Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 3, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These two slaves could escapefrom their master, although they're hiding in the jungle, they know that forthe moment they are save but they need to eat.

The runaway wasn ´t easy becauseany of them have experience about how to live into the jungle, but they prefertake their chances to keep living with their master and be mistreated by him.

The two slaves were kidnaped andsold in the black market; the mature slave on the right was a doctor, while theteenager on the left was a freshman in college, both slaves are white themature slave is fifty years old and is black grey haired, while the youngerslaves is eighteen years old and is blond.

The doctor was kidnaped while hewas sleeping in his hotel room after have given a conference, while the studentwas on a party, and the doctor was kidnaped because he was an eminence in humangenetic and he had begun some researches about how avoid hereditary sickness,so a very wealthy man sent to kidnaped him and the enslaved doctor worked forhim and he could get the recognition and benefits of the slave's research, theteenager as many others of his ages was kidnaped due that in the black market a lot of buyers wanted boys like him.

How the doctor was kidnaped byrequest, as soon as his captors took control over him was taken to a privateplane that took him to the country where his master lives, when he waked up hewas naked an crucified in a garden where a party was taken place, and all theguest went to see him closely and even some of them took the liberty to touchhis balls and cock, and however he was gagged and he couldn ´t speak with hismouth noises was trying to tell them to leave him alone despite they werelaughing at him, but he not only had to face the torture to be crucified if notfurthermore they had put a dildo under his anus, thus to avoid be penetrated bythe artificial cock he had to lift up his body with his hands, and when he wastired he let it go down penetrating himself merciless and feeling a lot ofpain.

The party was all night long and hewas kept like that while they guest were enjoying his suffering, but that punishmentwas enough to break him and after that meekly he did all what his master orderedhim, he had to work eighteen hours a day and he was punished very often by thedoctors that were his overseers because they considered that his experimentstook long time to give the desire results, but didn ´t matter that he tried toexplain them that the researches took time to give some results, the only thingthat he got was being crucified during his rest hours or be punished withelectroshocks on his body because he has dared to talk to a better withoutpermission.

But his humiliation didn ´t stopthere, because when his master had medical work reunions, being naked he had toexplain to the other doctors his researching while his audience wereexpensively clothed furthermore he never could see their faces, he always hadto have his face bowed looking at his naked feet, but also that made him tolook at his exposed cock reminding him that for them he just was an animal, andwhen he recognized a doctor that have been in many of his conferences before hewas kidnaped, as soon as he could hewent where he was and he asked him for help so he could tell his embassy andfamily where and how he was and he could be rescued, the doctor looked at himsurprised but he said nothing and left the room, and that made that the doctorhad hopes to be rescued, but that same night he was ordered to sexually serveone of his master's guest and he had to go to his room.

The slave hated do that but heknew that he hadn ´t other option otherwise he was going to be merciless andbrutally punished, so meekly after had gone through all the cleaning processthe enema included, he went to the luxury guest room but like the guest thatwas going to outrage him wasn ´t there he took the display position, so on hisfeet he opened his legs, he put his hands behind his head and keeping his headlifted up he looked at the wall waiting for his master's guest.

When the guest arrived theenslaved doctor saw that was the doctor that he had asked to help him earlier,and despite that he was very excited he didn ´t dare to move because he knewthat a good salve couldn ´t do anything without a better authorization and hewas still a slave, then the guest sat on a very comfortable couch, he took amagazine and began to read it without putting any attention to the slave, andafter a while he told the slave that he wanted a whisky on the rocks, theenslaved doctor immediately did as he was told and walked toward the room ´s barto fixed the drink that his better has ordered, while he was walking the doctortold him that for a man of his age his buttocks were firm and pleasant to thesight, that made that a chill ran on the spine of the enslaved doctor but heknew that the free doctor had made a compliment and he didn ´t have more optionbut thanked him for his compliment, thus he fixed the drink and took it on atray and when he was beside where the free doctor was seated, he knelt on hisleft knee while his right foot's sole was on the carpet feeling its smoothness andhe stretched his arms forwards to offer the drink to his better, but the doctordidn ´t put attention to the slave and he kept reading, and the inferior didn ´thave more option but keep his arms stretched offering the drink until hisbetter wanted to take it, then once the drink was taken the doctor ordered theslave that assumed the full four position in front of him, thing that the slavedid, after sip two time the drink, heput the cold glass and his legs on theslave ´s naked back, and at least for two hours more he was reading and givingto his drink small sips and putting the glass on the slave's bare back.

When the doctor was tired to beriding he removed his legs from the slave ´s back and put his feet on the floorand he began to caress the naked buttocks, for the enslaved doctor that wassomething indignant but he knew better than anyone that he was powerless tostop his better if he didn ´t want be punished, and after a while the slave wasordered to undress his better and all night long the doctor fucked the slavemerciless, the next morning the doctor said to the slave that he wasn ´t neededanymore, also he told him that as he had behaved as slave and he hadn't showany dignity or respect for himself and he never had tried to fight against whohad enslaved him, was worthless try to help him so all the slave's hopes to befreed vanished, what the enslaved doctor didnt know was that the doctor wasthe partner of the man that had enslaved him and he was receiving part of thebenefits of the research that he as slave was performing, and despite of thehumiliation to feel how that man put his cock several time in his anus and hecum in his rectum he didnt dare to say a word because he already knew thebrutal punishments that his master applied to the disobedient slaves, and withdesperation he thought if only he knew what he had gone through and the reasonwhy he had submitted to his master accepting the enslavement as his new way oflife, he never would talk like that

The teenager boy hadn't been solucky because he was put into one of the cargo ship's cargo hold, and hecouldn't remember how he arrived there and who had undressed him, the onlything that he could remember was that one of his acquaintances had taken himinto one of the house's rooms where the party was taking place, he had givenhim a drink and then all went black, but when he could sit, saw that the cargo holdwas full of naked teenagers like him, and that the place smelt like shit,urine, and sweat.

Any of the boys that were lockedon that place could tell him how long they were locked because the cargo roomwas windowless, but since the moment that he was awake until the ship sailedten more boys were put into that place, and two days had gone since the shiphad sailed until the hold room's door was opened and one by one all the youngprisoners were taken out naked and every time that one boy was taken out thedoor was closed again.

When was his turn he was takenout and immediately was washed with sea water and when he was reasonable cleanhe was taken up by a metallic stairs to a very luxury longue, where men a womenof different ages from teenager to old ones were there and they were expensive dressed andseated and chatting friendly, they were eating snacks and beverages that werebeing offered by naked salves even younger than him, then he was taken to thestage center and one of his ankles wascuffed to a chain that was secured on the floor, then they put on his neck anstainless collar that from the back part was hanging a chain that length wasuntil the middle of his back , then his hands were cuffed to the chains end ina painful position because they were very high, also he was gagged an severalmen and women that where inside that luxury lounge began to touch and inspecthis body.

He wanted protect himself but hewas powerless to do that so with his mouth he tried to insult those that weretouching him but anyone could understand all what he was saying, several timeshe was masturbated but they took care to don ´t make him cum, they put apart hisbuttocks to see his hole and even with gloved fingers they fingered his anus,but very soon must of the people that was inspected him lost the interest forhim and they went back to their seats to keep enjoying the chat with otherpeople, the beverages and the snacks and touching the naked bodies of the young slaves that were servicing them, at theend just one teenage boy about his same age still was interested on him andkept inspecting his body.

The boy didn ´t know what wasgoing on but with his gagged mouth he tried to tell to the pervert teenagerthat leaved him alone, however the free boy didn ´t put attention about thenoises that the slave was making with his mouth, even the slave was masturbated until he cumand the free boy looked at the spunk quantity that the slave had produced, thenhe took out his wallet from his trousers' pocket and then his credit card andgave it to the man that had taken the slave out of the cargo room and had taken him to thatplace, and on that moment he opened wide his eyes because he understood what was going on, he had been sold as slave.

Immediately the salve was takenout the lounge to the ship's main deck where was a helicopter, he was put intothe cargo compartment and after a long time the aircraft took off, and aftertwo hour they finally landed, the slave's head was covered and he was put intoairplane cargo compartment and after several hours he arrived to his finaldestination, he was taken out of the airplane and still with his head coveredhe was taken inside of a building where he was put on a steel bed laying on hisback, then he was tied up by his wristand ankles in a spread eagle position and they gave him a shot and he startedto feel ditzy, but before all went black he heard the voice of the teenager that hadbought him telling someone else that he had to castrate him, and on the placethat were his cock and balls he put a pussy with a clit, and his ball should beput in a sterile slave's body.

The boy wanted to scream andfight but he was helpless because he was falling asleep and furthermore he ´shead was still covered, when he was awake for several days he was onrecuperation and before someone went to check his body his head was covered, but now he wasvery depressed because truly instead to have male sex organs he had the femaleones, and when his young master was informed that the boy had healed, he took the wretched altered boy to hisfriends' parties so they could fuck the three body cavities that now his bodyhad, so in many times he was fucked at the same time by three differentteenagers, and they never show him compassion and always they were making fun ofhim, and although that in the beginningthe slave couldn ´t understand the reason why they had been so mean with himmodifying his body in such way, and even they enjoyed exhibit his naked body toother free boys to be humiliated even more later he could understand all, since being a slave hewas just an animal to them, an being a slave he had become an object which theycould do whatever they wanted and at the end they had done, even the slave thatnow had his balls fucked him several time by his master's orders, and althoughhis master never fucked him because heonly wanted his salve to exhibit and humiliated him, making him fell as a whorebecause always his master's friends fucked him with his authorization.

But one day when he went into theroom where he had the surgery when his body was modified, and was the placewhere the sick or injures slaves where checked by the vet he saw a naked matureman that was giving his back to him looking at something, but how his masterhad prohibited him to be in a place where other slaves were unless he hadreceived his authorization he apologized with the mature slave and was ready togo out, then the mature slave turned around and both males were frozen becauseface to face were father and son, both were slaves and had been bought by thesame master, the two slaves ran to embrace and the father had a strong pain inhis heart when he discovered that his son had been enslaved too, but when he saw his son ´s naked body because whenthey saw each other for the first time he only had seen his face, he whimpered withpain and asked his son what had happened to him, and when the boy told him thathis master had given the order to geld him and put a pussy on the place thathis cock and balls used to be, and that his balls were put into other slave's body and that surgery have beendone in that place, the father whimpered again with a stronger pain that beforebecause he knew that he had done thatsurgery and he was the one that had changed his son's gender, because untilthat moment, his master and neither hissons had ordered him to perform othersurgery like the one that he had done to his son changing the gender andputting his balls in other slave's body,but the father didn't dare to tell his son that he was who had operated him, implanting his balls to otherslaves and after that he had amputated his penis and cut his scrotum's skin andinstead he had put on him a pussy, also his son told him how his young masterconstantly humiliated him allowing that his friends raped him and in many timeshe had be fucked at the same time by three different boys, so since that momentthey decided to escape until they got it.

Now their priority is not becaptured again and have decided live naked in the jungle, and now the teenageroffers his body to his father so he can fuck him, but the first time the fatherdidn ´t want to do it, but when he saw that fuck him was very important for hisson because when he fucked him was showing that as his father he wasn ´tdepicting and rejecting him, now every time that he can he puts his cock in tohis son's three corporal cavities, but always the father makes sure that hisson enjoys be fucked and reached the orgasm, but the three thing that alwayswill torment the doctor for the rest of his life are have changed his songender, he knows that he's going to have grandchildren that will be slavesbecause other slave has his son's balls now, and he never is going to see hiswife again, because son and father decided that was better live naked in thejungle as the animals that they were forced to be, since the son never could bewith his friends and family knowing that instead to have a penis and testicleshe had a pussy with a clit, also the father knew that never he could fuck hiswife knowing that other males had fucked him and he wasn ´t been faithful to her,so for their family and the rest of the world they as many others are lost intothe slaves sub world that were sold in the black market, and now their onlyworry is learn to find food and get lost into the jungle so their master nevercan find them.

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Next: Chapter 441: Chicos Tontos 33

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