Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 25, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


This student didn't know if he had problems with his school grades and

if he was in danger to be enslaved, since the Educational Authority each

year was more demanding on this subject because the country every year

needed more slaves, and that scholar year the students weren't

informed about their school achievements, and when someone failed to

full fill this requirement he was sent to a government office that was

in the school and was enslaved.

The boy didn't want to be enslaved so one day he offered his body to

one of the school board members with the hope that help him with his

grades, and gladly that man fucked him and the boy thought that he was

safe, but little he knew that the man never helped him and in short time

he was enslaved and sent to Slave Processing Center (SPC), but the

fateful day that the boy was enslaved was in the shopping center with

his friends of both genders and despite that he didn't belong to the

rich social class his family had enough money to have a very comfortable

life, and he was having a coffee with his friends in one of the shopping

center luxury restaurants when the Slave Police (SP) went into the

restaurant and kindly asked the commensals that put their finger tips on

an scanner machine to scan their finger prints, and even though that

any of the free citizens wanted to do it they knew that they didn't

have more option but follow the instructions that the SP had given them

because despite that this type of police couldn't give orders to the

free citizens to do something, they could ask the regular police back up

and then they were accused of disobedience to an authority and that was

enough to be enslaved.

So every commensal was putting their hands on the scanner machine and

when their finger prints were scanned the PE thanked them and requested

them to be seated until the process to check all the customers that were

in the restaurant was over, and many of the students were very nervous

when the SP made this kind of raid because generally they were gone to

look for boys and girls that didn't went to the court house to face a

judge for an audience or had committed and imprudence when they were

driving and this was enough reason to enslave them, however this white

eighteen years old black haired slim boy with light brown small nipples

was having fun looking at his friends frightened faces seeing the SP

in action scanning all the restaurant customer and simply he told them

to calm down since if they hadn't done anything wrong they didn't have

any reason to be nervous, although he remembered the sexual encounter

the he had had with that fat and disgusting directive which had touched

all his juvenile body and had put into his body by his anus his cock

taking his cherry and he felt sick remembering how that man greedily was

fucking him, but he decided to put a side that unpleasant moment of his

life above all knowing that this secret only the fat man and he would

know and he kept having fun with the fear scenes of the other commensals

knowing that he was safe.

When the SP agents arrive to his table as the other commensals they were

asked to each one of the guys that were there put their fingers on the

scanner machine thing that all of them did with fear, and he wanted to

be the last one since he was enjoying looking at his friends and

schoolmates faces of relieve while the SP agents thanked them for their

collaboration, and curiously the table where they were seated was the

las one to be checked by the SP agents and there wasn't any citizen

arrested so he confidently put his fingers on the machine, but suddenly

all changed and the SP agent graved him brutally by the hairs and threw

him out of the chair landing on the floor over his buttocks and pulling

him by the hair forced him to stand up, all in the restaurant was

confusion for the SP agents change of behavior which still holding him

by the hair told him to get naked, the boy was confused and he didn`t

know what was happening and when he was going to open his mouth to

protest and ask for an explanation he was slapped very hard on the face

and shouting at him he was told to get naked if he didn`t want be

brutally punished in front of his betters, all his friends were

surprised at the degrading spectacle that was unfolded in front of them

and their first reaction was to get away from the boy fallen in disgrace

that now he was not more than a despicable slave without social value,

but before that the boy could react again was brutally slapped on the

face and again was told to get naked and that he did it fast.

The black haired boy didn`t have more option but obey despite that he

wanted to ask why they were doing that to him, but after the painful

punishment on his face and head he didn`t dare to say a word and with

trembling hands he began to unbuttoning his shirt in front of the

attentive look of those that until few moments a go had been his friends

and now were his betters, and once he took off his shirt, he took off

his t-shirt and now his torso and back were naked while the commensals

looked with interest at the juvenile body that was undressing, then he

bend forwards to take off his shoes and socks and once barefoot he began

to unfasten his trousers and only a tiny withe bikini was covering part

of his buttocks, balls and cock although the top part of his ass crack

and the part where his buttocks joined his legs was uncovered in

addition that the bulge that his cock and balls made on the thin fabric

was notorious, though his cock was perfectly delineated in ascending

form on the underpants, and despite that he had been told to be

completely naked he didn`t take off his underpants, so one of the SP

agents spanked him in a hard and noise way causing that the wretched

boy jumped more for the spank that the hard of it and shouting told him

that he had been told to get naked and that meant that any piece of

cloth had to be on his body, so with great shame the boy began to take

off his underpants under the avid look of his friends and customers

leaving exposed for several seconds his cock ,balls and when the

underparts were on the floor together with the rest of his clothes he

put his hands on his cock and balls and the lower part of his buttocks

to try to cover his nakedness the best that he could, however one of the

SP agents told him to fold neatly his clothes and put them on the chair

where he had been seated and his enslaved buttocks had messed up the

chair, so the boy didn`t had more option but do that and then he left

exposed his shaved balls, his cut cock his trimmed pubes and his

buttocks and even when bending over to pick up his clothes his hairless

anus causing that the free citizens call him names and catcalls for his

shameless attitude to get naked in front of them, but for the shame that

he was feeling he wanted to cry but he could muster enough self-control

not to do it and avoid being more humiliated than he was being in those


Once his clothes were neatly folded on the chair he was told to put his

hands on the back part of his head and he went out to the shopping

center main aisle where a crowd had been reunited to see the show about

how were humiliated the people that had lost their freedom, and one of

the SP agents asked to those that until few seconds a go had been his

friends is someone wanted to keep the slave's clothes and belongings

and one of the girls said that he wanted them because she wanted take

them to the slave family, so an SP guard gave her a plastic bag and when

the new and humiliated slave that was about to leave the restaurant was

forced to go back, to put what had been his clothes and belongings

into the bag and avoiding that a free citizens getting her hands dirty

with the clothed that he had worn, so again the commensals had an

excellent view of the wretched slave's cock, balls and buttocks that

had to go back keeping his hands on the back of his head, and once his

clothes were in the bag he had to thanked the girl for her kindness to

keep his disgusting clothes and he again went out of the establishment

with his hands on the back of his head, and he was reunited with other

fifteen males and three females more that like him had been enslaved and

they were waiting naked at the sight of all the free citizens that were

in the shopping center at the main hallway that the SP agents ended to

check the center, and then be take out by the main door and put into a

truck destined to transport pigs and would take them to the Slaves

Processing Center (SPC) where they would be put on sale, and the females

were put in the lower part of the truck that was dived in three sections

and the free citizens could be seen the truck's cargo area, and the

males in the middle and top part of the ruck, but they have to board the

truck in full fours leaving exposed their bodies' most intimate parts

because the trucks division didnt allow that the wretched boys and

girls felt in disgrace could be stand, only they could be on full fours

or lying down, so when climbing the ramp that had been put to go into

the truck by the rear door they had to do it in full fours, and the

truck didn`t have cages and once being in the section that corresponded

to them could be mixed with the other slaves and they were looking for

be in the middles section to be more protected from the sight of the

pedestrian and car drivers that call them names and catcalls wherever

the truck was passing by.

The slave was bought by one of his father's friends, and for the young

slave shame and humiliation his masters allows his former family to

abuse him sexually, and in this moment the slave is being fucked by his

former father and one of his former brothers is waiting his turn too,

and the slave can't do something to stop it, but his secret that

already had been fucked was discovered when he was put on sale in the

SPC since when he was checked by the SP agents they discovered that his

anus wasn`t as tight as a virginal anus should be, so for his shame

while he was offered on sale naked in a public auction was mentioned

that situation and as was expected his sale price dropped dramatically,

and always he`s wondering why that fat and disgusting director that took

his virginity didn`t do something to help him but what never he's

going to know is precisely that that director enjoy taking the cherries

of the male students that believed that were going to be enslaved, and

how he despised cheaters simply he enjoyed of their virginals bodies and

then allow that they sank in that world of desperation and humiliation,

and this boy for fool not only gave his virginity, but also he wasn`t in

danger to be enslaved because his grades were good, and he was enslaved

because the fat directive accused him to commit fraud and the boy

couldn`t do nothing to defend himself because he never knew what the

directive that had taken his cherry and on which he had trusted had


Next: Chapter 606: Chicos Infibulados 13

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