Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 2, 2023


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These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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A new group of naked slaves are descending into the raving where soon are going to be chained by their overseers to a cylinders and make that the water goes up to a Slavic king luxury castle.

All these slaves are spies that were sent by their different countries to try to make collapse the king and then can have the wealth of that place, because is full of precocious stones and has a big quantity of the called precious metals deposits.

Each one of these spies went into the country as tourist or people that was going to work for foreign companies, but without diplomatic immunity since they didnt want have restrictions when they needed to move when they were doing all the job related with the espionage activities, in addition that the other countries governments didnt want to be involved in illegal activities and then have to face a diplomatic conflict with the kingdom.

Each year disappeared many of the spies that were sent by the different governments and when their countries reclaimed about what had happened with them using their families, only the kingdom authorities said that they had abandoned the country by land and they showed with false documents when they had gone out and from that moment wasn't the kingdom responsibility what had happened to them out of its territory, and the countries couldn`t said anything because they knew perfectly that their spies had been caught in their illegal activities and had been arrested, but what happened with them was a complete mystery and they supposed that they had lost their life when the kingdom government decided get rid of them, because they simply disappeared without knowing the cruel destiny that was awaiting to the wretched young spies which nothing was known once they disappeared.

But the spies that were arrested carrying out their illegal activities were taken to a place where the kingdom's secret police had access, and there they were stripped and put into to individual cages where for days they were caged without can move or go out and they didnt have more option but piss and shit in the cage and they couldnt change position, because they were on full fours or they were seated and applying this torture for several days was more than enough to break them and make them obey without resisting when they were taking out from the cages.

However due to the pestilence that was in that room that came from the urine, the excrement, sweat and many times for the vomit the guards seldom went in and leave that the naked enslaved spies that were serving there, were who be in charge to be working in that huge room where even there wasn`t any kind of ventilation and to check that all was done as they wanted they had surveillance cameras which transmitted all what was happening in the room, and for the wretched slaves both those that served and those that were caged being there was maddening because even they could see how turds were expelled from the other slaves' anuses that were caged and how the urine went out from their cocks and their body wastes could be there for hours until the secret police agents ordered to the slaves that were working there to be removed, and despite that many slaves kept the hope that their governments were going to rescue them the slaves that worked there were in charge to finished with that hope.

While the slaves were caged also was practiced to their bodies something which they finished with the few strength that they might have to fight, because vets that were enslaved doctors that also were kept naked, practiced in their bodies a procedure named infibulation, and this procedure was applied on all the slaves that were going to be taken out from the cages to be send to serve the king at the different properties that he had, and still caged they were taken into a room where they were taken out and were cleaned by jets of waters with disinfectant and once they were cleaned they were seated in chairs with stirrups where they were tied up, and the new enslaved were so grateful that they were out of that confined space that was the cage that they didn`t fight without knowing that something worst for their manhood was waiting them.

When all the slaves were immobilized on the chairs with their legs opened a naked vet went into the room and began to infibulate the slaves, the first that he did was opened the slaves' legs as much as possible leaving completed exposed their anuses, balls and cocks, and then whit special clamps that were red for the heat he practiced two piercings one at the tip of the foreskin and the other in the back area where the glans ended, this made the slaves scream begging that they stopped that torment but of course it didnt happen and this made that the other slaves began to beg for compassion although they didnt know what they were doing to their fellow slave, but for their experience in the cage they knew that it wasn`t something good.

Once the glans and foreskin in both sides were pierced a titanium tiny pieces and screw were screwed, leaving the prepuce attached to the glands without the possibility to retract and thereby was impossible have a hard on since at the moment that the prepuce tried to retract when it can`t do it pulled itself causing a very intense pain, and this a part to leave the glans completely exposed avoided that the slaves could have an erection unless the metallic pieces were removed and unscrewed by tinny Allen keys.

Once the infibulation was over the slaves were loaded into the trucks that were destined to transport cattle and therefore they were exposed to the population so the inhabitants of that kingdom knew that they were safe thanks to the secret police surveillance and that their life style was not threatened, the former spies were traumatized because after to live with all the comfort that their governments provided them in both their own countries and in this case in the kingdom suddenly they have to face the hard reality to be treated as animals being exhibited completely naked in public and being send to a destination without knowing what was awaiting them, while the citizens made fun of them before they reached their destination and even the transport could stop in their way in the towns and cities public squares to exhibit them to the inhabitants and especially the males, which they could touch them and even inspect them so their humiliation still was bigger and their situation more maddening, and even though many of them knew that when they were captured would disappear and never again would know about them, other kept the hope to be rescued by their government and be free again but very soon for their desperation they would discover that was not to happen.

A group of naked infibulates slaves after have walked completely naked through the forest have arrived to their destination and now they are going down to the deepest part of the glen, all of them are white boys and their hair color goes from black to blond and their age range goes from twenty to twenty five years old, but these slaves that pretended to be from students until entrepreneurs but unfortunately for them they were discovered by the secret police, and despite that they are happy to have abandoned the stinky place where they had been kept for several days caged and forced to shit and pee being caged and have to endure that stinky smell, and that even other slaves had to wipe their holes in addition to have had to face the humiliation to be infibulated and exhibited in towns and cities publicly and they think that something worse can't happen to them, little they know that their lives are going to be the same or worst that they had caged, because after swimming several hundred meters by the narrow river some slaves with sticks hitting them are going to force them to go out of the river and from there be put into the caves that are under the kings luxury castle where they will have to serve as slaves.

All these slaves still have the tan lines on their buttocks and their privates parts and most of them are handsome and with beautiful buttocks and all of them have excellent bodies although the cocks sizes varies because they go from some very big to other with child size, they'll have to serve their master pushing very heavy round stones like mills and they are going to be chained to the poles that go out from them, and although can't be seen they had huge pieces of timber that are under the cave where they are and from where a underground mighty river goes, and with the circular movement or the stones and the huge pieces of timber or metal they are going to push the water into the castle's underground pipes, and from there is going to go up hundreds of meters to the castle's water deposits, by other slaves efforts that like the others they are going to be chained to huge timber or metal cylinders and they'll have to push down with their legs and up with their hands, and the slaves are going to be changed constantly so they can work on both water pumping instruments, and the horrors that are awaiting them is that they will have to shit and pee in the place where they're working or sleeping, and his body wastes are going to be picked up by themselves when they are taken out from the underground cells where they are going to be locked to rest or the place where they are servicing pushing the heavy mills and cylinders to pump the water to the castle, and give their master and his guests that many times are going to be the members of their diplomatic representations, or even their own presidents and their governmental representations all the comfort by their suffering, and they never again are going to see the sun again unless they are taken out from the caves to be sold, and they are going to serve as sexual toys to their overseers or the enslaved foremen, and only they are going to be able to have some pleasure when they are awarded removing the titanium screws so they can have a hard on and have the opportunity to fuck other slave.

Next: Chapter 608: El Concurso Millonario 42

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