Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 27, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


A very cruel awaking to a newreality for this "Millionaire Contest" participant that was enslaved because helost, this thirty years old muscular, dark brown haired white new slave wassent by his Company to participate in the wireless installation event indifferent governmental offices.

This was named "The BusinessMillionaire Contest", and it consisted on several companies had to perform thesame job for private or public companies, and the job might be done by severalemployees of each company or individually, the winners each one received theeconomic award and a house, furthermore that their company was awarded with amonetary reward and if was possible they also were rewarded with a billionairecontract to do the job on which they had competed, while the losers wereenslaved.

This wretched slave was chosen byhis company to go alone to participate, and he had been chosen because his company wasn't interested to win thatcontract and they didn't want lose their best technician and also they couldn'trefuse to participate, so was better sacrifice someone that wasn't veryskilled, and for him his fate had been sealed, the employee didn't know that hehad been chosen until was very late for him since when he was told that he wasthe participant in "The Business Millionaire Contest", was too late to make anychange in the contenders register.

The employee didn't know what tothink but in a given moment he felt honored because he thought that his companyhad chosen him because he was a good employee and he was capable to win, andwhen he asked for the information about the job that he had to do and read thedocuments, he was happy because was something that he knew how to do and he hadgreat chances to be the winner, on the event's day he went to the SlaveProcessing Center (SPC) as was stipulated, but instead to go into the buildingby the place that the slaves did, he went in by the visitors and employeesentrance and when he arrived to the reception desk, he gave to a naked blackslave that was very muscular but much younger than him, his body was hairlessand on the head his hair had been cut on a Mohican style and the only thingthat he was wearing was the mandatory collar, the document that indicated thereason why he was there.

The slave as was expected wasvery kind and politely with him considering that he was a free man, and askedhim to sit down while he checked on the computer his event's information, and fewminutes later a Slave Police (SP) officer told the employee that by a judgeorder he had been enslaved, and he had to undress in that place in front of thefree citizens that were going in and out if he didn't want be punished, and onlyif he won his freedom would be given back to him, and to his awards will beadded a compensation because he had been naked in public.

The employee making a great effort to keepcalm asked the guard why he had to undress, if what he was going to do was awireless installation but the guard in a menacingly way told him that as slavehe didn't have the right to ask any explanation and was better that he did ashe was told if he didn't want be punished, so he didn't have more option butundress in front of the free citizens that began to mock at him.

The event was on TV and theaudience could see the employees' naked bodies while they were working and evensome of his must intimates body parts were exposed to the public although was for few seconds whilethey were working, The employee almost win and only because he finished fiveseconds after the winner he wasenslaved.

All the losers were put onauction immediately with the intention to sale them before the TV transmissionwas over, and several of the slave were sold, but he wasn't so lucky and he wastaken into SPC slaves' reception area.

Now the same guard that hadinformed him that he had been enslaved, had tied up his hands to the slavesreception area door over his head, and he's torturing his balls while with hisother hand is on his mouth to prevent that his scream of pain are heard, whilethe TV audience is enjoying his humiliation and his suffering as other of the"Millionaire Contest" loser, and his former company's executives where he usedto work are celebrating his defeat.

But the entrepreneurs already hadmade a very juicy monetary offer an they're going to buy him so he continuesproviding his services in the company but now as slave which they are not goingto have to pay absolutely nothing, only keep him naked, clean him with coldwater and put on his body disinfectant and aromatic so he doesnt smell bad andsent him work where is necessary always being watched by his overseers, which now only will have to use on him themodified cattle prod or the crop to "incentive" him to work as they want, and thedifference with the free workers he wont have days off in his job or free timeto eat or go to the bathroom, because as slave now the overseers are who decidewhen he can do it, and with envy, sadness and anger he is going to see howthose that were his coworkers and equals when the time go to home arrives aregoing to tell him what he had to do so what they couldn't finish during the dayhe has to finish it, and while they areresting in their work time or they go home to rest he will have to keep workingunder the close watching or his overseer and he wasnt going to be fed andwatered or allowed to rest, until the job of that day has been finished, besidethat he always is going to be naked and barefoot and with his cock caged toavoid that he can be distracted of his labor wanking, and of course he is goingto be the sexual toy of the company free workers that now owns him, and all the time that is lost giving pleasurehe had to recuperate it when the free employees go home to rest and he keepsworking until the job of that day is finished no mattering the time hefinished, and as is expected always he's going to be the first to be working,if he doesnt stay caged in the sameplace where he's working so very early an overseer opens the cage and put himto work much more earlier than the time when the free workers arrive, and ofcourse now his food is going to be the disgusting slaves food and he hasforbidden eat the free citizens food if he doesn`t want be brutally punished.

So definitely The MillionaireContest keeps making happy the spectators and those who buy the slaves to beserved by them as well, and the sponsors pay millionaire amounts of money tokeep the contest going on, and of course the slaves sales is other veryimportant way to get the resources to give the awards and that the spectatorscan enjoy the event, but now to encourage the spectators to register in the TVtransmission can be see the next advertiser "YOU CAN BE OUR NEXT WINNEROR..........................."

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Next: Chapter 501: Hora De Cobrarselas 36

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