Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 28, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



His master proudly is exhibitinghim in his public gymnasium as an exhibition animal that trains hisdistinguished customers, this super athlete was hired to be a wealthy man'spersonal trainer overseas, and due to the excellent payment he accepted the job.

For several months all was fine,he went to the most exclusive parties, his boss had given him a luxury car andhe lived in a house with a pool in a nice city neighborhood, one day his boss'sson invited him to a party with the sons of the most influential families ofthe country and of course he accepted but he was drugged and when he waked uphis life had changed forever.

His boss's son decided neuteredhim that meant that his balls were cut and his cock was modified until it was aclit, then he was taken to the sport center gym where since he arrived he hasbeen kept naked so every teenager that is trained there can see his shame, tohave a very developed muscles and in contrast a small penis that looks like aclit and don ´t have balls.

The first days they kept himchained so he couldn ´t escape thing that he wanted to do, but then heunderstood that he hadn ´t any place to go because be gelded and with so smallpenis he was going to be the mock of every man that sees him, to keep hisimpressive physic his master gives him testosterone and steroid shots, and toget sexual pleasure if he pleases his master, he allows that his teenagerfriends fuck him and caress his tinny penis and this makes him have a dryorgasm.

However all nights his hands aretied up to avoid that he can give himself sexual pleasure since this is aprivilege that he hast to earn, so during the day is constantly watched toavoid that he gives himself sexual pleasure while he's training, now the slavehas accepted that he's going to be a slave for the rest of his life, but as anyslave always he has the hope that someone recues him and each time that he seesa foreign in that exclusive gym he has faith to be rescued and the illusion of have a new life reborn, but he knows thatque can`t go back to his home and family for what they had done to his male sexorgans, but at least he has thought to go to live in a place as a free manwhere he can try to have a free life as normal as possible and forget as muchas possible the nightmare that he's living.

The impressive muscles even makeshim look until certain point misshapen, but he's the envy of those that go tothe gym because many of them want have his body, and for the slave shame andwhat has made that he becomes de mockery of the exclusive customers bothteenage boys and adults, is that the testosterone injected in his body makethat he has a beard and his master has decided that he keeps it on his face buttrimmed, and each time that a customer arrives specially the teenage boys, theslave has to greet him exhibiting his muscles and smiling despite that inreality he hates do that but he does because he doesnt want be punished, butwhat he hates most and loves at the sametime is while he's exhibiting his muscles the teenage boys touch his tinny cockand then he feels pleasure, and several times has come to have dry orgasm buthe has been very careful that his overseers didnt know that to avoid bepunished, and he hated it because his naked body is exhibited as a freak and ofcourse he can`t avoid that the boys touched any part of his body or even thathis anus is fingered.

However this slave's life withthe tinny cock and without balls that has to live all the time inside the gymtraining the city wealthiest men's sons and even some of them and at nightbeing caged is going to change very soon, because has been such a success seeinghis cock changed in a tinny external clit, that even his young master has beeninvited to exhibit his salves in the parade that takes place every year in thatcountry celebrating the Nationality day, and the young master has acceptedexhibit his animal naked so the people can enjoy the spectacle that this nakedand weird animal is going to give to the audience and viewers, but this slavesas slave doesn`t know what his master has planned for him yet.

In the parade has planned thatall the male attendees that wanted can fuck the slave, and can be both inpublic or private because the prohibition to be exposed in public in anindecent way under the penalty to be enslaved for life has been suspended, thereforeall teenager and men that want fuck the slave in public will have the chance todo it without the fear to be enslaves, but also the women that wanted to fuckhim in public with a dildo can do it, and for the general public will have thechance to touch any part of his body including his cock changed in a clit.

But even though the humiliationthat he is going to face and that he is going to hate be exhibited as a rareanimal for that country free citizens amusement and even to the tourists thattravel because they love the sexual tourism, also he's going to yearn to beexhibited in that way because this is going to be the only way to have sexualpleasure, when his cock changed in a clit will be touched and above all thetinny glans that still is very sensitive because he's going to be forced tokeep it lubricated, and every time that hes touched and at the same time he feelsthe pleasure and the pain that makes that the glans be so attractive to beconstantly stimulated by the males and that at the end will take him to theorgasm, even though that in this case the slave that is considered as a freak is going to have a small but a significantvictory over his master and oppressors, because constantly he will have dryorgasms and despite that he will have prohibited have an orgasm only in veryfew times he's going to allow that his overseers find out that he had one toavoid be punished, and also to avoid that they are suspicious that he haddiscovered the way to dont show when he has that pleasure, and even forbid himto have that sexual stimulus that is the only pleasure that he can get now inhis wretched life, and the only thing that he hopes is that his family nevergoes to that country and find out what happened to him and the sad condition heended up when he was cheated.

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Next: Chapter 386: Born Wild 30

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