Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 18, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



How sweet the victory is, whilethe 99.9% of the "Scholar Millionaire Contest" participants lost and areenslaved, he won and now he's a very wealthy young man.

All his school mates look at himwith envy due that now he hasn't to worry for anything; even he doesn't have toworry for what he's going to eat or for the clothes that he's going to wear togo to school the next day, or if he wants to have some fun with his friends, becausenow the slave is the one that has to take care of those thing, and the best ofall is that if the inferior doesn ´t do the things as he likes, he can be punishedon the way that he wants without giving any explanation about how he punisheshis slave.

However the rich students thatcome from very wealthy families have the same things than him, and he considersthat this is unfair, since they inherited that privilege position from theirparents while he had to fight and other thing that made him angry even thoughnow he really belonged to their social class was that they never invited him totheir social events.

The school honored him being theswimming team captain, because he wasn ´t only the best student of the team butalso the best swimmer and of course something very important the wealthiestboy, thus when the state competition event arrived as the team captain he wasresponsible to give to each team member a piece of paper on which the parents put their signature given theirsons the authorization to participate in the event, and that paper had to besigned each time that a swimming competition took place.

On the journey inside the busthat the school had rented the rich students again made their own group andthey left out the students that didn ´t belong to their social class and even hewas left out, and on that moment he understood that his real friends were thosethat always had been and for them wasn't important if he was rich or not,because they always would accept him as one of them, so he didn ´t put moreattention to the rich boys.

The school had a very successfulparticipation because almost on all the events they were first or second place,so the scholar authorities were very happy considering the final result, howeverone week later the Slave Police (SP) went to the school and they asked theprincipal that brought into the office four students, the principal knew whenthe SP went to a school was because they had with them an enslavement orderissued by a judge where an employee or a student had been enslaved, and hehadn't have more option but do as he was told unless he wanted to be enslavedtoo under the charge of justice obstruction.

Thus the four students were takenand were the swimming team wealthiest members, and when they were aware aboutwhat was going to happen to them , they began to protest saying that theydidn ´t have done anything wrong and they didn ´t commit any felony act, howeverthe SP didn ´t put attention to the students because now they were salves andwhen they were going to be punished because they had dared to talk to a freecitizen without permission, the principal talked on their behalf and hedemanded an explanation telling that he believed what the enslaved studentswere saying.

The SP showed to the principalthe enslavement order but also the piece of paper that the students' parentshad signed on which they authorized their sons to participate in the swimmingevent, but also they had authorized that their sons were enslaved under theteam's captain discretion if they didn ´t win agreeing that their sons' masterwas the team's captain as well, and the team's captain had decided enslavethose four students that hadn't won.

The principal was powerless to dosomething so the authorities took with them the new enslaved boys, while he wasregretting that nobody had read the document that the parents had signed, thenthe team's captain won more respect between his peers because despite manyother team members hadn ´t won he hadn't enslaved them.

Now enjoying his revenge he hadsent by internet his four slaves picture, the four brats that believed that they could do whatever they wanted onlybecause they were wealthy, now they are being exhibited naked and forced tosmile, while their parents with incredulity are looking at how their formersons are kept and how without option they had to exhibit their naked bodies showinga happiness that they are not feeling, since all the time they are terrifiedsince their master punish them constantly and most of the time they arepunished by their master ´s whim, while on the message that their master sent totheir former parents he wrote "How sweet the revenge is" .

The for rich slaves were eighteenyears old boys, two of them were blonds one more was light brown haired and thelast one was black haired, all of them as was expected were thin but withathletic bodies and they were laying on their stomachs on a sofa leaning ontheir elbows three of them on the sofa and one the blond boys on the floorshowing their buttocks, but his master wasnt satisfied with that because alsoafter that he sent pictures of the slaves showing their balls and cocks, besidethat he forced them to have oral and anal sex between them and kissing eachother interchanging their cum in their mouths, and all those pictures were sentto their relatives and friends, but also the young and wealthy master took them to his school to exhibit them and allowhis real friends to sexually use them for their own pleasure, beside after thathe began to have parties at his luxury house where the slaves were sexuallyused by his friends and he also had invited the brothers of this mischievousbrats so they also could sexually enjoy their bodies, and even thought that their parents hadprohibited them go to those parties, the slaves' former brothers always went tosexually enjoy the bodies of those that now were despicable slaves, andhumiliating them forcing the slaves to serve them naked even though that hismaster had allowed them to be wearing a loin cloths that by the way didntleave nothing to the imagination, and for this slaves misfortunes their master'spersonal slave was who gave them the orders and he was responsible to report tohis master if the slaves did something that was wrong and the same slave waswho punished them in a brutal way.

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Next: Chapter 396: Pay Back Time 30

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