Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 6, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The activity in the breeding farm began very early in themorning, the slaves that had the duty to prepare the food either for the otherslave and the masters as well were who had to wake up first, and their firstduty was take out the food that that morning were going to eat, and thenprepare the food that the enslaved stallions were going to eat as well as thefemales, piglets and themselves.

The slaves that had to preparethe food got up at four o'clock in the morning and firs thing that they did waspiss and shit, then take a shower with freezing water and then they began theiractivities, and they were the overseer in charge to control the slaves and whoreported to their masters and free employees all that happened in the farm, andone hour later the other slaves including both the male and female piglets weretaken out from the barracks and they had to practice a very extenuatingexercise routing that was designed by experts to keep them in optimum physicalconditions, without mattering what the weather conditions were since the slaves both males and females hadto be used to perform their obligations without mattering the weather.

The first thing that the slaveshad to do was run around the farm that was big considering that it hadfarmlands, but never the males were together with the females and that was afarm`s rule with which the female piglets ran with the females less distancethan the males with the male piglets, but also depending on the male pigletsage was determinate how long the little slave had to run, and whether that thelittle males already run all the distance or had to run a shorter one all theslaves without exception were watched by the enslaved overseers, that were theones that were in charge to make that the slaves ran all the assigned distanceencourage them with the whip or riding crops or if they were little pigletsspanking them In a painful way on their little bottoms, but was necessary thatall the slaves without exception they were exercised.

After all the enslaved human animalsboth bought by the farm or were born there exercised still sweaty they werefeed, the free overseers while the enslaved overseers were exercising with thefarm's slaves they put on the floor the amount of food that each slave had toeat considering his age, and as they were arriving they had to be in the placethat an overseer told them with the legs wide opened and with the head lifted up looking to the front and having to waitingthat all the slaves without exception finish exercising to can begin to eat, butto can eat they had to wait the free overseer permission which was togetherwith other visitors that wanted to see the slaves naked bodies while they werefeed, and having the slaves with their legs wide opened including the malepiglets they could see their exposed hairless anuses, their schlongs and ballshanging between their legs and their perineum and looking at those part of theirbodies they could see the slave's quality about their sex organs, and thevisitor could touch any part of the slaves' bodies and even put their fingersinto their holes but they were warned that the slaves hadn`t pissed or shitted,and having the face lifted up they could see how handsome the slave was anddecide if they bought his cum or if was a female their ovules since they couldfingered their pussies and anuses and stimulate their clits to make them reachthe orgasm which was forbidden with the males.

The food was put on the floorbecause the vet that was other slave considered that this was good for theslaves so their immunological system could be fortified and that avoid illnessbeside that only the slaves with the mouth could eat and they had prohibiteduse their hands, and the farms animals loved that the free citizens touchedtheir balls and cocks and even their anuses and prostates while they werewaiting for the order to begin to eat or if they were already eating, even themale piglets could be inspected in the same way and was allowed that thepiglets that still hadnt awaken to life had a dry orgasm since in this case the very valuable viscous liquidthat their balls produced wasn't wasted, but of course that all the guest werebeing closed watched by the free overseers and the enslaved overseers explainedthem the way to manipulate the body of the slave that they were inspecting, andalthough it seemed strange many of the male piglets that still hadn`t awaken tolife were sold and for noon already they were being embarked to the place thattheir new master had instructed, or in many times they were put into dogs cagesand the male piglets were taken by their own owners to their new home.

The females went through the sameprocess and the female piglets also when they were inspected many of them werebought and as the male piglets were delivered to their new masters, but afterbeing fed the slaves including the enslaved overseers were taken to a gym werethey had to lift weights and the weight was determinate according to the slaveage and physical condition, and above all for the male and female piglets sincethey had to be very careful about they could be hurt, however that was anextenuate job since wasn ´t easy lifting the weight that the master and the alsoenslaved physical trainer designated for each slave male or female, and thenthey were taken to the johns that weren`t other thing than holes dug on thefloor where they had to squat to piss and shit and always they were beingeither by watched either by free overseers or the enslaved, and as they were finishing to piss and shit theycleaned their butts with cold water that went out from hoses however theenslaved overseers had to put attention that the shit that the slaves were expellingfrom their bodies were compact turds because that mean that they were healthy, andthen they were forced to swim against of a river current and the water was coldbut always they were closed watched above all the male and female piglets bytheir enslaved overseers to help them in case to be necessary, and with thesekeep in perfect physical conditions theanimals that produced the cum and the tadpoles as well the females thatproduced the eggs or ovules that were sold to the customers and that gave ahuge profit to the farm, although couldbe sold the male and female slaves on which the potential buyers would beinterested as long as they weren ´t considered as the main stallions or femalesthat gave birth to the pups that in the future would serve as the mainstallions or females to continue with the breeding.

The process of cum recollectionto which the males were subjects including the piglets that already had awokento life in this farm was very different to the traditional ones that were usedin other farms, since here the males fucked between them having their cockedinside the body of the other slaves by their anuses and buried in theirrectums, and when ejaculating the cum was deposited inside the body of theother slave and then to get them they were sucked by special machines that tookthem to frozen tubes where they were kept until someone wanted to buy them, orthe cum was immediately given to the buyer in case that he already had boughtit but as expected the slaves first had to go through the process to be cleanedand an enema was applied on them so theyneeded be cleaned inside when they were taken to be milked, and this was practiced in places that werespecially designed where the potential buyers and spectators were comfortablyseated on very comfortable chairs being serviced by naked male and femalespiglets that still hadn`t awaken to life, offering them snacks and beverageswhile with pleasure they saw how the enslaved and now considered white maleanimals or other races male animals as well were grunting including the malepiglets that already had awaken to life, when the cock of his fellow slavesopened up his anus and went into their rectum and the milky process began.

Is noon and is the second timethat this four black haired males are going to be milked, and as the otherslaves their wrists had been cuffed to a tube that is over their head and arenaked and barefoot and three of them already have begun to grunt because theirfellow slaves' cocks had begun to go into their bodies painfully expandingtheir anuses, but for these four males who already past the thirty is theirlast time that are going to be milked in the farm since for their age areconsidered as old beside that the human livestock has to be constantly changed,and some of them had been sold to the mines and others to the quarries wherethey are going to spend the years of life that they have ahead workingincessantly until they are worn out and die but of course as they are slavesthey don`t know what their master has done with them and neither what isawaiting them, and due that this is the second time in the day that they aremilked before they were taken to the milky chamber as was called the placewhere they were forced to fuck each other and put their cum into the otherslave rectum, they went through the painful process of being injected anstimulant directly in their balls so they could produce much more tadpoles anda very important quantity of seminal liquid, and to do that the slaves weretaken to a hidden place called the stimulating that had several metal chairwith stirrups where the slaves were seated down and after being immobilizedopen the stirrups and with the legsopened the slave's cocks and balls are exposed and they inject them thestimulant, but for the slave this process was very painful and before to beinjected they put on the slave's head a muzzle with a thick dildo that wentuntil the back of the mouth, to avoid that his screams and grunts were heardwhen they were injected and the cock was going into his rectum and this processwas done by the enslaved and naked vet, and once that the stimulator made hisjob that in reality was very fast the slaves were so horny that were desperateto fuck.

Once the slave have cum immediatelytheir wrist are freed and are forced to hold with his hands their ankles whilemale piglets that still havent awaken to life are in charge to take out thecum from the rectums sucking them, and the only slave that is not freed is thelast one because he wasnt penetrated and like the first slave didnt penetrateother slave is desperate to cum, so once the cum is taken out from his rectumhes going to fuck the slave that still is immobilized to empty his balls andthe male piglets are going to follow the same process with him to take out thecum that is in his rectum as they did with the others, and all the breedingfarm slaves has to go through the same process, even to be stimulated if thevet considers that is necessary, but the male piglets that already have awakento life but still their sexual organs are in developing process this procedureis not apply on them, and the males slaves when are locked in their barracks torest are put in chastity to avoid that they can fuck each other and they wastethe precious liquid that is produced by their balls, and while the slaves arerecuperating after had been milked they are put to work into the farm`sdifferent activities and each slave has to be milked at least for times a dayincluding the male piglets that have awaken to life, so the sex for thisanimals is very strenuous and very irritating for their glans.

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Next: Chapter 423: Salvajes 32

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