Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 20, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This is the last time that as agroup they are going to be allowed to embrace, now they're naked and in publicexhibited in front of the public that isin the park on the forest edge and in front of the TV audience, all of themhave lost in the "Millionaire Contest" and now they're only waiting to find outif they are bought before the TV transmission is over, or if they'll have to goto the Slave Processing Center (SPC) andagain go through the humiliation to be exhibited in a public auction to see whois going to buy them.

These ten slaves had the hope towin as a football soccer team however on the first game they lost and all theirhopes to be rich and have a luxury house had gone, but several corporations areinterested on buy them however they aren't sure if they have to buy them onthis moment or wait until other teams lose and see other options.

One corporation has decided tobuy the oldest slave who is the coach since they know that he's an engineer andhe has the knowledge to improve their production and without having to pay himanything, however several of the spectators at the park and on TV had askedthat the slaves put apart their buttocks and that the TV cameras make a close upso they can see their anuses, and those that are at the park could go toinspect closely the slaves exposed holes, so not only these slaves are beingexhibited naked but furthermore they will go through one humiliation more thatis have to show their bodies most intimate part to all the free citizen thatwant see it.

Only two of the ten enslavedlosers were bought, the first one was the oldest slave that was bought by the corporation and thecompany didn't have to pay much money for him because nobody was interested tobuy him, and the second one was the slave with a bear who had few pubes who wasbought by a cruise line, and his main responsibility was going to carry on boardand take out from the ship thepassenger's luggage but also he was going to give sexual pleasure to thosepassenger that were interested on his services.

These two slaves were caged andtaken by their owner's transport to the new place where they'd have to serve, theother eight slaves were taken walking to the SPC, and they were forced to hold eachother cocks and they were ordered keep their hands on the other slave's cock ifthey didn't wanted to be punished, and in case that due to the cocksmanipulation they needed to cum they were allowed, but only if they screamedwith the top of their lungs that they were going to cum.

But while they were taken to theSPC beside that they were seen by both the free males and females holding thecock of the other slave that was behind him, with the exception that was in thelast place that he had to put his hands on the back of his head and the firston the line that was guided by a enslaved naked eighteen years old black boythat was the SPC property, they had also to endure the humiliation that freeteenage boys ask for permission to take them by their cocks and guided themwhile they were masturbating the slaves, and the eight slaves were powerless tostop them and also they had to see how the male teenage boys were wearinggloves to protect their hands while they held their cocks, and even the blackteenage slave that was who was guiding the group had to endure that humiliationand be guided by both white and black free boys.

When they arrived to the SPC theslaves' entrance that was in the back part of the center because in front onlycould go in the free citizen and employees, and the doors were opened by a smoothnaked slaves that only were wearing the collar and was forbidden for them go inand out by that entrance, they were forced to kneel on the street sidewalk, andalternately one was facing the wall and the other the pedestrians with theirhands on the back of their heads leaving exposed their buttocks, balls andcocks, but as the slaves arrived being guided by their cocks by the young free teenageboys and they didnt arrive at the same time, and as they were arriving theywere given their turn to go in, and many of them even had to wait that trucksloaded with slaves went first than them because they had been registered in theadmittance book before than they, and there didn't matter if the slaves wereexposed to the inclement weather such as the heat or rain, because naked slavesthat belonged to the SPC were who kept a close eyes on the new arrivals andthey punished the new slaves in a brutal way if they tried to move, and thishad been a good method that had been stablished by the current SPC directorbecause he had released that the slaves in order to demonstrate that they weregood following orders, made that was necessary to instead that they wereperforming menial task such as cleaning the SPC or other indignant task, they were put to keep an eye on the newarrived slaves without mattering that they were naked or the weather conditions,because there the Slave Police (SP) guards occasionally went out to check thatthe smooth naked slaves were doing the task to keep an eyes on the newarrivals, while their turn to go into the SPC and begin their register processand be assigned to a slave dealer agency to be sold arrived, and the slaveseven were more ruthless when they punished and kept the order between the newarrived slaved that even the guards because what those slaves didnt want waslose that privilege position.

So The Millionaire Contest hasaccomplished once more his purpose that is keep the free citizen entertainingwith the events and at the same time make money by this entertainment, withoutmattering the participants or their relatives suffering, but at the end of theday all in this world is money and those participants that lose become in agreat business for The Millionaire Contest and the contenders are who bring inthe sponsors who pay millions to advertise in the transmissions.

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Next: Chapter 433: Society Is Changing 32

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