kidnap this luckless young soldier, whowas taken to a human flesh merchant in a town which had though put his on saleand offer him to the best bidder and his naked body pictures showing his body'smost intimate parts had been up loaded to his website, however as soon as hismates released that he was missing they told to their senior military commandsdue for the top secret information that this unlucky boy knew and they began tolook for him desperately, because if he opened his mouth they would be inserious troubles specially the units that were on that zone.

The merchant when saw thesoldiers didnt care if they belonged to the army where this young soldier camefrom or other because he knew that they would pay a huge quantity of money forthe naked white animal that was being sold, so what he did was ordered that thewretched young soldier was brought to the presence of the high range soldiers thatwanted to buy him because they knew that this merchant had the soldier for thepictures on internet, the boy was ashamed to be naked in front of his owncommander and special his direct officer, which was directly pointing out hisballs and uncut cock while the enslaved soldier had his arm on his forehead soeven his arm pits were exposed, and this young solider boasted about hisforeskin large size and how the extra skin hung and that was covering hisglans and that was considered as type 3for the big skin excess, that made him until one point the envy of many of hisgroup mates that had seen him naked while he was taking a shower, since forevery soldier and especially the bigger the foreskin that a boy had the betterand the smaller with the type 1 that barely covered the glans leaving theurethra or piss slit as also was know and the front part of the glans as wellexposed was a shame because many of their mates said that they were slavesbecause they werent capable of cover one of the most intimate part of theirbodies, and the boys direct superior was explaining to the commander what kindof circumcision can be done on the wretched boy which knew that his directsuperior wasnt talking seriously because as soon he was bought he was going tobe freed, but what this wretched boy didnt know was that he was thinkingwasnt true because once he had been bought paying the price that the humanflesh merchant requested he would be kept as slave and he would have to servehis regiment as the first naked slave that had been bought as such when he was enslaved and was rescued from the enslavers,because this would serve as a deterrent for the other soldiers to be morecareful if they didn`t want ended up like him.

As soon as he arrives to hisregiment still naked and caged forced to be all the time that he's transportedand exhibited to those that once were his mates all day long forced to be inthe full fours position, he still thinking that they are punish and humiliatinghim for what happened hes going to be taken with the regiment's doctor andthey are going to ask him to circumcise him before the boy's terror and bewildermentthat couldnt believe what he is hearing, and even though he's going to want toprotest for the outrageous of camp's commander order his military discipline isgoing to make that he doesn`t said a word beside that he has the hope that onlythis is a test to see his reaction and loyalty to his commanders and especiallyto the Naltza army, and when he drinks water is going to be drugged andimmediately he's going to be put on a chair with stirrups and his head is goingto be immobilized by a leather strap on the chair's back, his wrists on therest arms and they are going to be fully extended to the sides, his ankles tothe chair's stirrups and his legs are going to be wide opened leavingcompletely exposed his anus, balls and cock so the doctor comfortably can bebetween his legs and perform what the camp's commander told him, but first theyare going to allow that the wretched boy is fully awake and he's going to begagged so he can feel the pain of what they are going to do to him withoutanesthetic and this is going to be performed in a public zone where all thesoldiers that wanted can see what is going to happen to the wretched slave thatonce was one of them, in addition this event is going to be recorded so theother soldiers and officials see what was done to this slave and they know whatis awaiting them if they are not careful.

The wretched slave's pain screamare going to be heard by all the present, although the gag is going to make theyare not so strong, while his body is going to be full of sweat and withdesperation he will try to move his head, arms and legs to try to get away fromhis bounds and can defend himself about they are doing to him but no vail, thepain on his cock is going to be execrating and the slave is going to think thatwas going to faint and with desperation he'll want to ask to those thatsupposedly were his mate and superiors why they're doing that to him but he cantbecause he'll be gagged, and despite that he will be exhausted for the painthat he'll feel and the effort that he'll do to tense his body and violentlymove it to try to get away, still he'll have enough strength to react to thepain that they will be inflicting on him and scream although his throat isgoing to be soar because he will be screaming so much and will be hoarse, and by the time that theregimen's doctor finishes he'll feel his cock very strange but he'll be soexhausted both physic and mentally that he wont have time to think about whatthey had done to him and he is going to faint and he is going to wake up untilseveral hours after being in the same place immobilized and thinking that allhad been a nightmare, but the pain onhis cock and feeling that something was pulling it down and cant move when hetried and he releases that he is immobilized and naked is going to make himunderstand that it wasnt a nightmare but a cruel reality, however he is goingto be left there for many time while the doctor periodically goes in and out tocheck him and gives him liquids to keep him hydrated but he is not going to eatanything, and despite of the sharp pain that he will feel he is going to beable to sleep but he wont know how long he is going to be kept there because the place where he'll be hasntwindows and he can`t know if it is day or night, in addition that he sometimesis going to be awake and other sound asleep despite the pain that he is goingto be feeling on his cock and have his head immobilized to the chair's back andonly he will be able to see the room's light.

Once the doctor considers thatthe slave has healed enough to be freed from his bounds he's going to be helpedby other slaves that the regiment is going to buy to serve them in the mostindignant task and many of them are going to be former soldiers that like himhad had been kidnaped but they'll come from other armies, and with incredulityand despair he is going to see what they've done to him, but before to be takenand introduced to those that once had been his regiment mates is going to be helpedby the slaves so he could be put intothe cell where they will keep theregiment increasingly number of the naked slaves, and after exercising andrecovering and he is ready to be shown to those that once were his mates asslave, and on a very hot morning he'sgoing to be taken out when all thesoldiers are formed and he is going tobe forced to walk between the soldiers lines naked while they will be mocking athim, because his foreskin which he had been so proud of because it was verylarge and covered all his gland and even was hanging instead to have beencircumcised had ben retracted permanently leaving his glans uncovered all thetime and they had practice on his cock piercings on both sides, that avoidedthat the foreskin could stretch forwards leaving the glands exposed such as thecircumcised slaves had it, but in addition for the surprise of all the freesoldiers, in the lower part of his glans they will pierce his cock and will behanging a very heavy padlock that will make that his cock always is pointingout to the floor and have an erections will be impossible due to the weight ofthe huge padlock, even though now his gland not only is going to be uncoveredand his foreskin permanently retracted by the piercing that he had on each sideof his cock but also he will be put in chastity with the padlock that willavoid that he has a hard on.

And this enslaved soldierfunction will remain to receive but not the messages but the cum of the free soldiersthat once were his equals and peers by his two body orifices and due to thisand because of his buttocks attractiveness many times a day he will be fucked,but what never he is going to imagine is that his former peers are so shamelesssince even many times his two body holes the mouth and anus are going to beoccupied at the same time by different cocks while they owners will be kissingeach other and he is giving them pleasure, however being fucked constantly is thebest that is going to happen to him and much more when he is laying on his backbecause so his enslaved cock muscle can rest and dont hurt so much, since dueto the weight of the big padlock that they will put on his cock and that all the time will make that the cock isstretched to the maximum and pointing out downwards in an unnatural position, will make the muscle get tired andaching and the only rest that he will have is when he is fucked and is allowedto be laying on his back or at night when he is resting, as long as he wont belaying on his stomach or his enslaved cock won't trapped under his body if he islaying on his stomach, even though the slaves that are circumcised are going tofuck him despite that at the beginning that will cause him disgust he'll be lookingfor it with desperation since when he will be anally fucked his prostate isgoing to be stimulated and this will be the only way to get an orgasm, and hislife is going to be a real nightmare between his cock constant ache and have tobe fucked beside that he'll have to perform the jobs that his master that areall the soldiers and officers tell him to do and in addition all the time he'll have to be naked as all theslaves that belonged to the regiment will be, but other thing that he is going to notice is that five more soldiersthat belonged to his regiment that will disappear are going to be bought andtwo of them will be circumcised because their foreskins are going to be considered as class 1 that meant that coveredtheir glans partially, and the other three as him their foreskins are going tobe retracted and pierced and their glands are going to be left uncovered andthey are going to put on their glans heavy padlocks that will be used aschastity devises to avoid that the five slaves could have a hard on like him, andtheir cocks constant ache will be a real torture but when they can this sixslaves are going to be together to hold each other cocks and have a momentaryrelief of that torture, although they ll have to be very careful that thesoldiers or commanders dont see them doing that because they would be brutally punished, and they will be wondering why the slaves that belonged to thatregiment are tortured in such way, while the other armies slaves are circumcised but they can have erectionsand they even can fuck among them, but the answer even though they never willknow is very simple, because they put in danger their regiment and their ownformer peers.

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Next: Chapter 378: Hora De Cobrarselas 29

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