Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 16, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The contrast between these twocrackers that were captured by the black masters but born wild is evident, thecracker that is stood on the left is a nineteen years old teenager and after hasbeen in a very intense and painful training is almost ready to be sold as slave,and now he's ready to put a cold beverage that is urine in front of a youngadult cracker that just has been captured and brought into a Tame Center.

Both slaves are black brownhaired, but the young adult has well developed muscles and is very strong duethat all his life had lived in freedom in the wilderness until the day that hewas captured, while they teenager is thin but his muscles are not yet fullydeveloped but he's very strong due to his life as a wild animal and thetraining that he was put into the Tame Center.

Both crackers are wearing themandatory collar and are naked, although for them be like this is not a problemsince always they have been naked., but now the young male that is about to besold, is ashamed to be naked in front of the black masters, because he wastaught that only the animals and the slave that are the lowest in the societyare naked.

The young adult is chained to the wall by athick stainless chain that is attached to his metallic collar that also is verythick, he's gagged so he can ´t speak and his wrists are cuffed on the front ofhis body with a very thick cuffs that at the same time are attached to a shortchain of his shackled ankles, and he's forced to be seated on his legs and hecan ´t move, situation that is maddening for him because always they are moving

The black trainers are watchingcarefully how the whitey teenager is behaving considering that is the firsttime that he's face to face with a wild cracker that has just been capturedsince he was brought into the Tame Center, by the other side the wild crackeris alternatively watching the whitey teenager and the black trainers, and hehas a menacingly look when he looks at the blacks while he doesn ´t know how toreact looking at the teenagers tame behavior.

The just captured whitey is verythirsty and is desperate to drink water because is the only liquid that hasdrink in his life, and the way that he looks at the bottle that is on a traythat the teenager has on his hand shows his desperation to quench his thirst,and this was noticed by the black trainers which are going to take fully advantageof the new arrival desperation.

The teenager hasn't put thebottle on the floor since in his training he was taught that he has to wait fora better's order to finish the task that he was ordered to do talking abouttaking to his master meals and beverages, this is the part that the black trainers must enjoy because atthe end both the teenager and the wild young adult are going to be punishedwith the modify cattle prod, and the teenager will end up breaking the bottlethat is on the tray with the urine and when he recuperates of the electricdischarge, he's going to be taken to the clamp where several black guards aregoing to fuck him, and then an irritating substances will put on his anus, cockand balls so all the night long he'll have itch and he can't sleep , after thathe's going to be brought to take a shower, his body will be oiled and thentaken to the auction room to be sold.

For the wild cracker that justhas arrived to the Tame Center one of the guards is going to hold him by hishair, and he is going to rub his face over the pestilent liquid on the floor, andthe cracker on his desperation was going to try to take out his tongue in avain try to get some of the urine and take it into his mouth, then a blackoverseer is going to begin to kick with his foot several times his buttocks andalso is going to give him several electric discharges, and at the same timehe's going to be telling him namesbecause he knows that the wild animal can understand them and telling themnames makes that the wild whiteys are mad and furious, and he's going to keepdoing that until the whitey is exhausted and then he's going to kick his balls,after that he's going to give the order that the cracker is put into a cage allnight long and with his legs folded and his back, feet and buttocks being onthe bars that are going to hurt him, and the next day when he's exhausted anddesperate he's going to begin his training, and to quench his thirst the blacktrainers are going to give him to drink cold urine, that he will have to lickor drink it from the floor or other whiteys enslaved cocks or from the blackmasters cocks.

But beside to have completecontrol over the whitey he has been put in chastity and the stainless tube thathas trapped his cock, inside it has peaks so that in case that the wild cock ishard each time that he sees a wild whitey and be horny because he wants to fuckhim, the peaks that are in the tube inner part buried in the tender flesh ofthe glans and the shaft and make him scream in pain, and this simple act willbe a devastating effect on the wild white animal's mind because now he's unable to satisfy hissexual needs when he wants as he was accustomed, and is going to make himunderstands that now he hasn`t the freedom and definitely all has changed,however so he can understand this new condition will take him some time and alot of suffering, and beforehand his cock is getting hard to see the young nakedwhitey with the bottle because he wants to fuck him and the pikes in the tubehave begun to do their job and his sexual training in a painful way has begun,but this is the life of the helpless naked wild whiteys that are hunted by the black masters and that consist insubmission, pain, humiliation and the loss of their innocence about be nakedwithout feel shame.

But the black master has otherthing prepared for him and this is that during his training he's going to betaken out and gagged with his hands chained to his collars and his anklesshackled with a short chain so he cant give large steps and he had problemsfollowing his trainer pace, and each time that the black teenage boys pass bybeside him but the girls is not going to do these for etiquette social reasons,they are going to be spanking him very hard causing that the beast screams inpain each time that a hand touches his unprotect flesh and causing that after ashort time in front of the free black citizens he performs the spanked danceeach time that a teenage black boy spanks him and even they are going to openhis buttocks and fingering his hole, and to make even more confusing thesituation for these poor whitey in training also he's going to be hit on hisballs but no very hard but enough to cause him pain and make that he tries tobend forwards, but the black trainer that is handling him with the chain isgoing to prevent that the poor animal can bend forwards and he keeps walkingdespite the intense pain in that sensible part of his body is causing him, butthis is necessary so the beast can understand that his life now depends on whathis masters want and he has control of nothing, and even hes going to see how othertamed whiteys as him are walking naked in the street but with their hands freeand their ankles unshackled but unlike him their behavior is very tame, andwhen he arrives to the Tame Center he`s going to be put into a very small cagewhere he's going to be unable to move with his buttocks very red and sore ashis balls and of course his nipples are going to be hurt with very sharp nipplepincers, but as the Latin masters say and the blacks have followed thediscipline only with pain is learnt, and when the training of this white wildanimal is over, he's going to be so tame as the other withe animals that had beencaptured and tamed.

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Next: Chapter 511: Granjas De Crianza 9

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