Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 10, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


One of these males in few secondsmore will be the Herma's prey, these three males were included into "TheExperiment Program" and the radiations has changed the brains of the two malesthat are on their feet, while the one that is in full fours not only his brainwas changed but also his body into the most feared depredator inside "TheExperiment".

Neither the dominant male knownas alfa that is on the right or the submissive known as beta that is on theleft noticed by their smell and ear senses the depredators presence that slippedtoward them on full fours, because the wind was blowing from the sea to thebeach where the depredator was coming from, and the sea noise when the wavesarriving to the shore didn't allow them hear the Herman approaching.

These two males are together duethat in a fight the one that is on the right defeated the one that is on theleft fucking him and forcing him to be his slave, however depending of the preythat the Herma choses the submissive might be free from his servitude if theHerma decides hunt his master, anyway the Herma has already taken his decisionand the one that he's going to attack is the dominant male, because his smellsense has shown him that like he has the stronger smell is the one thatproduces more spunk, and this is what he needs to feed while the head of hisprey is trapped inside his body and dies, the fortunate submissive theonly thing that he'll have to do is runto go away from that place and save his life, and again he `ll have the chance to look for a female to try tomate with, and also have to fight again against other male for the right tocopulate with the hope on that time he can defeat him.

The alfa male in this time isgoing to be hunted by the feared depredator that despite that soon his life isgoing to end the only thing that will remain of him will be a turd exposed tothe sun laying on the grass or weeds exposed to be walked on by the human wildanimals or the Hermas, this twenty two years old dark brown haired sunlit brawnywhite male had a fruitful life since he was able to get pregnant at least tenfemales, and many of his pups already have born but for reasons that thescientist still cant understand this male didn't stay neither with his femalesand pups to take care of them and he preferred be alone, while for the betamale other white male of his same age but black haired he doesnt have muchthat he arrived to the experiment and unlike his master he hasnt breed any upyet and hes going to have a new opportunity to do it.

For the Herma was very easydetect these two unsuspecting white wild males since the alfa male had severaldays without finding a female to fuck and pregnant her, and as all wild humananimal his need to empty his ball was a priority thing that curiously didnthappen with the beta males once they were fucked and dominated and in othercircumstances he would have looked for other male to fight, since the males preferredempty their balls in the hole of some human wild animal both male or femalethan wank but in these case he already had his slave so he didnt have any needto fight, and the only thing that he had to do despite that the beta maledidnt want to be fucked because he was hungry and was looking for him and hismaster birds' eggs, and he was brutally forced to open his legs for his masterand be fucked and his master could empty the product of his balls in his rectumand then forced him to suck his schlong and again empty his balls with acopious amount of cum into his mouth and the beta male didnt have more optionbut had to swallow them.

But the alfa male need to emptyhis balls is what is going to cost his life because despite that hesresponding to a physical need, and as the wild animal that he was he hadnt reasoningto control himself and his instinct told him what he had to do, empty his ballsinto his slave's hole and when taking out his cock the strong smell that hisjizz produced was taken by the air and the Herma that wasnt far away couldsmell it and began to follow the smell, no longer the master's cock smell butof the spunk that was dripping from the slave's butt that was coming out littleby little, and despite that the human wild animals smell sense detected theirown smell the were unable to understand that the wind was taking away the penetrating smell of sex since theiranimal mind didnt allow them realized that, and that their depredators could detected itand follow them, and that same odor produced by their jizz and the corporalodor was the one that they detected to know if a wild human male or female wereclose and even if a pup was close and detect if he was sexually harmless or ifhe had become a rival being fertile.

Right now both males are lookingat the sea and the alfa is deciding if they go into the sea or not, the alfamale is calm because already he has emptied his balls and had eaten and he hadhis left arm around his slave's waist showing him some affection thing that is weirdbetween the human wild animals, and by his side the beta male has done the sameand his left hand is on his masters waist but he knows that he will have tocaress his buttocks because this is what he likes although this will implysexual arousal and that he wants to fuck him again, but the slave knows that isbetter keep his master happy and the brutal way how he raped by him before thatthey eat the birds' eggs remembered him that hes a very aggressive dominantmale and is better keep him happy, without knowing that very soon he'll be freeof his tyranny, while the black haired white brawny Herma of their same age withhis vulva ready to open and put insidehis body his prey's head and kept it trapped in the washer until he dies andcan engulf the wretched wild human, is behind them in full fours sneaking upwithout can understand why his prey havent flee, but this is better for himbecause being so close is not going be hard hunt the male that he already haschosen.

However for the scientists isvery erotic see how the life of the humans that were changed into wild animalsdevelops because without imagining sex is what dominates the wild life, and infew moments more they are going to see how the beta male terrified is going torun as soon as he sees that the Herma has attacked his master running by theseashore, while his schlong that has a very respectable size begins to move ascreasy from one side to other while he`s running and when he jumps and hisballs are going to be bouncing on his muscular thighs, and observing hisbeautiful and muscular buttocks in motion is going to make that many of thescientist be horny and even wanted to fuck him, and by the other side see howthe head of the stunned prey is put inside the depredator's body and despitethat the prey is going to try to save his life fighting the depredator is goingto hit his sensitive balls causing that the wretched alfa male scream inpain, but his screams are not going tobe heard because his head already is inside of his depredator body, and thenthey are going to see how the naked Herma is going to drag his prey's body being on his stomach to go into the jungleand find a peaceful place where he can begins to furiously wanking him to feedhimself by his spunk, and for the wretched alfa male his schlong and glansirritation are going to be unbearable and for more that he tries to stop his depredatorfrom wanking him no avail, and his desperation for trying to escape and relievethe irritation on his cock and glans are going to be unbearable, but this isthe way that in the experiment the population equilibrium in the island iskept, and anyway in any part of the world the wild life does the same.

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Next: Chapter 509: Salvajes 37

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