Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 5, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The schools where the white boysnow called by the Latin boys that belonged to the superior Latin race theGhetto Boys, as the other places had special sections for the Latins where thewhite boys can't be unless they were taken by the Latin boys as slaves.

Even the schools had thatdivision, where the most luxury installations were assigned to the Latin boys,and those that were in ruins to the ghetto boys, beside that the kind of educationthat the Latin boys received was very different of the white boys, because the Latinboys were educated to be the future entrepreneurs, businessmen and the countryleaders, while the white boys were educated to be the dominated race and whatthe highest level that they could aspire was work as cheap work force, and onlythey were allowed to live in special places for whites called ghettos, besidethat if they wanted to go out of the ghetto or move through the city they hadto have special permission to can do it given by the ghetto guards, theiremployers or any other Latin authority, and they couldn't buy anything outsidethe ghetto, and if they wanted to eat something outside their homes they had togo to the filthy restaurants destined to them.

Every morning when the schoolbegan the Latin boys went into the school by their school luxury entrance,while the ghetto boys had to go into the school by the smelly doors where thegarbage was taken out and where even the sewer system was opened and the turdswere going out the school dragged by the water could be seen.

The ghetto boys when they arrivedto the school had to strip to go through an inspection where a Latin boyscommittee inspected them and decided if they were clean or not, and the decisiontaken by that committee was a sacred word and can't be changed, so all thosewhite boys that were considered clean were allowed to go to their filthy andrambling classrooms dressed, but those ghetto boys that were considered filthy hadto be almost naked in the school since only were allowed to wear a loincloththat barely covered their genitals and their asses crack, and were forced toclean the classroom every morning while the clean ghetto boys observed by the Latinboys committee had to torment them touching their bodies private parts beside to kiss them and fingering their holesalthough they didn't want to do that otherwise they were punished by the Latinboys.

But one day the Latin boys thatby a lot were chosen to be part of the committee considering that all the Latinboys wanted to be part of it to have the opportunity to torment the despicableinferior white boys, decided change the way how the filthy white boys should bepunished, and all whitey that was considered filthy still naked instead toallow them wear the loincloth that covered their most intimate parts, weretaken to the school main yard where the Latin boys were reunited before theschool day began or while they had a free time, and the wretched filthy ghettoboys with shame covered with his hands their cocks and balls and their buttocksas best as they could while they were being exhibited in front of their bettersnaked.

That day were one hundred ghettoboys that were stripped because the Latin boys committee considered that theywere filthy and also were chosen ninety nine Latin boys by a lot to participatein the punishment that was going to apply to the whiteys, the naked ghetto boys faces of fear and in somecases of terror that were exhibited as animals were the delight of the Latinboys that weren't part of the committee, and with expectation they were waitingto see how the filthy white animals were going to be punished because they haddared to be in the presence of their betters filthy, while the other white boysthat were considered clean with fear and anguish were watching from theschool's roof because they weren't allowed to be together with the Latin boyswhat was going to happen to their wretched mates, that in reality they weren'tfilthy because all of them had taken a shower in the ghetto's communal shower before to go to their school.

The committee members gave toeach of the ninety nine Latin boys that were going to participate in the ghettoboys punishment ninety nine dirty loincloths, the disconcerted naked whiteysteenage boys that still were covering their cocks, balls and buttocks with theirhands didn't understand why their better Latins had done that because was wellknown that the Latins didn't like to touch anything that belonged to the ghettoboys because they considered them filthy animals, and only they were close orused them as they wanted when they were sure that the whiteys were clean ifthey were free or as their slaves and event they have sex with them and wereforced to suck their cocks, although many time the free crackers were used insuch degrading way.

The one hundred filthy ghettoboys were told that if they didn't want be punished in a ways that they neverwere going to forget, they would find a filthy loincloth that had given to eachof the ninety nine Latin boys, and each time that a white boy found it runningwould have to go to the main yard where would be the ninety nine Latin boysthat had hidden the loincloths and yet naked without covering their buttocks,balls and cocks look for the Latin boy with the same number that the loinclothhad and kiss his feet in the full fours position and then with their teethopened the zipper, and take out his cock and suck it in front of the other Latin boys that were in the yard asspectators, and they would have to have their legs wide open so the free boyscould see their anuses, balls and cock exposed, and once the Latin boy had cumin his mouth and had swallowed the cum go through the lines of Latin boys thatwere as spectators so they could spank them, and once they had gone through thelines they could put on the loincloth although would have very red white bums, butthe filthy white boys were warned that was better not to be the boy that wasnaked and couldn't get the loincloth because then he would receive a punishmentthat he never was going to forget.

And as was expected all thefilthy ghetto boys and those that were in the roof as well were very nervousand as soon as a Latin boy gave the signal and all the loincloths were hidden,and then the naked white bodies began to run desperately in all directions tofind the loincloths and don't be the wretched boy that was going to be the onlyone to be naked, and for the Latin boys delight they could see how the whiteinferior cocks were bouncing from oneside to other like creasy while their owners ran with desperation and also thebuttocks moved and even the pink anuses could be seen while their owners bendforward to see if they found the loincloth leaving them exposed.

At the end a desperately eighteenyears old light brown haired filthy white boy with middle sizes pink nippleswas the wretched ghetto boy that didn't find the loincloth, since all theninety nine Latin boys cocks were being sucked by the fortunate whiteys thathad found the loincloths, and with desperation were sucking the Latin boys' cocks to make them cum as soon aspossible and swallow their cum and all together in groups go through the linesof Latin boys to be spanked, because if they go through the lines in group theywould receive less spanks in their bums.

However the white boy that lostwas taken to the Latin boys bathroom naked and since that day he is servicingas urinating furniture, and was forced to sit down between two urinatingfurniture and with his hands extended towards both sides were tied up to thepipes and also the pipes supported his arms, his legs were full stretchedforwards and tied up to other urinating furniture and his head was beingsupported by ropes to keep his head lifted up, and when a Latin boy arrivedcould chose to urinate into the mouth of the wretched young cracker or in theurinating furniture, and if he peed into the whitey's mouth he had to swallowthe urine and the slave could not pee until other whitey that on that day hadbeen considered filthy went to suck his cock so in those moment he could pee inthe mount of the other cracker, even theLatin boys peed on the body of the naked whitey because they wanted that hispale skin was impregnated of urine and stink, and at the end of the day bepunished because he hadn't swallowed all the Latin boys' urine, and finally thewretched white boy was enslaved, and during the school hours he served asurinating furniture and after school hours he had to do the jobs that the Latinschool authorities told him to perform.

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Next: Chapter 487: El Experimento 23

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