Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 27, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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The appearance of the father was requested by the school authorities to give an explanation of his son shameless conduct when he was sleeping naked on a picture that was up loaded in internet and rather the students and the teachers had seen it. The school always had been proud of its students' education and this was a disgrace for all the students and employees as well, but also was a disgrace for the boy's family because always they had boasted about their high moral standards and with this their reputation was destroyed. So when the father came back from the school told his son that he had been enslaved and soon his new master will be there to pick him up due that how he loved be naked in internet, now he wouldn't have any impediment to be naked all the time and he can exhibit his body all the time like the animal that he was. But the eighteen years old dark brown haired white boy while he is

looking at the picture where he's sound sleep in his parent's country house on a couch in the living room since he had allowed to several of his guest sleep in his room, he couldnt understand the reason why those that he had considered his friends had done something like that taking a picture while he was sleeping naked and had up loaded in internet, since it was common that they as males were naked when they went to the beaches houses either his or those of his friends. But what he didnt know was that one of his friend that has seen him naked several times before, wanted him as his slave and that supposed friend got what he wanted without mattering what he had to do, but despite that always he got what he wanted always he had kept as a secret the way that the things were done by him, and never before he had reached such extreme to take advantage of someone that had trusted him with the purpose to enslave him, and he knew perfectly when he took the picture what was going to happen to the wretched boy since the social circle where he belonged the good behavior and show other that they have a high moral was the most important thing, although in reality everyone knew that their social behavior was pure hypocrisy and without be seen for anyone they did things that were considered scandalous among themselves and their slaves. When he saw his photo he understood that he had fallen from the highest to the lowest and he knows what is awaiting him and despite that is something very important to know who is going to be his master and how much he paid for him for the moment this is what less worries him, because despite that his photo sleeping naked was up loaded to internet and until that moment only has be seen by his school mates and the school authorities who were the ones that told his parents about his son intolerable shameless behavior, but also only the picture has been seen by the students of his exclusive school for boys and some of his friends and their brothers and sisters, who didnt dare to show the picture openly because if they did were in danger to be sued and ended up being enslaved but they knew that this was going to change a soon as their mate fallen in disgrace was enslaved, and what kept the boy worried was more than to know who was going to be his master and how much he was going to pay for him, was that once his master went to pick him up he was going to be forced to get naked and taken out to the street nude so all his neighbors and friend that lived nearby were going to see him in that vulnerable and humiliating situation, and for more that he had tried to explain to his father that being naked he and his friend was the most common thing his father didnt want to listen him and decided enslave him for the dishonor which the family had been subjected, when one of his members had appeared in internet sleeping naked laying on his stomach showing his buttocks and even his balls leaning on the couch on a green bed sheet. However what this slave didnt know was that in his school his picture had caused a great stir and many of his formers schoolmates when they knew that his father was going to enslave him wanted to buy him, and the boy that had taken the pictures hadnt thought about that and despite that he wanted him as his slave and he was going to do all that was on his hands to have him as his property, he understood that wasnt going to be easy get him and he would have to pay much more than he had thought to have him as his slave, but what nobody knew was that the boy that had taken the picture was actually the lover of the boy that was about to be enslaved and that they had a secret affair to avoid an scandal, and the reason why he had photographed the lad fallen in disgrace was because had had found another more handsome boy of which he had felt in love, and he didnt want have problems with the lad that until that moment was his boyfriend when he told him that he wasn't any more interested in him, without knowing that his lover was cheating on him with other boy since being with the other boy he had access to a slave boy that he had haunted him and he wanted to keep having sex with the wretched inferior being. But now the time to be dressed for the last time for him is running out and this boy is in his room trying to understand what had happened and despite that his mother had tried to convince his father about dont enslave him, she hadnt seen his husband shame and the dishonor for which he had to go through while he was facing the school's principal and the board, in addition that he knew that he would have to take out his boys of that exclusive school and send them to another boarding school where they didn`t know anything about what had happened to their oldest brother to prevent that the other students made fun of them, although that decision had not pleased to the school authorities because that meant that they were going to lose the juicy money donations that the father as an ostentation show of his wealth and power gave to the school, and for the school misfortune neither his money and power weren't going to be able to stops the students and their parents teasing when they saw the pictures of the naked boy sleeping, that even he was showing part of his family jewels that were his balls, but when this handsome slave is servicing his master in his house naked and that at the end will be to boy that was his lover, he's going to discover that his master was in love with the same boy which he was cheating him but unlike him, his master was in love with the free boy and now he'll continue to see the slave with whom he had fallen in love and he'll be allowed to have sex with him but not in the way that he had thought, because even the two slaves are going to be forced to have sex in front of those that used to be the schoolmates and friends of the boy fallen in disgrace, and of course also he'll have to sexually serve them and even his brothers and he's going to breed several female slaves so his descendants both males and females will be slaves like him, and his picture now is going to be seen openly by everyone including those that were his brothers, beside that now as slave many more picture of him are going to be up loaded on internet having sex with the free citizen without can be seen the free citizens faces beside that with all the slaves that his master wanted, while his master is going to enjoy of his love affair with his new boyfriend and his slaves, and this slave was enslaved for his foolishness to have trusted in his friend and live in a hypocrite society that in public they did one things and In private other very different, but this is the way that life is the foolishness of some boys is the gain of others .

Next: Chapter 590: El Concurso Millonario 41

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