Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 12, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



This dark brown haired eighteenyears old boy was enslaved and put on sale by his family to avoid thebankruptcy because the family was facing economic difficulties and were in riskto be enslaved, his other brothers already were married and he was born becausethe pill had failed, but still despite that he was an unwanted child they tookcare of him and gave him all that they can inside of their possibilities beingpart of the upper middle social class.

The boy didnt know about hisfamily economic difficulties and his parent had decided dont tell him aboutthis situation to not worry him, because they have faith that the situationwould be better but the things didnt go as they were expecting and their debtseach day were bigger, and even the parents spoke with the boy's older brothersto discuss what could be done to resolve that situation, but the father's mainproblem was that he hadnt salves that were working in his business and havingto pay wages that causes that his services were much more expensive, and eventhought that his services were one of the best having to pay wages to hisemployees implied that his expenses where very high and the price that thepotential buyers had to paid was higher and they preferred hire the cheaperservices, so the conclusion was or he bought slaves or he was going end upbeing enslaved together with son because the debts were each day higher andhigher in addition that they were going to lose their properties, because aslave couldn`t have any belonging and all was registered to the father's name.

The boy had had a very hard weekbecause as his father was one of the few business owners that didnt haveslaves, few months ago he had begun to be bullied by the richest boys when theymeet on the places where the teenage boys met, because belonging to the highmiddle class the places where they went were considered exclusive and theyended up going to the same places where the high class boys went who boasted tohave slaves, and even they take them to the shopping center to exhibited themto their friends and they boys less fortunate than them and eve thought theyboys of these two social classes never were together or talk, as this boy'sfather has his own business and competed with the rich boys' fathers that hadslaves the boy was bullied because his father was a poor man that couldnt evenbuy a slave, and this situation had reached such level that the boy even didntwant to go to the shopping center buthis friends had advised him about dont put attention to the boys that werebullied him, and despite that several times he had asked his parents the reasonwhy they didnt have slaves as the other boys whose parents had business theysimply they answered him that they didnt need them, but even the father tobegin solving the situation had gone to a slaves public auction to try to buyat least one slaves and fire some of his employees but for this disappointmentand despair the prices of the slaves that he needed despite that weren't sohigh due to his financial situation was impossible for him buy them.

The weeks passed by and this boysproblems keep growing because many of his schoolmates began to have slaves thatwere servicing them in their homes, although many times only was one slave nowas the rich boys they took them to their reunion places where they exhibitedtheir slaves proudly, and even though they werent of the same quality of therich boys' slaves their slaves were considered as good quality and that gave them a status inside theysocial circle, and like this boy didnt have a slave began to have problemswith his friends to such grade that many of them even didnt want to talk withhim but unfortunately he could do anything since his parents without a reasonat least for him they didnt want to buy a slave, but one day for this teenage boys all changedsince he was at his school and every first day of the month all the schoolstudents were summoned in the main yard where also was the Slave Police (SP) deputy,to indicate the students that has lost their freedom because they wereconsidered bad students and even though that meeting put nervous almost all thestudents they didn`t have more option but have to face that situation and seewho were the wretched that had lost their freedom, although there was timeswhen nobody lost it and the SP deputy congratulate them but generally this boyalways was calm because he knew that in his school he was one of the beststudents, and he enjoyed those reunions to see who of those that now weremaking fun of him were going to lose their freedom and become slaves and evenhe had thought to go to the public auction where they would put on sale,although there was the possibility that nobody was enslaved so listened whatthe SP deputy was saying about he congratulated all the students because all ofthem had shown that month be excellent students and he expected them tocontinue like that, however for the school shame on student had lost hisfreedom, and that brought as consequence among the students the expectation andat the same time the fear to know who was going the wretched boy that was goingto be enslaved, while this guy amusingly was waiting that the SP guards thatwere around the male students since the school was only for boys were walkingbetween the students lines, and as usual they put out of the row the wretchedboys that had lost their freedom and that on this occasion only one boy wasgoing to be the object of the studentswho would continue be free mockery.

The SP agents enjoyed that momentbecause the students didnt know who was going to lose his freedom and simplythey walked between the lines although they did respectfully, because theydidnt have authority to give orders to a free citizen and much less mistreat himand as already was customary the students were waiting for the cry of pain andindignation of the poor wretched that was going to lose his freedom, but eventhis process took his time because the uncertainty among the students wasgrowing and their fear as well and that was precisely what the SP agentsenjoyed at most looking with pleasure how the terrified students looked atthem, but as was expected suddenly the scream of pain was heard and thewretched boy was taken to the front were was the school SP deputy while therelieve sighs for those that hadnt been enslaved were heard, the boy fallen indisgrace was being taken by the hairs in front while other of the SP guards waskicking his buttocks and the boy didnt know what try to protect if his hair orhis bottom, but for his desperation he was powerless to avoid the humiliationand the pain since he has become in a slave and he was at the mercy of what theSP agents wanted to do with him, since from that moment he hadnt any right andhe had to endure what the free citizen wanted to do with him and specially theSP agents that enjoyed humiliating and causing pain to the citizen fallen indisgrace, so he was taken in front and exhibited in a platform where all thestudents could see him without restrictions because he was above all thestudents and when they saw the boy that had lost his freedom nobody wassurprised since he was considered the poor guy of the school because he hadnta slave that were servicing him and his family.

As was costmary the first orderthat was given to the new slave was to get naked in front of all the schoolstudents, but unlike the other slaves once they were naked they had to neatlyfolded their clothes and put on the ground giving their backs to the freestudents so when they crouched all could see their anuses exposed, but he wastold to put his clothes into a machine that expelled papers by the air forcebut also could expel clothes, and that concession was made to him because hehadnt been enslaved for being a bad student but by his parents to put him on sale for theeconomic difficulties that his family was facing, and when the boy heard thatwas very surprised and stunned because he couldnt fully understand what theywere saying and that was enough to be slapped on his face very hard by one ofthe SP agents causing the laughter of all the students and professor that werewitnessing his falling, and the pain made him immediately began to get naked,first he took off his shirt that has put on the machine and it was thrown tothe students and one of them catch it since was a fine shirt, then he took offhis trousers and also was thrown and someone else catch them and keep them,then the shoes that was the first thing that he took off but they werentthrown to avoid cause an injury to one of the students, the boy wasnt wearingsox so now only he was wearing hisunderpants that was a traditional white brief and that also were thrown to thestudents but when falling all thestudents stepped aside because nobody wanted the clothe that had touched aslave's the filthy balls, cock and buttocks and were laying on the floor whileone of the school younger students stood over them, and now the wretched boywas being exhibited naked in front of those that had been his equals with hishands on the back of his head while everybody was looking at his body mostintimate parts being exhibited, and they were calling him names and catcalls asthey did with the other slaves because he was so shameless to exhibited himselfin such impudent way in front of decent people.

Once the boy was exhibited nakedon the platform in front of his fellow students he had to endure the secondphase of his humiliation that was force him walk naked among the studentsdifferent rows watched very closely by de SP guards with his hand on the backof his head, so that the students touched any part of his body including hisballs, schlong and can open his buttocks and could see his exposed anus andspank him as well or hit with their hands his thighs, and when the boy tried towalk faster to avoid as much as possible the pain the SP guards slapped him onhis face to force him to walk slower among the rows while his buttocks becamered and begun to burn, although those who knew him and that were his friends oreven felt sorry for him slapped him gently on his back brining him theirsupport, but despite that the boy didnt want to humiliate himself in front ofthem screaming for the pain that he was felling, the amount of spanking that hereceived made that his buttocks were red and the burn caused for each spankingthat the students gave him was unbearable and not only he began to scream forthe pain when he was spanked, but in addition for his humiliation and fun ofhis young tortures the tears began to run down his face cheeks but the thingsdidnt stop there, because were moments that the pain was execrating and theboy began to perform "the spanked dance" where for his humiliation and amuse ofhis tortures when he couldnt stand anymore, he put down his arms to cover hisbuttocks and rubbed them and he moved his feet causing that his torturers laughand mock at him because his schlong that had a very respectable size when hewas performing "the spanked dance" was moving from one side to the other, thoughseveral boys were envious for the sizes of his schlong because many of them hadsmaller cocks than him, however the SP agents were very attentive that the newslave werent be hurt and damage because as the merchandise that now he was hehad to arrive to Slave Processing Center (SPC) without any damage, but onedegradation more was awaiting him, and it was that one of the boys that hadbeen his friend when pass by beside him he gave him a very hard spanking madethe boy scream due to his buttocks tenderness and for the slave misfortune heperformed "the dance of the spanked" in front of him, and as was customary the boy put in his mouth a stinky anddirty brief with piss and cum that had several weeks without washing, and so hehad to keep waling among the rows until the SP guards only allowed that thestudents touched his schlong, the balls and buttocks without spanking him, andeven though the boy was hating all that feeling the soft hands caressing hissoar butt was something that he tanked, and when all was over he was taken tothe center of the school yard , and put into a cage in full fours and it waslifted up supported by a thick poste so that while the SP transport picked himup to take him to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) all the students while theywere in their classes or in the yard could see the wretched boy that has lotshis freedom and he had stopped being one of them to become an inferior being,while the boy with desperation and now with envy saw those that until veryrecently had been his equals and how they were enjoying their freedom while hewas caged and exhibited as a naked animal , while he had to endure the freecitizens abusive language and catcalls and he was thinking of what he was told abouthe had been enslaved by his parents thing that was hard to believe.

As the other slaves when theywere taken by the SP transport to the SPC for him was very traumatic because hewas exhibited as an animal being in full fours caged where the free citizenscould see them without restriction above all because their bodies mostintimates parts were exposed, and once inside the CPE the endless waiting fortheir finger prints were taken and they were assigned their SlaverIdentification Number (SIN) and cancel their information as free citizens, andfor the boy's surprise there were a huge quantity of slaves about his own age that had lost their freedombecause they had been bad students or because their parents had enslaved themas had happened to him, and few others because had been enslaved by a judgebecause they had committed some kind of felony or because they had committed anaction that was considered as an antisocial, and the new slaves that were goingto be processed were forced to be in full fours with their legs wide opened andtheir noses on the slave's anus that was in front, and the formation were incircles so all the noises were on the anus and each circle had ten slaves and when only one slave left was moved toother circle so his nose was kept on one anus, and in many times like this thepoor boy had to endure the slaves farted and the slave didnt have more choicesince he had his nose on the anus to stop breeding or smell the slaves'flatulence , and when each boy and even a girl was taken out of the circle wasforced to squat and walk on that position that was known "as a duck" by a verylarge aisle until they arrived to a hall where there were several SP agentsbehind a desk with a computer, with a naked slave stood in front of each agentwith his hand on the back of his head answering the questions that the agentsasked them and only they could move their hands when they were told to puttheir fingers on the scanner machine, so they finger tips could be scanned andimmediately they had to put them on the back of their heads again and with thisactions they lost forever their freedom when their free citizen record wasdeleted including his name and they were assigned their NIE, but even there theslaves had to wait again before they could be in front of the SP agent that hadthe computer because again they had to be in full fours in a circle with otherten slaves, but apart that they had to put again their noses on the anus of theslave that was in front they had to have the slaves' schlong in their mouth,and if the cock's owner decided pee theslave that had the schlong inside his mouth didnt have more option to swallowthe urine and any drop couldn't fall on the floor if they didnt want bebrutally punished by the guards, and the free citizens could see the nakedslaves waiting their turn to be in front of one of the SP guard comfortablyseated enjoying the snacks and beverages served by the young naked slaves thathad been already processed and were wearing the collar, and were waiting to besent to the different auctions centers to be sold, and what this newly enslavedboy didnt know was that both his father and brothers were in the observationdeck waiting to see that he was processed, while they were caressing the slaves'naked bodies that were offering the snacks and beverages and even one of thebrothers decided used one of the slaves in a sexual way in a private room whilehis brother was waiting to be processed and he lost his freedom for ever.

When the boys' turn finallyarrived to be info rot the SP guard as the other slaves was forced to go infull fours handled by his head hairs until he arrived to the desk where theagent was, and he had to be like that until he was told to stood up and whenthe guard gave his authorization a guard grabbing the boy by his hair pullingthem up hard was forced to be on his feet causing that he screamed by thepain, but by those moments the boy wasdisgusted because he had to smell several times the slave's frats that he hadin front of him and in addition he had to drink his piss while his father andbrothers were watching him closely, because a monitor allowed the free citizensin the observation deck choose the slave that they wanted to watch, and evenhis brothers were surprised about theirbrother schlong size when they saw it before it was put into the mouth of theslave that was behind him beside that they could hear what the guard was askingthe slave and what the slave answered, once his fingers tips were scannedsimply the SP agent said that the slave's SIN was 18/301630 where the eighteenindicated the slave age and the rest of the number was the boy number of thatage that had been enslaved, and with that his name and his freedom had goneforever and now the only thing that was left was wait that the boy was put onsale in a public auction to see the price that he would reach although thefather was assured that if he enslaved the boy his sale price was going to bevery high, and the nameless wretched boy and with only a number that identifiedhim was taken to the cells area where he was locked with other slaves thatalready had been processed and were waiting to see who was going to be theirnew owner, and during early in the morning the naked bodies were lying on thefloor trying to forget their desperate situation when the guards began to takeout several boys that would put on auction that same morning and were thosethat were body hairless and that only practically had hair in their crotch, armpits and anuses and between them was this boy who without knowing what wasgoing on they were awakened by the slaves that were on charge of the slavessurveillance with ice water buckets and with lashes force them to go out from the cell squatting withtheir hands on the back of their heads and in one only row, and after scanningtheir fingertips being on that position and being sure that the slave that theywere taking out was the correct one their ankles were shackled with shortchains, and still squatting they were taken to the douches where cream todepilate them permanently where apply on their bodies and from there to thetrucks that would take them to the auction centers.

The auction center that was goingto sale the sixty slaves that were going to be auctioned that morning was oneof the most exclusive and distinguished for sale slaves of excellent quality,and even the cheapest slaves that until that moment had been sold had beenauctioned in ten thousand Sklavens that were about three hundred thousandeuros, and of course they had a very exclusive facilities where only therichest businessman and the most powerful business could buy the human fleshthat they were selling and that allowed them have one of the most luxuryfacilities inside the human flesh sale business, and on this time again theslaves were put on a truck with cages to exhibit the naked bodies of thosewretched that had lost their freedom and were going to be sold as the animalsthat now they were, but due that the merchandise was exceptionally high qualitythey didnt want that the people see them and this was the reason why theydecided that the slaves were taken so early in the morning, but all the slaves that were going to be soldon this auction were from eighteen to twenty years old and they were scaredbecause they didnt know where they were taken, and since they were slaves thefree citizens didnt have to tell them anything and they were to the mercy ofthe superior beings who could do with them what they wanted, so when theyarrived to the auction center were unloaded of the truck and in full fours weretaken to the reception area always close watched by the naked slaves andinspected, and then they were taken to the douches and was put on their skinsslave oil and all of them were crucified in a garden with exuberant vegetation and when they were crucified alreadyhad dawned and even the sun was shining and the exclusive buyers began toarrive to inspect the hanging merchandise, and in this time the slaveconsidered the less attractive minimum price of sale was twenty five thousandSklavens that was the equivalent to aseven hundred and fifty thousand Euros, so while the slaves were in the agonyof being hung naked, the possible buyers were examining their naked bodiestouching them everywhere including their cocks, balls and nipples, and they went up by stairs to a platform tohave access to the wretched slaves' upper bodies, and on this time the fathertogether with his brothers were in the auction because the slaves was inconsignation merchandise and only they were admitted because the merchandisethat was going to be sold was their property, although of course the auctionhouse was going to receive a very juicy sale commission for the slave sale thatwas the fifteen percent of the sale price of the still considered puppy slave,and while they were enjoying the delicious breakfast that had been serviced inthe area where the sixty naked bodies had been hanged they were observing thebody of the boy that had been member of their family being touched impudentlyby the buyers and even how he was wanked to see his schlong hard, while the boywas in an agony beyond description for being hanging and even they could seehow other slaves that also were naked opened the buttocks of their former brotherso his anus could be inspected by the potential buyers however was forbiddenfingering the slave0s hole, and a sing above their heads indicated that theslave was virginal or already had been penetrated by some object and thecustomers could fingered the holes of those slaves that werent consideredvirginals and above the head of this boy was a sign that said that he wasvirginal.

Naked slaves that were younger ofthose that were hanged were servicing the breakfast only wearing the mandatorycollar so everyone knew that they were slaves thus they could be naked withoutbreaking the law and of course they were on sale as well, and once the slavesinspection time was over time was given to the potential buyers to havebreakfast while were heard the slaves begs to get them down, but as wasexpected that didnt happen and when all was ready the auctioneer arrived andthe auction began, the data that he gave was the type and number of the slave,the reason why he had been enslaved, andtheir main physical attributes and the type of their prepuce if they werentcircumcised , and his sale category considering the auction house criteriawhere 1 was an normal quality, 2 good quality, 3 very good quality and 4excellent quality and they would star auctioning firstly those slavesconsidered as quality 1 and it would end auctioning the slaves category 4, sothe auctioneer first begun with a nineteen years old redhead boy that had anexcellent body although when looking at his face he wasnt considered veryhandsome but he had something extremely attractive his buttocks, and theauction was very fast in less than two minutes all was over but for the slaves andfor the slaves it seemed an eternity and the boy was sold in the amount of thirty five thousand Sklavens that was the equivalent of one million fiftythousand Euros, and he was bought by a grocery store chain so he could servenaked in the area of customer services and get more young ladies, althoughother attractive was that his schlong was tinny and he had to be considered asa little button since it was just a protuberance between his legs and was cutbut he had been already anally fucked, thing that made laugh to the dinners butthat gave hopes to the father to get out of his bad economic situation and otherfour slaves more were sold but theyprice wasnt very different from the one that had been sold first, and finallythe turn of the boy that had been enslaved arrived while with much expectativethe father was waiting to see which was the price that the boy that used to behis younger son would reach while he was caressing and wanking one of theslaves that was servicing as a waiter to the free citizens, the auctioneerbegan saying the slave was a male whose number was 18/301630 considered asclass 1, and his family had decided enslave him for personal reasons althougheverybody knew that the personal reason was because the family was facingfinancial difficulties, as well was highlighted the slave's schlong size thatwas considered as very well endowed, also the roundness and firmness and thesmall of his butt that made it really very attractive, that the boy was thinbut some of his body muscles already had begun to define, and the pleasant ofhis nipples size that were medium and a very light brown and his hair that waslight brown, his face wasn't ugly but neither could it be considered as something exceptionally handsome and hisprincipal characteristic was that he was virginal thing that for some reason thatneither the father and the brothers could explain had made them feel proud ofthe boy, and being uncut his prepuce was considered inside the category twothat covered the glans and hid it.

The boys auction took much moretime since there was a furious bidding for buying him while the slaves despairand agony were every second bigger and they wanted that this ended soon sotheir torment ended as well, and for ten minutes was offering money althoughthe increments in the bidding werent spectacular and could see that untilcertain point were cautious, but at the end a rich owner of a hotel chainbought him so he could serve as a bell boy and sexual slave in his exclusiveluxury hotels, and for the lad thatbought the slave seemed that the price was ideal because despite that he wascatalogued as slave class one he considered that in reality he was a categorytwo or may be three, and he ended up paying for the boy one hundred thousandSklavens that was the equivalent to three million Euros, meanwhile the fatheras the brothers were listening with incredulity how slowly the boy's sale pricewas incrementing without putting attention to the slave suffering that once wasmember of their family while the bidding was taking place, and when was said what was the final saleprice neither the father nor brothers could believe it because his sale hadbeen much more higher than their expectations and that was going to end withthe father's financial problems since had been a surprisingly high amount,which he could buy cheap slaves and putthem work in his business and then be competitive and even he would still would have money for his personal use, howevermany of the attendants considered that the price that had paid the slave's newowner considering that he was class one had been excessive, and when the boywas going to be put down from the cross by the slaves that were going to puthim into a cage and then be taken to the slaves delivery area so his mastercould pick him up, the new master an eighteen years old very handsome white boy citizen of Asiur that had inheritedfrom his father the hotels chain and that in the short time that he hadadministrating them had shown that he had an exceptional talent to do it,requested that the slave wasnt put down and without anesthesia trimmed theforeskin so now it was a class one sothe prepuce leaved uncovered the half of the glands and then the boy wasinfibulated, putting piercings on each side of the glans to hold the foreskinon each side and avoid that it could retract, in addition a bar had to be put inthe front of the glans and that in the middle had a tube that was put into theslaves piss slit and that had to be done in front of the attendees, avoidingthat the slave could have an erection and his customers wouldnt be offended,and everyone present knew with the exception of the father and brothers what thatmeant, since when trying to have an erection with the trimmed prepuce andwithout the possibility that the foreskin could retract would be extremelypainful try to be hard and that in reality meant that the slave was being putin chastity, and the slave had reacted because when his torment to be hung wasalmost over and by listening what his new master had ordered made that hescreamed in desperation and for the fear he peed in front of the attendants,which laugh and mock at the shameless slaves that even with his piss he wet oneof the young slaves that was in charge to take down the slaves once they hadbeen sold, to put them into individuals cages and taken them to the deliveryarea however the naked slaves when was wet by the piss of his fellow wretchedslave didnt make any try to move away because if he had done he would havebeen punished by the masters because they hadnt given an order to do it.

However the boy wasnt partiallycircumcised on the cross because he could move thus the valuable merchandisecould be damaged, so from the lefty trees immediately were lowered a thickcables and the naked slaves in charge to put down the slaves firstly untied theslaves hand from the cross to tied them up to the cables, and then his ankles,which were tied up to a cables that were on the floor and that until thatmoment nobody had seen them, and then they were stretched causing to the boyeven more suffering who scream in pain while the audience was laughingincluding his father and brothers, and being immobilized and his arms and legspainfully stretched in a spread eagle position a young Asian doctor that wasnaked only wearing the collar that identified him as slave because he also had been enslaved, climbed alower platform stairs to trimmed the young wretched slave's prepuce but beforeone of the slaves had put a gag into the slave's mouth so his screams werentgoing to bother the establishment's exclusive customers, while they watchedwith interest the exceptionally handsome Asian slave and his beautiful andsmall butt do his job, and the young slave when he felt that the vet wasstretching to the maxim and even in painful way his foreskin he tried to moveto try to defend himself about what they were going to do to him but as wasexpected he was powerless to do something, and when the enslaved vet began totrim the prepuce while the boy's screams of pain were muffled by the gag couldbe seen while he opened and closed his toes and hand fingers and he moved hishead in a signal of desperation caused by the pain in a vain effort to protecthimself, and even several times he fainted but was awakened by frozen waterbuckets while the water also wet the wretched Asiatic slaves that didnt dareto move and he kept with his job until he finished, then the slave's youngmaster went to inspect the job that the vet had done and he gave his approval whilecarefully he had on his hands his slave's long schlong and balls, and in thepresence of all he began to kiss the naked vet and he caressed his buttocks andhis caged cock as well since he had been put in chastity because one occasionhe had been caught wanking without permission, leaving all the exclusivecustomers surprised about what he had done so spontaneously that even many ofthem clapped while his slave moaned by the pain, and he ordered to put him downand inside a cage and then he went to talk with the auction center ownerbecause he was interested in buying the young enslaved Asian doctor, andalthough wasn`t known how much he offered for him at the end the lad that wasthe owner of the hotel chain went out with several slaves of excellent qualityand now between his slaves also was the enslaves young Asian doctor.

The young Master from Asiur gaveto the enslaved vet as well known the doctors who treated the slaves and forany circumstances could treat the free citizens, a gel and ordered to enslavedAsiatic that kept the cock of the infibulated slave into that substance becausethat was going to do that he healed faster, and while they arrived to theirdestiny was his responsibility control the slaves about his urine since withthe tube that was inside his piss slit he cant piss, and now as his master heeven had the control of that and the slave only was allowed by the vet to pisstow time a day so the young master continued observing the auction and buyingslaves while his slaves were waiting including the vet caged to be picked up bytheir master as the others in the delivery area, and as expected the father andthe brothers waited until the auction was over and they couldnt believe thehigh amount of money that were paid for the slaves that were sold there, and atthe end the father received a very juicy check and he went to buy slaves andeven though it took time to recover financially at the end he could thanks tothe son fallen in disgrace and he again he was a respectable man of the highmedium class, however for his son all was very different because once his newmaster picked up all his slave in the slaves delivery area as was expected weretaken naked an exhibited in a truck that transported pigs to the airport, whereat least one hundred slaves that had been bought by their master in differentauctions centers were loaded into the cargo compartment and were taken to oneof the must luxury hotels that were the property of the young Osurian as whereknown the citizens of Asiur in a paradisiac beach, and the resort wassurrounded by exuberant jungle and several of the young slaves that were boughtwere infibulated as the same way that the wretched boy had been and all of themwere virginals and extremely handsome, and the enslaved Asiatic vet hadstablished that very early in the morning and before the slaves were locked intheir quarters to sleep were the two only times of the day that they could pissand shit, beside that their job was serve as bell boys and waiters and the tipsthat were earned they had to give them to their Osurian overseers since asslaves they couldnt keep any money but they never were used in a sexual waydespite that they kept them all the time naked, but one day as was customarythey were taken out the barracks very early in the morning but instead to becleaned and be sent to serve as always, five hundred virginal and infibulatedslaves were taken apart of the rest of the slaves and were thorough cleaned andwere allowed to piss removing the metal tube that they had inside their pissslit, and they were forced to squat and with their hands made that theirschlongs pointed down so they could piss into the hole that was on the floor,although this was something that the slaves hated because putting in and outthe tube was very painful, in addition that the urine stream when was going outfound the tube that was in front of the glans and went out in all directions,and to make the situation even more desperate the poor slaves when touching their manhood their schlongs tried to get hard making themscream in pain due that the foreskin couldnt retract and the pain that thiscaused them was very intense, and despite the pain the schlong wanted to gethard but that was impossible.

Once the slaves were cleaned theygave them green loincloths to cover their cocks and balls and their buttocks aswell, and the slaves were surprised because this was the first time that theywere allowed to cover their nakedness and without thinking twice they put themon, they gave them also plumes with very showing feathers that they had put ontheir heads and that surprised them but as slaves they couldnt ask anythingand they supposed that it was because their master wanted to exhibited them assomething exotic in front of his very special customers, and the slaves were rightbecause that was the all-boys Indians and cowboys week, where the best andvirginals slaves would be Indians and the guest the cowboys and the eventconsisted about the cowboys hunted the Indians, and of course the slaves thatwerent virginals also participated, but all the guest that wanted to "hunt" avirginal "Indian" has to paid a very important amount of money to show theothers how rich they were, while thosethat wanted to "hunt" an "Indian" that wasnt virginal could do it paying anadditional amount of money but much more lower, although the "cowboys" or customerswere told that there was the possibility that they couldnt hunt anything and thenthey would lose their money because there were much more cowboys than Indiansand the point of the event was show the others cowboys their abilities ashunters, thing that made that the guest were much more interested to be bookedmore for ego than something else, and theslaves turned into Indians were told that was better that they werent huntedby the cowboys guest that would have riffles that would shoot a liquid ofcolors with a very irritating substance for the skin which would cause themunbearable itching until it was removed by a special substance, and the awardfor the cowboy that hunted an Indian was fucked him and therefore for theIndians was going to lose their virginity, the "hunt" would last eight hoursand the only way that the Indians had to defend themselves from the cowboys washide between the jungle foliage being barefoot and only they were allowed towear the loincloths and the plumes and was forbidden throw things to thehunters, so while the enthusiastic cowboys were having breakfast in the luxurydining room that in this time hadnt slave, the wretched slaves were rung inthe jungle to avoid be seen and "hunted" by the cowboys, and each cowboy wasprovided with a rifle and a heavy bag withtheir munitions and they had to be very wise using them because if they ran outof them they wouldnt be given anymore and therefore they couldnt hunt more,and the munitions were of different color for each cowboy so in case that twocowboys were hunted the same Indian the color decided who had hunt him, so thisboy with desperation decided to hide between the rocks of a river that wasinside the hotel property and his strategy worked for almost all the time thatthe hunt lasted because the rocks even thought that they werent big hided him,but at the end he was hunted because of the plume that he couldnt take off,because when he tried to move when a cowboy was very close from where hewas the cowboy saw out from the cornerof his eyes the feathers and he followed the Indian silently who believed thatwas save, but when he realized he saw the smiling cowboy stood on a higherstone and simply he shot him, causing that the boy screamed by the pain causedfor the impact and a the same time he began to scratch for the itch that hebegan to fell, and the boy was taken on the cowboy's shoulders while he waswith desperation scratching on his neck by the smiling cowboy who took him to his tent, where the Asian vetwith a substance removed the paint from the slave's body and the itchingrelieve was immediately, but now the poor boy enslaved by his father and thatwas an Indian is seated on his legs and that still is wearing the plume and theloincloth, is looking with his mouth wide open how the cowboy that hunted himis undressing, is a twenty years old very muscular black boy with a huge andthick cock, and the boy is wondering how that monster would be able to go intohis body by his tight brown colored little and virginal anus , although hedoesnt know yet the pain that is awaiting him when that cock is going in, inaddition that his mouth is going to be very tired having to suck that black boaand the retches that he will have when enduring the thick head touching theback part of his throat, and the execrating pain that he will feel when hiscock tried to be hard due to the infibulation when he is being sexuallystimulating in a painful way, but now as slave he hadnt more option but pleasehis better and specially to his master and overseers if he doesn`t want bepunished in a brutal way, but at the end this is his life but he can fell proudthat he saved his father to be a slave.

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