Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 12, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Heused to be Andrew Bradford III a back haired white male with mustache and beard,now he ´s not more than a naked slave called by his betters dog or boy.

He wasa successful economist that was awarded several times internationally but nowhe's running a way, even he had to face a trial and was accused to beresponsible of his family antisocial behavior and he was found guilty becausehe failed to educate them as politely and well behaved citizens.

Firsthe had to witness how all his family members were sentenced by the judge alifetime slavery then how they were undressed in public and exhibited naked andfinally he had to go through the same.

Whenhe was being taken to the transport to go to the Slave Processing Center (SPC)where he would be put on auction, he could escape and now he's deep inside inthe woods completely naked and disoriented without water and food and very soon willbe dark and the cold weather will be other of his enemies and the worst is hedoesn't have where to go or cover from the cold.

But the worst was that he knowsthat in the forest are the Slave Police (SP) black guards looking for fugitiveslike him, and for what he had heard while he was living hidden with his familyin the poorest part of the city together with many whites to avoid be arrested,the SP guards had many groups of agents in the forest looking for the whiteysthat had decided flee and try to arrive to the border.

Even though that he was an award-winning guy andrecognized because he was very intelligent, when he tried to save his familymade a lot of mistake, and the first one was that instead to leave the countrywhen he began to heard that entire whiteys families were arrested by the SP andtaken to trial, he stayed in the country thinking that the blacks never weregoing to arrest him neither his family because he was a celebrity, and when byaccident he discovered that the authority had issue and order to arrest hisfamily and instead to leave the country he went to hide to the poorest part ofthe city where the black authorities that on those moments already had thecountry control, knew that all the whiteys that hadn`t run away from the citywere hiding, and when they wanted arrest someone that was the place where theywent to look for that person.

In the poorest part of the citythe fear reflected in the inhabitants faces could be seen, even kids that hadbeen separated from their families or scared had arrived there alone wereadopted by both families that were living there, or by teenagers or adults thatalso had arrived there alone, but the problem that all of them were facing wasthat they didn't have food, water or clothes so was practically impossible livein that place and many whiteys began to leave those places in the nightentering in the forest with the hope to arrive to the border, but the reality was very different becausewas almost impossible to achieve that task, because they were very far from theborder and they hadn`t transports that could take them there and also becausethe SP was ready to arrest them as soon as they saw them.

The dog as was known by theblacks despite that was an exemplary citizen and recognized by the whites, washated by the blacks because he was considered as elitist despot, an even thoughthe black authority took his time to issue the arrest order against him and hisfamily they had an eye on his bank accounts, and as soon as they detectedstrange movements he would be arrested, but like he didnt do because he haddecided to stay in the country until he knew that he was going to be arrest,decided to hide in the poorest part of the city but he knew that he couldnt bethere for long time so a raining night he decided ran away with his sons andwife because he knew that was when he had more probabilities to can escape fromthe SP agents, because not only was raining but also was foggy, and beside thatwasn`t safe the place where they were hiding because every time were morefrequents that the black authorities went to that place , and despite that thewhites hide well, each time that the black authority went into that placearrested an important number of whiteys, and they were stripped naked in thatplace so the hidden whiteys could see what was awaiting them as soon as theywere arrested.

The Dog temporary escape with hisfamily was a successful one because despite that the blacks had SP agentswatching the zone, the fog and the rain helped them to go into the forest andall night long they were walking going deeper and deeper in the woods andguided by the compass to get the border,and for several days they kept walking but without releasing they had to diverta lot, because where they were was a cliff zone, and was precisely there wherethe SP knew that the whiteys were going to go and they had put severalsurveillance points, and despite that this whitey with his family were walkingat night, the SP agent had infrared equipment to detect the whiteys in thedarkness, however the wife had to peeand told his husbands and sons to wait for her few meters ahead , and there waswhen the guards captured the Dog and his sons but his wife could escape.

Without losing time the SP agentsput into the transport that they had in that place the father and his sons andwere taken to the court and a judge sentenced them a slavery for life, and inthose moments both the four sons and him were stripped naked, and the Dog wasforced to suck his four sons' cocks while the black audience that was in thecourtroom saw what was happening and he was forced to swallow their cum, andeach of his son were forced to do the same to his brothers and father, and theneach one of them were taken one by one to the dungeons where the cells to lockthe enslaved naked whiteys were, he was taken there too and even he saw how hissons were forced to have anal sex between them.

He was the first to be taken outfrom the cell and transported to the SPC where his fingers tips would bescanned and officially he would be an slaves wearing the collar, but one of theguards forgot locked the transport door and also he didnt chained the slave tothe transport floor and the slave was being transported alone, so when the vanstopped outside the city in the SPC entrance Andrew Bradford III, best known asthe dog could escape without anybody released and he could arrive to the forestand go into it, however being naked and having ahead a cold night his future isuncertain because he will have to live as a wild animal, and also he doesnthave food and water, so only time will say if this wild white animal will crossthe border and have a life again, or is captured and serve as slave to the nowblack masters.

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Next: Chapter 394: El Concurso Millonario 30

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