Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 13, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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These students have just arrivedto the auction center, the Slave Police (SP) went to their school for themsince they were chosen by a lot as part of the fifteen percent of the countrystudents to be enslaved, and the government was going to give them as a gift tothe country's free citizens, and their new owners were going to be chosen by alot.

The reason why the government haddecided enslave the fifteen percent of the students was to calm down thecitizens that couldn't afford buy a slave, given them the opportunity to getone for free, however there was the possibility that some of the new enslavedended up servicing the rich people.

To choose the students that hadto be enslaved and after that be given as a gift by a lot, all the studentsthat had the lower grades were selected, that didn't mean that they were badstudents since their grades were excellent, but inside the students' universethose that had the lowers grades between them were included in the lot, andfrom there the fifteen percent was chosen.

However anybody knew what thegovernment was going to do until one day before the Independence Day, when theSP went to pick up the students although this time only the males were chosento be enslaved, and on this time the slaves that were transported to theauction center where they were going to be given to the free citizen by a lot,could be seen by their betters because they were on trucks that the cargo areawas opened but they were caged and naked, and on both sides of the truck wereadvertisement that said "THE INDEPENDENCE DAY GIFTS".

How the government hadn't giventhe news yet a lot of the pedestrians were surprised without understanding whatwas going on, and even they thought that the boys were slaves that were goingto work on the streets that day, but for the students all was uncertainty anddesperation because they didn't know the reason why they had been enslaved,they only knew that already they were slaves but they wanted to know the reasonwhy they were enslaved although as slaves nobody had to give them anexplanation.

The transportation for the newslaves to the auction center was very traumatic due that they had to stop onseveral schools to pick up more enslaved students, while they waited that theslaves of that school were taken to the transport like they were caged likeanimals, they could be seen by the free students whom mocked and insulted them.

At the same time that they werearriving to the auction center the president was giving the news about thespecial gift that the government was going to give to the citizen on theindependence day, and the local news were giving the names of those unfortunatestudents that had been enslaved, so each state was given the names of the boysthat lived there, however they were be sent to one auction center on severaltransports.

The auction center admissionprocess for the slaves was exasperating slow, since only two slaves were taken outat the same time from the cage by truck, and only one shower was available tobe used by two slaves at the same time by truck.

These two slaves were veryfortunate to be one of the firsts to be taken out, and now they're showeringand as soon as they finished immediately they're going to be taken to theauction hall where they are going to be put on the lot to choose their newmasters but they don't know that yet,what worries them is that they have to share the same soap and theadvertisement that is on the wall that prohibited that they fuck each other,like if they were thinking on that, however very soon this will be one of theirmost important duties, give sexual pleasure to their masters, and all thosefree citizens that they wanted.

These two nineteen years oldblack haired white slaves are the children of very rich people which neverthought that they were going to lose one of their children on that way, becausea part that they were excellent students precisely to avoid to be enslaved andthey were considered well educated boys which had a brilliant future a head,however their dreams had come down and many of those that had been theirschoolmates and even close relative wanted to have them as slaves, even thoughthat they know that what they wanted was impossible because the intention wasgiven them as slave to the people that didnt have economical resources to buythem, but definitely this wasnt animpediment so they could go to offer to that people a very important amount ofmoney, and then they could buy not one but two or three slaves since at the endof day for them the money wasn`t an impediment to get those naked animals thatwere servicing them and do with them as they pleased.

However this two rich boys weretraumatized because they had to take a shower in a communal area with any kindof privacy, and even thought that they weren't being watched by the SP guardsin those moments they were uncomfortable to have be showering together and haveto share the cheap soap that for them was pestilential, and even though thatthey at their exclusive school where they had been studying had shared the soapand the shampoo and even the towels, knowing that bare foot slaves as they werein those moments had been stood on that same shower carpet made them feel sick,and their only hope was that their parents could take them out there as soon aspossible because they were sure that their enslavement had been a mistake.

But what had most surprised themand horrified was the announcement on the wall were was forbidden that theslaves fucked between them, and they were wondering how many time the shamelessnaked animals had been fucked there thinking that the guards werent watchingthem, and even they made mocking comments about that, even though themselveswerent virginals because in many of the encounters with their friends usingtheir slaves in a sexual way, had lost a bet and the way how the loser had topaid was being fucked by his despicable slave while their friends made fun ofhim, but for their shame this was something that was going to be discoveredlater.

At the end of the day theseboys that once where members of the richest and influential families of theircountry they will continue living in that social sphere, but now as the mostdespicable servicing those that once were their equals and pals as slaves, andtheir humiliations and desperation never will end knowing that they can`tescape from that discouraging situation, because they even will have to servein the houses of those that once were their family and were considered as lovedand appreciated members, but now they will have to serve them naked and theyare going to be used even by their own brothers and one and another daringsister, but at the end even though that for them is not a solace their new livessomething good had done because theyhelped to the two families which they were given as slaves to serve them, tolive more comfortable with the moneythat their acquaintances and family members paid to buy them, and after all forcertain people the slavery is not so bad, but for them slavery was the worstthat could happened despite that when they were free supported it because theybecame victims of a system that each day is hungrier of slaves and demands toenslave more people, and even both salves will have to suck their cocks andfuck each other because for their masters fun will make that they see veryoften . Feedbacks, comments and ideas arewelcome sent them to

Next: Chapter 493: Granjas De Crianza 8

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