Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 29, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


For this participant in "The Millionaire Contest" that is caged all is over, he's naked, blind folded, gagged and he's wearing the collar that identifies him as slave, also he'swearing the leather anklets and wristbands, his hands and wrists are chained tothe cage, and to make even bigger his humiliation his cock is caged inside asmall transparent plastic cage and he can't be erect, and like he can't stretchhis legs and they are folded his caged cock and shaved pubes are exposedfor the delight of the TV audience ,even his neck is chained to the cage so he can't move it too. Behind the cage is the nakedslave that defeated and captured him condemning him to be other slave, but whathe doesn't know yet is that he's going to be castrated and as the other slaveinstead to have a cock and balls he is going to have a pussy, both slaves are blackhaired whites but the modified slave despite that he hasn't cock and balls hehas beard and an incipient mustache thanks to the testosterone shots that hismasters with regularity gives him, while the caged slave doesn't have any bodyhair because it was shaved, although they allowed him to keep his head hair but very short. Both slaves have the same age twenty two yearsold but the modify slave due to the beard, the incipient mustache and his pubesaround his pussy looks older, the new enslaved participant wanted to participate in the cross country eventand despite that he was wealthy and he didn't need the money and the house thatwere given as a reward to the winner, he decided to participate because he wasone of the best on that sport in his state, but in this time his pride hastaken him into a situation where he had to pay a high price because now he haslost his freedom and not only that, since by the audience decision he's goingto be castrated and with a pussy and he is powerless to stop that. On those days the fashion wascastrate the male slaves and instead their cock and balls they should havepussies and then have three body cavities to give pleasure to their masters andfriends, since the way the society looked at the slaves had changed because asslaves always they had to receive their betters' cocks into their bodies by theirbutts or by their mouths, and how was unacceptable by the society that theslave fucked his master or a better, was considered that they didn't need theircocks and was better have and additionalcavity to give pleasure to their betters.He was a prominent member of theSlaves Owners Association (SOA) and even several times he had been thepresident and his pictures was hanging on the buildings walls together with theother presidents torturing a slave, and that picture was mandatory and madefeel the presidents proud because the wretched slave that was tortured wascrucified and fucking himself with a huge dildo, and how the slave had severalhours hanging and fucking himself the picture was shot when the body of thenaked inferior was sweaty and with the pain showed in the face contrasted withthe smiling face and elegant clothes that was wearing the president.Even he as the SOA's presidenthave been responsible for discrediting the Slaves Protective Association (SPA)because he considered that this organization was against the master rights totreat his property as he sees fit, since what the SPA was trying to do wasgiven some kind of protection to the helpless salves from the brutal way thatthey were treated by their masters, but the SPA knew that its efforts toprotect those citizen that had fallen in disgrace and ended up being enslavedwere useless, because most of the times the same relatives treated in a cruelway their own relatives that for any reason had lost their freedom, since thesociety thought that someone that lost his freedom was a criminal since it hadbeen at the beginning, but after the laws had changed so now people wasenslaved for anything, and there were more people that had been enslaved fordoing silly things than for committing criminal acts but the blind societycouldn't see that and believed that all the slaves were delinquents, andtherefore they had to be treated cruelly just as they had treated the society,and even the innocent student that didn't fulfil with the scholar authorityrequirements were enslaved without doing anything bad, but to that had led theunhealthy need to be able to control f someone else's life. But castration is not the onlything that is awaiting to this new slave that once was a prominent supporter ofslavery, since despite that he has become the shame of those that once weresupporting him and even they supported him as the SOA's president now theydespise him and as the new president of the association in those moment hasjust taken the presidency of that organization, his first decision as presidenthas been buy the enslaved contender that shamefully was enslaved by a slave andtake the traditional photo with him and of course that first decision has beenwidely accepted by the SOA members, and for this slave misfortune the SPA isevaluating if they do something to try to protect him since despite that theyalways try to lessen the slaves suffering, in this case the slave was one ofhis worst enemies and they are seriously evaluating let him suffer theconsequences of being enslaved without anyone defending him, however as alwayshappens always there are good-hearted people that despite that they know whothis slave was in his former life they consider the SPA labor is help all theslave so they already had taken a decision, which is allow that this slavesuffers the consequences about had been so stupid that being rich he hasregistered in the millionaire contest without any need for some months, andthat hes conscious that nobody is interested in defending him but after thatperiod of time the SPA member approved theyll try to protect him becauseanyway they can't avoid that he's gelded since this is a right that his masterhas, and the only thing that the SPA inthe defense of the slaves can do is try that they are better feed and thattheir owner are responsible to keep them clean as the places where they slavessleep, shit, pee and they give them enough water, and both the food and thewater not be used as punishment denying them, but despite that they had reachedan agreement with the slaves owners about this points are carried out many ofthe owners don't follow them and there is where the SPA fights so the slavesdon't suffer so much, despite that the punishment which the slaves aresubjected in most of the cases are brutal and the SPA is powerless not to sayto stop them but even to change them. The new slave has the hope to bebought by his family and he can serve them and have an easier life than theother slaves, but he has forgotten that his family disdain the slaves and they sawthem as the worst of their society although that himself treated the slaves onthe same way, and truly he's going to be bought by a family member that now isthe SOA's president and even hes going to take the picture with them, and theproud president that once was his brother will be smiling beside him when thepictures is taken and once more the contrast between the president wearing veryexpensive clothes and the slave's nakedness and sweaty body will be notorious, but not only will be that because the slavesface showing the pain that is feeling after several hours of being crucifiedbeside of being fucking himself with a thick dildo and have his cock hard dueto his prostate stimulation despite the pain that he`s feeling, will be notoriousbecause while the time that the slaves is crucified the chastity is going to beremoved because his new owners by voting decided removed it while he'scrucified, but there is something else that is going to caught the attention inthe place where SOA has exhibited the pictures and this is that for the firsttime someone as a president is going to be smiling beside a naked and sweatycrucified slave sporting a hard on, and in other picture that same formerpresident will be crucified beside the new president in the same condition asthe other slaves, and even though the SOA members had thought to remove the picture of the former president fallenin disgrace at the end the decided leaved it in the wall, to serve as areminder to the other members what might happen to them if they were so stupidto do something so foolish as the slave had done, and after the picture istaken the slaves is going to be gelded and his body modified with the pussy andhe's going to serve for some months in the SOA and then he's going to be soldto his former family, who is going to keep him servicing them in the worstpossible conditions during several months, and after he's going to be given asa gift to an ambassador since his father is doing business in that country andhe wants his help, and soon he'll discover the cruelty to be a salve, heprofusely will regret have supported that system.But now his real regret is hasbeen defeated in the millionaire contest by a slave in the cross country event,what the slaves had to do if they didn't want be brutally punished was that theparticipant that had been assigned to them by a lot couldn't keep going on theroute that had been assigned to him and their responsibility was that thecontenders had to take a detour, causing that they lose time and other slavethat by lot was assigned arrived first than all the other participants, andeven though a participant won and not the slave, the slave that is now standinglooking at the cameras with his face serious and with his prey caged he achievedhis mission and he's really joyful to be responsible of the participant hadlost, because he knew how he was because he had been the slave that was withhim in the picture crucified when he was the SOA's president.

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