Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 3, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The wild life hasn't been easyfor these two whitey teenagers, since the Latin masters go into the forest veryoften to capture them, they live frightened to be put a part for their loveones.

They never have been clothed,they don ´t know what is live in a house although they know what it is becausewhen they go to town to stole food from the trash containers or even from thehouses they have seen them, but their animal minds can ´t understand why the Latinmasters want to live in a such small place when the forest is huge and offers alot of fun places and places to sleep as well, furthermore the blond boy oncesaw a television and he was so frightened that when terrified ran he made a lotof noise and almost was captured.

The black haired whitey has beenvery fortunate because despite that his herd has lost many members, any of hissibling or his parents has been captured, however the blond wasn't so luckybecause he lost all his family members on several raids, however the herd hasprotected him specially the black haired whitey's family that now considers himas other of their children.

However after they went to getthe food looking into the town's trash containers and even the black hairedwhitey was so lucky to steal from a kitchen window a cake and after had feedthe pups that were their charge, they went to explore the forest but withoutnoticed they went very far from where their herd was, and while they werewalking they heard strange noises and frightened hidden between the bushes theywent to investigate, because they were afraid that those noise were made by theLatin masters that were looking for whiteys to capture, but what they saw leftthem surprised because two mature males that they thought belonged to otherherd were having sex and the two teenagers never have seen two males have sexbetween them, they knew what the oral sex was and the pleasure that itbrought because the males sucked theircocks between them, and even the females also sucked the males' cocks to getthe cum that given the proteins that they needed, but never in their herd theyhad seen two males have anal sex between them, and even they never had seen a man fucking a woman for breedpurposes.

The two boys would like see more aboutwhat the two older whiteys were doing but the black haired teenager sneezed andthat scared the two mature whiteys, that immediately began to run to be safethinking that the Latin guards were close.

The two eighteen years old boysnot understanding what they had seen because a male was over other male movinghis butt up and down and how the buttocks tensed and relaxed, they tried tofind an explanation about what they had seen but their innocence was such thatthey couldn`t understand why they did it, so the black haired teenage boysquatted behind his blond mate body and he told him to stay still and he putapart his buttocks and he looked at his anus, he knew that the shit went outfor that hole and that also smelt bad, but as they had gone into a river to befresh after have gone to get the food they were clean, and the smell thatarrived to his nose having his buttocks opened and the musky smell made that hewas horny and tried to put one of his fingers into his buddy's body by his anus, but when the blond boy feltpain he walked away and protested.

The young black haired wildwhitey confused stopped what he was doing trying to put his finger inside hisbuddy's body, because when they had seen the two adult males fucking the onethat was allowing that the cock of his friend was inside of him nevercomplained, so he decided don`t insist and what they did was went in to theforest to do what they have done always give each other their cum and apart toget the proteins that their bodies needed also give each other pleasure, and bythe moment that was enough although in their minds again and again they saw the scene where the two mature males weredoing that strange thing.

But the two teenage boys sawagain the same mature males having sex but they got the same result that thefirst time, because when they approached they made noises and the two malesagain scared ran towards the forest, leaving the two teenagers disappointedbecause they couldn ´t see more but however the blond boy insisted that they shouldexperiment what the other two mature whites were doing, when the black hairedboy heard what his friend was proposing he didn ´t want because he was scare forhis first experience trying to put his finger into his buddy's anus, but at theend he accepted and now they are on a wooden pier caressing each other theirnipples, and that has been so pleasant that both of them have a hard on and haddecided to kiss each other, however their tries are clumsy but in the future ifthey are still free they are going to be experts in the art of having sex withother whitey males like them, but if they are captured in the Tame Center theyare going to be taught how give pleasure to their masters, these two whiteysproblem is that they decided to experience what the sex between males is in anunprotected place and they might be seen by the Latin masters and be captured.

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Next: Chapter 438: Salvajes 33

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