Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 22, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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The breeding farms always are inthe need to sale but above all buy new slave that can be bred and procreatehealthy piglets, that's why the slaves sale and purchase is very delicateprocess but much more the purchase because not only the breeding farms ownershave to put attention how handsome is the slave to can buy him, exhibit butabove all breed him, but other aspect are the physic, mental and health sinceis indispensable that the genes that are going be part of the slaves nextgeneration that the farm is going to sale are the best possible.Even there are breeding farmsthat have semen banks in which they are looking to have their own stock ofspunk of the best athletes and even common citizens that are the best looking,but even to select them they have to go through a very rigorous medical checkupto be sure that the donors are very healthy, and the offspring that is going toborn from them is of excellent quality, and despite that all the donors know whichis going to be the destiny of the piglets that are the result of their jizzthey donate them with pleasure because the amount of money that the breedingfarm offer for this kind of spunk is very attractive and is hard do refuse toaccept it, and in other occasion can be by a judge order as part of a sentencebecause a free citizen had committed an administrative fault, and here is wherethe free young males are the most who contribute for free. One of the breeding farms is inthe process to change several of it stallions that despite they are young theyalready have completed their cycle servicing with their balls producing cum tomake that the piglets born and can be sold or stay there as stud but like allthis takes time, and now the process to evaluate the stallions that are goingto be retired from the farms reproductions list has arrived, so all the studsthat have been chosen to be retired are going to be evaluated by the guy who isin charge to supervise the slaves quality, that hes not more than the chiefforeman that is a mature forty year old white slave which has been very useful to the breedingfarm owner for his knowledge about the slaves reproductions, and to keep thediscipline inside the breeding farm as well and this is the reason why thefarms owners has decided keep him as one of his active slaves and also he'svery feared by the slaves that live there for the brutality in the way that hepunishes them.The enslaved chief foreman thatmorning got up very early to go and serve his Latin master that was thebreeding farm owner, and despite that this foreman hates what his young masterdoes with him he doesn't have more option but submit to his whims and do whathe wants without hesitating a second obeying him, because he knows if he was puton sale in any other place que would lose the privilege position that he hasand this would be very bad for him because being a sadistic guy he loves thatothers fear him and have the power, andbeing sold he would be punished and he would be afraid of his supervisor, andhere his only boss is his young Latin master that despite that he punishes himif he considers that he hasnt done the things correctly or he has displeasedhim the punishment aren't so often as they would be if he was sold to otherplace, and despite that several friends of his master are interested in buyinghim and specially a black businessman for his abilities about control theslaves, he doesnt want be sold because he knows that with the black master hewouldnt be the slaves with the higherrank, because he has heard that an Asiatic slaves that had been a sumowrestlers was his favorite and he's the one that has controlled the slaves andalso he's very brutal when he has to punish the other slaves, and he as a new arrival would have to be subjected tothat slave and his punishments.Every morning completely naked hehas to go to his young master's luxury room to go to wake him up but he has todo it under the blankets, first he has to lick consciously each one of his feetincluding his toes, between them and the ankles, and then going up from theankles by the inner side until the legs joins the buttocks and there he has tokiss either the buttocks, the ass crack and his anus until the young master tells him to stop and then lick andsuck the beautiful ovoid that are his master's balls and finally when hismasters tells him again, suck his cock being careful to dont make him cumbecause then he would be brutally punished having to endure the smell of hismaster's farts, and the last thing be fucked by his master without luv untilhis master cum inside him, and finally both naked go to inspect the studs thatare immobilized in frames both metal or steel, and he as the enslaved foremanin chief in front of his masters he has to squat in front of each slave andsmell their cocks and verify that they haven't spontaneously cum during thenight, and if they did be brutally punished on their balls for they lack ofcontrol because constantly they are being stimulated so they can produce a hugequantity of spunk, and if they did not then he sucks their cocks until they cumand put their disgusting but very valuable jizz into glass recipient, and takethem to the naked enslaved vets so they can put the spunk in a freezer untilthey are needed to pregnant a female or be sold, and then go back to do thesame with the other studs repeating the same thing until he has finished, andduring that time his master cum is going out from his anus and is drying on hisskin or falling to the flor since he has forbidden to clean, and this is a wayin which his master shows the other slaves that the foreman is controlled byhim, and that also hes subject to discipline and humiliations.But one of the benefits to be theforeman in chief even though that he's enslaved is that his master has allowedhim have access to all the breeding farm males and even to the females if hewants, so that morning considering the repots that he daily receives form hisnaked foremen and vets that like him are enslaved and that they are under hisorders and inspecting one more their bodies but specially their faces, cocks,balls, and buttocks to decide if they stay or they are sold, and many of themwithout mattering that they are very handsome and they are well endowed in theirsexual tackles and buttocks are going to be sold because they are not capableof produce the daily jizz that the farm requires, or the time that they havebeen there makes indispensable that they are changed to avoid that piglets withconsanguineous diseases could begin to born, but of course these slaves don'tknow what is awaiting them and they don't have to know because only is their master right decide which there istheir future in the breeding farm, however a special slave that is going to beput for sale has caught the enslaved foreman attention, and this is a twentyyears old blond slave boy that in his former life was his master friend and for two years he's servicing as studbreeding piglets that are going to be destined to heavy works, he asked thatthe slave was put apart because he wants to fuck him by the last times before that the wretched nakedwhite animal was put for sale and the reason why he's for sale is becausedespite that he has an excellent body and a beautiful rounded buttocks, hesnot handsome and his balls are small despite that he has an average cock sizewhen is soft, however when his cock is hard doesnt stretch but only get widerand was decided dont circumcise him because his glans head is permanentlyexposed and his foreskin is considered of number one type that means that coverthe gland but not exceed it, and for this blond male slave bad luck a muchbetter slave than him already was bought and therefore there is not sense keephim in the breeding farm and is better take an economic advantage from himselling his body to the best bidder, although at first the young Latin masterwas against to sale him but he understood that his breeding farm was a place tomake money and couldn't be sentimentalist to have slaves that weren't going togive the expected result so he accepted that he was sold.Now the mature white foreman isfucking the young blond slave that used to be his master's friend, he iswearing the outfit that gives him authority over the other naked slaves andthat his young Latin master has authorized that he wears and it consists inwearing a military type leather cap, a harness over his naked torso, andleather chaps that leaves uncovered his balls, cock and buttocks and a bootsall in black leather, while the blond slave the only thing that is wearing is theleather collar that identifies him as the lowest of society and the farm, andthe foreman is fucking him in one of the exhibitions rooms on the window, theslave is leaning forwards with his arms leaning on the window and his cock canbe seen hard between his legs being very thick but of the same large seize, theforeman has the slave controlled by his hairs and the blond slave's facereflects the discomfort of being fucked without knowing the destiny that isawaiting him, when the foreman cum inhis rectum he's going to force him to clean his cock and he's going to send himto the transport that is going to take him to the auction center and that nightis going to be bought to work in a quarry pulling the heavy carts with thestone, and at night fight for the right to fuck other slave and if he loseshe's going to be fucked, but this is the sad destiny that awaits to all theslaves that are no longer useful to their masters in their main labor that theywere bought for, while the new slave at the moment that he arrives immediatelyhe's going to be put to fuck the females so the new piglets generationsdestined to the hard work begins to born in nine months.

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Next: Chapter 567: Chicos Tontos 40

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