Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 9, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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He was his school swimming teamstar, but like many other students his school grades that year dropped underthe minimum required by the educative authority to be allowed to continuestudying and avoid be enslaved.

The Principal told him to go tohis office where he told the teenager that the government has ordered hisenslavement due his low grades, and he had asked the authorities that they gavehim another chance and if was the first place in the national competition theymight give him other chance to study so he could have better grades thefollowing scholar year, but the government didn ´t accept that proposal and theboy was enslaved.

The boy couldnt believe that theeducational authorities decided enslave him considering that he had greatpossibilities to win a gold medal in the world students competition, but thegovernment was not willing to invest its money in a boy that only for few yearswas going to be a good athlete and the rest of his life would become afinancial burden for the state, because never they were going to recover theeducational investment that they had made in the boy beside that the laws werevery clear, boy that wasnt a good student then he was sent to the productivechain as a beast of heavy duty work and forced work.

The Principal told the boy tostrip naked because on those moments he already was a slave but as was expectedthe boy refused to do it, then the man that was in charge to keep thediscipline in the school accompanied with two Slave Police (SP) guards intraining went into the office where the boy and the principal were, and withoutsaying a word to the boy the man gave a very strong kick on the boy's buttocksand shouting told the boy that as slave he had to obey immediately what abetter was telling him, the boy screamed in pain for the surprise of theprefect`s brutal action while he saw how the two SP guards took out the modifycattle prod to punishing him even more if he disobeyed.

The principal didnt like thatviolence were used against the school students that had been enslaved, an whenhe saw that they were going to be punished always he tried to mediate to avoidthat the traumatized enslaved boy suffered more than he already was sufferingbecause he had lost his freedom, but also he knew that was important that theboy knew that he already was a slave and he didnt have more option but obeywhat a better told him, and this was the reason why he allowed that the schoolprefect punished the boys for the first time, and if after that the boy didntreacted and was going to be punished again he tried to reason with him let himknow that was useless try to resist, because otherwise he would sufferneedlessly and wasnt wise suffer even more.

The enslaved slim teenage whiteboy who was eighteen years old with black hair that was covering his earscouldnt believe that he was a slave and they had taken away from him theopportunity to win a gold medal in the next world competitions, and withdesperation asked the principal why they did that with him and the principalwith sadness told him that the law was clear about if a student wanted to keepbeing free and studying, he had to have good grades and sports wasnt all andhow his school grades weren't good, the state wasnt interested to have a goodathlete but bad student as a free citizen since he was taking a way theopportunity to a good student to keep going with his studies, because he as anathlete was not going to get triumphs all his life, beside that there wereexcellent athletes with excellent school grades, so he simply from now on wouldhave to serve the society as slave in the way that his master wanted, because from now on his master would be incharge of controlling and govern his life, and he asked to the enslaved boy toget naked and avoid to be punished otherwise the SP agents wouldnt hesitate toforcing him to obey and he couldn`t do anything to help him.

The new slave knew the SP agentsbrutality since many times he had seen them in action not only outside of hisschool but inside as well with boys that were reticent to get naked when theyalready had been enslaved, and even though in those moment he had supportedthat brutality now that he was in the other side of the coin he understood thatthose actions were absurd but as always happens was too late, so with a lastlook of despair toward the principal but knowing that he was not going to helphim, he began to strip to avoid more pain, and go through the humiliatingprocess that be the only one in that room to be naked as slave while the othersthat were dressed now were his betters and they could give him any order and hewouldn`t have more option but obey or face de consequences was very degrading.

Once he was naked he was orderedto assume the display position and despite that he was in his first moments asslaves he knew what he had to do, because many times he had seen the slavesassume that position, so he put apart his legs as much as he could, put hishands on the back of his head extended his arms to his sides and he put hischest out waiting for the humiliating comments about his body such as the freeboys made with the slaves, but his only hope was that he wasn`t taken nakedthrough the school aisles to the transport that was going to take him to theSlave Processing Center (SPC), where after his fingertips were scanned hisstatus of free citizen was going to be changedto a slave and be put on sale either in the same SPC or be sent to an auctioncenter.

But that day wasn't his lucky onebecause the scholar authorities wanted that the other students knew that prettyboys that were good athletes but bad students, they didnt have future in theirsociety as free citizens, only they were going to be accepted as slavesdeprived of the possibility to take decision by themselves and always theirlives would depend on someone else who would take the decisions for themwithout having a word to say about that, in such basic things as be naked orcan cover their nakedness, how many times a day eat, what kind of work theywould have to do, and even when pee or shit and where, and of course becorporally punished if his master didnt like what he did without mattering ifthe slave had done the things correctly or wrong, because now all wascontrolled by the master whim, so all the school students saw the wretchedpretty boy walking by the aisles naked with his hands on the back of his headshowing his cock and balls to everyonethat looked at him without the possibility to covered them, being closelywatched by the SP agents in training and even while he was walking his barebuttocks movements caught the attention of many of the rich students, and howhis cock was bouncing while he was walking, and his trimmed pubes because onlyhe had a small horizontal hair strip on the middle of his crotch, that madevery erotic the walk of shame as was called that humiliating exhibition of thatschool boy that had been enslaved.

On his auction several of hisformer school mates were there and wanted to buy him as many other peopleunknown to him as well, even his family went to try to buy him because alsothey were rich, but of course many sharks that belonged to the wealthy class toplease their sons went to buy the slave, which was exhibited from the momentthat the establishment opened in the morning until the night when the auctionfor him began in an adjacent room to the auction room were the auctions tookplace, and for his shame he was inspected for almost all his schoolmates andfor girls as well even by his own brothers and sisters because he was thefamily youngest member, and countless times he had to open his buttocks so thepotential buyers could see his hairless light brown colored anus and he had to jerk off without can cum aswell, leaving him very frustrated and horny but powerless to do something aboutrelief, and at the time of his auction the bidding for this slave thatapparently wasn`t something extraordinaire were ferocious due to the whim ofthe spoiled brats that were demanding to their parents about they wanted theboy as their slaves.

But his former best friend'sfather wanted to give his son as a reward for his excellent school notes agift, and when he knew that his son's best friend had been enslaved and put onauction he knew that the boy was the perfect gift for his son, beside that hehad not even had to bother inspecting the slave because many times he had seenhim naked in his house, both fucking the slaves or being swimming with his son,and even he had swam naked with them and he had the opportunity to see thenaked body, but as he wanted that the slave was a surprise gift no matter howmuch his son begged to buy the slave the father told him that he wasn`t interestedto have a slave like that since he was useless, and the disappointed boy gaveup insisting when he saw that his father was not going to accede to hisrequest.

Now the slave is being fucked byhis former best friend who is his master that is an eighteen years old darkbrown haired slim white boy, the new enslaved is feeling pain because is thefirst time that he's fucked, but his face of desperation is because his youngmaster has told him when they're finished they will go to the house of one ofhis school friends and he will have to be naked on the street, and he will haveto serve his former classmates like that and he can take for granted that hishole and mouth will be full of cocks and probably at the same time, and all hisformer friends are anxious to help him to accept his new condition as soon aspossible.

But that is not all because hisnew master is going to take him on Sundays to the central park where the slavesin public are fucked and jerked off by machines, and every Sunday this slave isgoing to be forced to cum at least ten times while is fucked by a dildo, andthe audience can see how his exposed anus has inserted the dildo that is goingin and out fast causing him pain and expanding his sphincter as wide aspossible , and the slave's scream of pain and desperation as the begs of stopare going to be the diversion of those that once were his equals and even hisbrothers and sisters are going to see his suffering, and this happened to himbecause he was so foolish to believe that because he was a good athlete neverwas going to be enslaved and neglect his studies.

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Next: Chapter 406: Chicos Tontos 31

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