Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 13, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


All those that were slaves'owners above all of those that had to serve their master in their housescleaning, and receiving the guest and those that worked in offices as well,looked the way to excel above the other slaves' owners either for being theowners of extremely expensive slaves, exceptionally handsome or doing somethingthat distinguished them from the others, and the slavery great advantage forthe free citizens was that in most of the countries the person wassentenced for life so the buyer of thatslave could do with him what he wanted without restrictions, and how the slavewas his property and being considered asa danger who was enslaved was better to keep him under a strict control and in additioneven in certain felonies his descendants could be enslaved, but not only thecivils in the society could have slaves, but also the militaries could havethem and even could be enslaved those that had belonged to the army forces and that had fallen in disgrace.

When slavery was reintroduced inthe society only wanted to buy young slaves that were good looking to the sightand extremely expensive and they could be exhibited naked in front of others,so everyone could see the opulence of the family that had bought them and howrich they were to be able to do it, and even many of those young slaves hadnteven committed a felony but they had been kidnaped to can satisfy the demand ofthat kind of merchandise where the black markets overflowed, considering thatat the beginning the laws were very strict about how a person could be enslaveand usually and almost nobody was enslaved unless his offence to the societyhad been very serious, but when the society saw that slavery was good above allfor the productive area the laws began to be less strict, until was reached thepoint that if a person lost his job and didnt find another soon after threemonths he and his family were enslaved, but this didn`t mean that the blackmarkets stopped kidnaping young flesh or other kind of flesh by request andoffer it to their exclusive customers that paid exaggeratedly high prices forcertain kind of slaves, and always even could be find better flesh in the blackmarkets that in those that were legal.

But lately the demand of slaveshad taken a very important turn because not only the young and attractive fleshwas being demanded in the markets both the black and the legally, since now thegreat corporations and firms owners were looking for other class of slaves thatnot necessarily had to be young but the main requisite is that they were veryexperienced in the areas where they worked, and was there where the market gavea turn causing that began to be enslaved mature flesh since the business andcompanies didnt want to pay the exorbitant salaries that they were paying totheir executives, and what better than have working for you an executive forfree and producing the same or more profits an even could demand him much morein exchange to keeping him naked, sleeping in a stinky room either on the flooror may be over the straw, and giving him cheap food and forcing him to work asmuch hours as the master wanted, and without right to have vacations and if hedidnt perform the job as the master wanted then he was brutally punished, andthen suddenly in both in the streets and business not only were seen smoothnaked bodies wearing the collar with firm and rounded buttocks, but also beganto see large buttocks that sometimes werent very attractive to the sightservicing their masters in the way that they were told, and was here where theylaws again were changed since now the business executives or the people thatwere bosses, overseers or foreman that had under they orders other employees couldbe enslaved for anything, and even for any error that was committed forinsignificant that it could be and many of them decided quit their jobs beingsubjected to be enslaved also if they didnt find a new job soon but even heretheir families was in risk to be enslaved.

But the government of one ofthose country by the Slave Processing Center (SPC) began to practice somethingthat until that moment was unthinkable with its slaves that also made it asother way to receive incomes, and that even was prohibited that this was doneto the slaves' bodies if their masters decided to do it to their slaves outsidethe SPC facilities, and only the enslaved specialized vets that belonged to theSPC could practice it supervised by the SPC free doctors that were in charge toattend that place free employees such as the Police Slave (SP) agents, and thiswas the male slaves "INFIBULATION", when the public began to hear about thatdidnt understand about what the authority was referring and for them was amadness when they saw what it was because that was something that hadnt beenpracticed to the male slaves, but suddenly the business and companies thoughtthat this procedure was good because their slaves were not there to givethemselves sexual pleasure or enjoy their sexual organs but to work, inaddition that they considered that was offensive that a slave was hard in frontof the free citizens or even worst that his schlong was bigger than the cock ofa free citizen, and even though that thefree citizen cock was covered by his clothes the slave exposed cock could makethat the free citizen felt bad because his cock was smaller, so one weekend whenthe SPC has more visitors because on Friday nights was when usually more boyswere enslaved because they were in parties and making excessive noise and waswhen more naked slaves were processed to the sight of the public, wereservicing the visitor several infibulated slaves before the amazement andbewilderment of those that were there to observe who had been the wretched thathad lost their freedom the night before, or who were taken either a son or arelative or make a request to enslave someone.

But what the visitors couldntsee was that in the offices where the naked enslaved vets were attending themasters that took their slaves to have a medical checkup because the SPC alsoprovided that service to the masters that didnt have vets, were long lines ofslaves waiting to be checked by the vets so the infibulation were practiced onthem, and their masters already had seen the different infibulation types thatwere done there and three of them were the most requested, and even the mastercould see the enslaved naked vet checking their slaves to practice on them thekind of infibulation that the master had decided to practice on his slave, andthe most practiced infibulations were the following the first one was when theslave's foreskin was attached to back of the glans by to piercings which madeimpossible that the prepuce could retract, leaving completely exposed the glansand if the slave wanted to be hard was very painful for him, and one of thevets already had this kind of the infibulation and could be seen by the ownersbecause he was seated on a chair writing what kind of infibulation the masterwanted to practice to his slave, the second one also has been practiced to oneof the enslaved vets that was called "purse string", which was that the slave's cock being flaccid waswrapped by his own skin and was sewed, being trapped permanently inside thepurse forming a small mound and only having a small hole in the middle wherethe urine and even the involuntary cum emission could go out since the slaveswere allowed to keep their balls but was impossible have an erection, thisslaves also were known as nullo since their cock couldnt be seen and only themound was visible that could be prominent or not depending of the size of theirschlong and their balls kept hanging inside their scrotum, and the lastinfibulation that was practiced in the SPC facilities consisted to put a veryheavy piercing on the tip of the slave prepuce that covered the glandscompletely, which made impossible have an erection because the glans didnthave space to where go out and forced the slave to squat to pee, and to avoidthat this part of the slave's body smelt bad it could be removed to clean the glands for the waste of piss and cum,even the owners of those slave could touch the mound of the enslaved vet sothey could see how smooth it was since in any case the slaves were allowed tokeep their pubes and had been permanently depilated for esthetic reasons.

So from now on is not going to beso rare see the exposed glans without the need that the slave has beencircumcised or mounds between the legs with soft skin with a hole in the middleservicing their masters naked in both public or private places, and having toendure stoically the free citizen teasing as the fact that others are who takethe decisions over their bodies as well otherwise they will be brutallypunished, but above all there is no way to escape from that situation and theirminds despite that now they are docile and they didn`t show any kind of fellingby inside they are wondering how this could happen, and how a society that saysthat is modern and where the others human rights are respected allows thisthings taking place being careful about not showing their feelings to avoid a greatersuffering, but as always happens the people of those societies always realizedthat something is wrong until they have to live by themselves that situationand when is too late.

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Next: Chapter 429: Hora De Cobrarselas 32

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