Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 26, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These young men failed in theirtry to find a job in one of the enterprises when they werent the best and theywere put in the black list of citizens that could be enslaved because theyweren't consider productive, and this had been a great relief for theauthorities that not only enslaved the students that didn't reach the minimumaverage grades, but now also they were looking for those that failed in theirtry to get a job in three different times and if this happened then they wereenslaved. This brought many protestsbetween the young people that just had ended their studies and even betweenmany citizens that for some reasons had lost their jobs, but now that slaveryhad been reestablished and for any kind of conduct that could be consideredantisocial even though that wasnt a criminal one, was enough to present acitizen before a judge and simply he signed a for life enslavement order andthen the rebellious citizen lost all hisrights and he ended up in the worst condition in which a human been could be,and this had been an effective control system in which not only the governmentgot rid of the problematic people but they kept repressed them in a brutal wayand leave them helpless in that situation that each time was more common.Each week were seen more truckstransporting the naked slaves being exhibited in public from the places wherethey had been enslaved to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) and from there tothe different establishment where they were put for sale by auctions to thebest bidder, and what before caused fear now has become in a great spectacle inwhich the free people that saw that kind of transport go by with their nakedcargo they didn't lose the opportunity to mock at the wretched guys that had fallenin disgrace, and many times in the same transport were fathers and sonsexhibited as the animals that now they were, because even the law had changedin such grade that if a father committed an act for which he could be enslavedand his sale price wasnt enough to cover what the authority put as a fine orhis debts, his sons could be enslaved too but in this case without exceptionall his male children had to be enslaved despite that with the sale of thefather and one of the sons was covered the fine or the owed, because theauthority said that couldnt be favoritisms and all his descendants withoutexception had to be enslaved even if he had properties or goods to cover hisdebts the goods didnt account to pay the fine or the debts, although many times the goods were auctionedto give more incomes to the government, and there was a law that each familyhad to have three boys as members doesnt matter if they were biological oradopted otherwise by not complying this law, the father could be enslaves andeven though the females could be enslaved they at least had the salvation ofcan find a man that rescue them from such desperate situation, as long as thehadnt committed a criminal act that merited slavery. All the slaves without exceptionwere permanently depilated when they arrived to the SPC, only they were allowedto keep for aesthetic reasons the head hair and pubes, the head hair was cutconsidering what a fashion and appearance expert in slaves decided which onewas the best for the slave so when the time arrive that the slave had to besold looked his best, and the pubes were trimmed considering how the expert infashion decided that was the most attractive to highlight the cock, balls ofthat zone so attractive of the enslaved males' body as well, the slavespermanent body depilation for both males and females was done in the SPC and inview of the free citizens which were in observation decks where they could seeall what was done to the slaves, only in the body modifications procedures thatwere considered not apt for all the public were done in special places wherethe citizen that wanted see them had to pay and fulfill certain requirementssuch as have a minimum age to can see them, and the CPE had a special recoveryplace where the slave that had suffered body modification were put to recoverand in this case those that wanted to observe has to be in a zone where payingtoo could see the immobilized slaves recovering, but there was a recovery zonewhere all the citizens were allowed notonly observe but even go into this zone where the slaves that had been drugaddicts were recovering, this recovery area that was called "The Pain Cages"consisted in a huge room full of cages one over the other with aisles wheremore than two thousand slaves could be locked inside the cages without can goout of them, and there they were kept locked and the slaves went through ofvery hard recovery periods because being locked and completely naked in a cagewere deprived of the drug, and the bodies reactions when the drug wasntprovided were devastating because their suffering was indescribable, and theyhad to be there all the time without being taken out and even being lockedinside the cages they had to shit and piss in the cage and that place wascleaned three times a day by slaves, but the worst of all was that the pissfell on the slaves that were on the cages below and only were saved the slavesthat were on the top, but the smell wasnt pleasant and much less saw the slavesreaction, but the SP wasnt going to invest in medicine for the slaves thatwere in such recovery process because at the end were animals and themselveshad put in that problem, and they had toface the consequences of had done that and it wasnt a very visited areaalthough it can be seen by an observation window where can be seen what washappening there, but the SP intention was that the young people saw what thedrugs made and some parents took their children there so they could see it andwas a deterrent about dont consume drugs.A slaves group that had beentaken out from the "Cages of Pain" the day before had been send to an exclusiveauction center where they would be put on auction, this center was well knownfor sale male flesh of the best quality and each weekend when their auctionstook place very wealthy people went to see them because they were interested tobuy the male beasts that were exhibited there, but the sale of these slaveswasnt done in the traditional way in which they were chained on a pedestal andwere exhibited completely naked and chained without can move and that thepotential buyers and other curious citizens could touch them, here the slaveswere sold by something very similar to the fashion parades, but instead to bemodeling clothes, they modeled their bodies first wearing tinny speedos andthen completely naked, and so the potential buyers were sending electronicallytheir buying bids and the best bidder was the new owner of the wretched slavesuntil he was tired of his body and he decided get rid of him, and in thissingular way to sale the slaves already all of them have been sold but only twoare left, those that are considered the main stallions and for their skillsacquired in college and for their bodies are considered to serve in theirmasters business and as studs to breed the next slaves generation, in this moments the two animals are beingexhibited but only these two being considered this auction most attractivebeasts are being exhibited only wearing a tinny speedos that cover the mostinteresting parts of their bodies, the first one that already paraded is a twenty two years old black hairedmuscular Latin male that is wearing a white speedo and that is walking towardsthe back stage where nobody can see him to take off the speedo and in fewminutes more is going to be out completely naked and with his body impregnatedeverywhere with slave oil so it can shine, and the potential buyers althoughthey have a good idea they can see in all their glory his family jewels that heinherit from his ascendants, and even despite that are covered the spectatorsare watching in motion his beautiful and meaty buttocks, and by the other sidea twenty years old dark brown haired very muscular white boy with middle size darkbrown nipples is walking in the fashion show only wearing a tinny speedo thathas strips both navy blue and aqua blue and that is considered as a beauty andan exceptional stallion as his mate of misfortune and wretched fellow slave,but this white male has a disadvantage compared with the Latin male thatalready the potential buyers have seen, that the front bulge is not as big asthe Latin but he has the great advantage that his buttocks are smaller andmeaty and therefore more attractive, and like his fellow slave in few momentsmore is going to go out together with him with the body shining completelynaked so the potential buyers see the merchandise in all its glory, but onesurprise is awaiting to the buyers when they see the slaves naked and this isthat they are infibulated, firstly the slaves are going to parade with theircocks free so the public can see them in all their glory and then in sight ofthe spectators they are going to put into the foreskin two little tubes on eachside of their cocks going in by the prepuce and going out by the back part ofthe glans, and they are going to be locked by two screws that are going to bescrewed by a tinny Allen key by both sides to avoid that the slaves can have anerection and simply with trying to behard is going to be very painful, in addition that they will have in the glandsfront part a small metal strip and the slaves are going to be told that urinatein front of the attendees, so they will have to squat and urinate in bucketsthat are going to be put by other complete naked eighteen years old blond slavewith athletic body and big sizes pinkish nipples, and the attendees are goingto see how the urine when going out and hit the metal is going to be out to alldirections forcing the slaves to piss as females and humiliating themselves infront of the potential buyers, and these two salves are going to be bought byan Asiatic master who is going to exhibit them as animals and a part to breedthem he's going to make that the Latin slave fucks all the time the white slavewho is going to be his bitch while they are servicing the Asiatic master.But also the Latin slave willhave humiliating moments because he will have to suck the cocks and beg infront of his Asian master and his guest, to one of the slaves that his masterchooses or one of his guest to remove the tubes unscrewing them with the tinyAllen key, and being forced to be in full fours he's going to show his anus,prominent perineum and his balls and cock hanging between his legs for the freecitizens fun, and then they'll see how the slave fucks the Latin slaves whilethe Latin slave is fucking the white slave, and then the Latin slave is goingto fuck the slave that fucked him first and the other slave is going to fuckthis white slave, and the slaves are going to do that with gusto despite of thehumiliation because theyre going to be desperate for have some sexualpleasure.

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Next: Chapter 550: Chicos Infibulados 10

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