Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 10, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


Four naked white male slaves have just arrived to the Slave Processing

Center (CPE), the four boys were enslaved because while they were in the

street they made noise and were a nuisance for the neighbors, whom

immediately called the police and they were arrested and sent to their

neighborhood police station where the next morning were sent to the

court and the judge decided enslaved them for life under the charge of

antisocial conduct.

As was expected once the judge gave to the four young men their

sentences they were forced to strip naked in public, and then they were

exhibited in front of the audience that were in the courtroom and their

families forcing them to walk between the attendees so they could see

their nakedness and touch any part of their bodies including, their

buttocks, anuses, cocks, and balls, while they had to walk with their

hands on the back their heads, without can prevent that their most

intimate part of their bodies were impudently touched by the attendees

while they were closed watched by the Slave Police (SP), and then be

taken still naked and walking by the city street where all the free

citizen could see their nakedness with their hands on the back of their

heads, to the SPC where their fingertips would be scanned and their

status of free citizens would be changed to the slaves and instead to

have a name they would be given their Slave Identification Number (SIN),

and since that moment in their personal registration their names

wouldn't exist anymore but the SIN and they would be named like that

until their new masters gave them the name that they wanted, but for

legal aspects they free people would refer them by their SIN.

But walking naked in the street for this four male slaves was more than

traumatic, because not only the people could see their family jewels

that was the way that the male genitals were called, but also because

that day was Saturday and many of their acquaintances were in the street

walking around or even many of them were going to the SPC to see the

slaves flesh that was going to be sold that day, or even many of them

were going to the different slave dealers agencies that sold imported

slaves, and for both the authorities and SP was very important humiliate

the newly enslaved boys in that early and traumatic stage of their lives

to make them understand that their lives had completely changed and

their former live never would come back, besides that break their spirit

to turn them in docile salves, and what better way to do it exhibiting

them naked in public taking advantage that how they had been enslaved

that same day they didn't use to be naked in public and much less be

seen by the free women in such vulnerable situation.

But the slaves' torture didn't end being exhibited naked in public

and that the entire pedestrian including their acquaintances knew of

their fall and disgrace not being anymore free citizens but becoming in

despicable slaves, but for the slaves misfortune a free boy that had

been a friend of the twenty five years old light brown haired slave boy

with beard saw them walking and went to talk with one of the SP agents

that was watching them, and he asked him if was possible that the slaves

could go to the shopping mall because he was going to meet there with

his friends and how he knew the four slaves but specially the slave with

the beard would be a nice souvenir for all of them have a last photos

with his friends and the slave, because they had a high possibility that

the slaves never were going to be together again, and although was a

strange request an unusual one after talk with their bosses for the

slaves' shame and affliction the SP agents agreed with the free boy


The slaves' last reunion with their free friends was a nightmare,

because the younger slave had to be photographed naked with the girl

that until few hours ago was his girlfriend and with his brother while

they were touching the slave's body must intimate parts and were

photographed while they were doing that, and even though the other three

slaves didn't save to be touched in such impudent way for both the boys

and the girls even though they hadn't to go through the shame to open

their buttocks, and be photographed together with their former

girlfriends and brothers giving their backs to the camera showing their

anuses having their hands on each buttock and they were smiling to the

camera as had happened with the younger slave, and even many of them

were talking about that picture would be sent to the wretched slave's

former parents so they could see the shameless boy that was their former

son, but the things didn't stop there because the pictures began to be

sent to their friends beside that they could be seen by the whole school

if they wanted by a special blog where since that moment they would see

the pictures of all their friends and the school students fallen in

disgrace because they had been enslaved.

The walk to the SPC was long and hurting for the humiliation that the

four slaves had to endure and the only thing that they wished was arrive

as soon as possible there and don't be tormented anymore by the free

citizen that as was expected they enjoyed humiliating those that had

fallen in disgrace, and when the slaves saw the impressive building with

relieve and they were getting closer they saw the main entrance where by

a very luxury and wide door the free citizens went in, and in that day

were many of them due that was Saturday and they have gone to see the

enslaved flesh that was being sold with the hope to make a good purchase

paying a low price, and some meters away was the entrance where the

slaves in different states of nudity from those that were totally nude

only wearing the collar went in and out after go through a thorough

control by the SP agents, until those that were fully clothed with the

cloths that the slaves always used, but even there the free citizens

looked at them with disdain and still there they made fun of the slaves

and those actions were welcome by the authorities and that made that the

slaves wanted to be inside the building, but when they arrived to the

slaves' entrance and exit area they didn't stop there but they

continued walking until they arrived to the back part of the facilities,

where the luxury and the nice facades disappeared and where the dirt and

the brick walls were given the appearance that the building was

abandoned, and where only the slaves and some SPC employees were.

After the four slaves had to go into the facilities and go through a

very meticulous control where the SP guards that hadn't done a good job

were sent as a punishment and the slaves had to endure their bad mood,

the four slave two of them were twenty four years old and the younger

eighteen and the boy with the beard had to wait a long time in that old

and frightening place until one young candidate that was a SP agent

that only was wearing a speedo, a vest and snickers, went out to tell

the slaves that they were going to go into the building by their ages

beginning by the youngest one, but the four slaves were disconcerted

because they didn't see any door where they could go in so the young

candidate that soon was going to be SP agent told the youngest one that

was on his hands and knees and went in through the green hatches, so in

few seconds the first of the four slaves will go into the building to go

through his process to be a slave and the other three slaves are going

to follow him, and with the exception of the younger slave that is going

to be exported, the other three slaves are going to be bought to work in

the factories, and for these four slaves the fact that the society is

changing and that every day needs more slaves became their fallen and

disgrace, because they were enslaved for something so insignificant.

Next: Chapter 596: El Experimento 29

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