Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 21, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


That day was going to be the bestday of his life, his dad has promised to take him to the Slave ProcessingCenter (SPC) with three of his best friends to see how the slaves wereprocessed, and after that he was going to buy one because he needed a slavethat could take care of his children and his own needs. Since several months ago the SPChad opened its doors to the general public so they could see the newly enslavedand how the slaves that were sent there for the resale were processed, with theintention that they saw the harshness and cruelty about how the slaves weretreated and this was a deterrent to the free citizens to commit antisocial actsto take them to slavery, although in reality the intention was exactly theopposite since the society each day needed more slaves so they could see howthey treated the slaves and many of they were very impressed with the powerthat the Slave Police (SP) agents had over them, and with their friends theytried to exercise that control in silly games that ended up taken them to thecourts because they had committed antisocial acts and they ended up in the SPCas slaves being processed in the sight of everyone. The slaves arrived to theirprocessing always at sunset and in the observation deck and the first that thefree citizen looked at was the slaves arrival in the specialized transport totransport human animals, which were naked and caged in the full fours positionat the sight of all the free citizens since the humiliation was an essentialpart of the training in his knew social position, and even although severalcages in the center of the transport were empty the slaves were put one on topof another in the sides and back of the transport so the people could see theirbodies' most intimate parts exposed, and even in some cases they had seen malesanally or by the pussies penetrating the females if they were put together oreven anally penetrating other males since once the cage was closed wasimpossible to move and they had to be in full fours all the time that they werein the cage until it was opened.Other thing that also was verycommon was kept the slaves in the transport caged for a long time after theirarrival, while the guards did the slaves counting on each transport andverified that the register that the truck drivers gave to the SP coincided withthe slaves physical count, beside that also there were received the master thattook their slaves to be sold, and they had priority in the reception, althoughof course the truck driver that were transporting the slaves as they were freecitizen they had a special rest and recreation area, and even they had slavesservicing them that they were there to fulfill any of the truck drivers whimsso they werent worried about how long the SP agents took in unload the slavesthat were in their transport, but they had to be present when they did that,but that long wait made that several slaves pissed or shit at the sight of thesuperior beings whom with fascination saw the slaves shamelessness when eventhey took out from their bodies by their anuses the turds that felt on thecages floors and the piss too, but what the free citizens didnt know andneither cared them was that the slaves did that because they couldnt hold itanymore, since all the time that they had been locked in the different citycourts they had been prohibited from pissing and shitting while they werethere, and when they were In the transport they couldnt hold it anymore, butof course that was something planned by the SP which was looking for any excuseto humiliate the wretched slaves. After the slaves were taken outof the transport were put in different lines the females were classified bytheir ages, how prominent were their vulva lips, the sizes of their tits, theirskin color, their hair color, their nipples color, and the eyes color, and forthe males the first classify criteria was if they were cut or uncut, then bytheir ages, the cock and balls sizes, skin color, hair color, development oftheir chest, nipples color, and their eyes color, and then they were forced togo to the line where they should be considering their classification andsquatting whit their hands on the back of their heads and wait that the longand tedious process of classify all the slaves that were in the transportended, then walking still squatting with their hands on the back of their headsthey walked inside the building where they were cleaned, their body hair shavedincluding the pubic and anal and only the head hair was allowed to keep, andthey were taken to holes where they had to shit and pee still squatting, andthen all those that had dared to shit or piss in the transports were punishedin front of the other slaves for their shameless conduct, and if in a cage weretwo or more all of them were punished without mattering who had been theresponsible to have shit or pissed in public, and at the end their finger prints were takento cancel their free citizens status and give them their Slave IdentificationNumber (SIN), and then they were taken to the cells were kept until the time tobe sold arrived and even there the free citizens could see the slaves, whodidnt have any privacy, and even inside the cells there were holes to shit andpee.Since his father had told himthat he was thinking what kind of slave they should buy and he decided that hadto be one of his own age, because he always was going to be naked servicing thefamily where they all the time were, he has to be something very pleasant tothe sight and when they will be at the Processing Center he'll insist to hisfather that the slave had to be young, and just think about that made him feelvery horny and what better way to release his sexual tension that jerking off,so this eighteen years old black haired boy, with pink nipples slim and withhis pubes trimmed leaving hairless the area where his legs joined his pubiseach time that he tough in that he furiously wanked imaging all what he wasgoing to do when the slave arrived to his home When the day to go to the SPC tobuy the slave arrived he got up very early as his brothers did and he and theywith his friends got ready to go to buythe slave that they had talked so much about between them and their father, littlehe know that in few hours more he would came back home naked and smooth andwhen he arrived he would have to kiss his older and younger siblings' feet andserve them in front of his former friends, and for his misfortune his fatherwill follow his advice to buy a young slave that had to be handsome which wouldserve his sibling and father until they were tired of him and would decide toput him on sale, but now his future was uncertain because as slave he didntknow if he was going to face the same fate that the other slaves and when theywere tired of him he would be sold too, but that wasnt important anymorebecause his future being a slave wasnt in his hands anymore, and now the onlything that he could do was obey his father and siblings in all that they wantedand always be naked in front of his family and their guest, but one morehumiliation was awaiting him, and it was that he was going to be put inchastity to prevent that he could wank and being always horny he offered to hisbrothers his butt and begging them to fuck him.This boy always wondered thereason why he had been enslaves but as slave his betters didn`t have to givehim any explanation, and the reason why he was enslaved was that his father hadreceived a phone call from a friend that was working in the SP and had told himthat his son was going to be enslaved because his school grades had droppeddramatically, and was better that he enslaved the boy than be put in auctionand the father considered that it was a very good advice, and the reason whyhis performance in the school went down was precisely because he had beenwanking instead of studying, so thatfoolishness cost him be free to become a slave.

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